Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 465

"Empress, your majesty is coming."

Said a maid.

Wang Ling nodded and continued to wait.

Shangguan Wan'er and Fenghuang are also at the side of Wang Ling. As imperial concubines, they must meet their husband outside the palace.

Wang Ling three people all look forward to, excited waiting for the arrival of Li Xian.

Sure enough, they didn't wait long before they saw a luxurious carriage coming, surrounded by hundreds of elite imperial guards.

The carriage stopped.

Li Xian and a woman came down, Wang Ling and others know that this woman is Chen Fei Diao Chan.

"See your majesty, long live, long live."

Wang Ling and others are on the road.

"Love imperial concubine, don't be too polite, all flat body."

Li Xian helped Wang Lingdao up.

"Thank you, sir."

They said immediately.

"See the queen."

Diao Chan said respectfully to Wang Ling.

Diao Chan won't look arrogant and superior just because he has been trusted by his majesty Li Xian.

"You're welcome, sister. We're a family."

Wang Ling said with a smile.

"I've met two sisters."

Diao Chan faces Shangguan Wan'er and Fenghuang Dao.

"Sister, don't be polite. We are a family. Just serve your majesty together."

Shangguan Wan'er said.

Diao Chan nodded.

Li Xian looked at their harmony and nodded with a smile.

"Come on, let's go home."

"It's your majesty."

They said immediately.

Then Li Xian and others entered the palace.

For the emperor, the palace is his small home, and the whole world is his "everyone".

However, the family is warm. Li Xian can enjoy life only when he returns to the palace.

Li Xian believes that di Renjie and other important officials will be able to handle many important affairs in the imperial court.

Now the most important thing is that Li Xian must pay close attention to his own cultivation, and even his Empress and concubines must take time to practice.

Even if they can't be the best in the world, they should always be with themselves.

For a long time, Wang Ling and other people's cultivation speed is relatively fast, the best skills and superior medicine supply, make them all step into the Wuzong territory strong.

With the return of Li Xian, the whole city of Chang'an is full of vitality, and all the officials work hard.

With the passage of time, Zhou Yu, Cao Cao and others are all integrated into the rhythm of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang's wealth and strength shocked them all.

In particular, the high-yield crops of Datang made it possible for almost no victims in Datang and all people to have enough to eat.

Today, according to Li Xian's will, the Ministry of household affairs wants to make the whole Datang territory free of disaster victims, and the high-yield crops of Datang should also spread all over most parts of the country.

Li Xian believed that before long, when the Tang Dynasty attacked, all the original Han Empire would keep up with the Tang Dynasty.

With the increase of the aura of heaven and earth in the whole Tang Dynasty, many people practice martial arts effectively, and even many people break through to the realm they did not dare to imagine before.

In the past, super first-class congenital realm was their inevitable pursuit. Now many of them have reached the congenital realm and are charging towards Wuzong realm and Wuwang realm.

Everyone knows that all these changes are due to his majesty. The people of the Tang Dynasty worship and respect his majesty even more.

Three years, say long not long, say short not short, in a twinkling of an eye.

In the past three years, Li Xian also took Wang Ling, Shangguan Wan'er, Fenghuang, Xue Jinlian, Diao Chan and others to travel around the mountains and rivers. At the same time, he made a thorough investigation and sympathized with the people.

Li Xian doesn't want to stay in the palace all the time and review the memorials. The things in the memorials are generally good things.

In these three years, the development of the whole Tang Dynasty was unprecedented, and even the speed of development was far beyond the imagination of the officials. They all felt that the strength of the Tang Dynasty was very strong.

Zhou Yu and others are most impressed by this. They have been stunned by the rapid development of Datang in the past three years.

"Ladies and gentlemen, since I ascended the throne, our Datang has been developing rapidly every day, even beyond everyone's imagination. Especially in the past three years, with the increase of the aura of heaven and earth, our Datang has stepped into a high-speed development

"However, compared with the powerful clan and Dynasty, our Tang Dynasty is still very weak, and even has no master of building foundation. For the future of our Tang Dynasty, I hope that Qing and others can not slack off, and they should do their duty and contribute to the strength of the Tang Dynasty." ..