Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 462

Yuan Tan fled to Yecheng with 50000 troops. Yuan Tan was the first to escape. Of course, the Tang army did not choose to pursue him.

Yuan Tan breathed a sigh of relief and finally escaped by himself. His father, several ministers and dozens of foreign generals were probably all captured or even killed by the Tang army.

Then the throne is his own, as long as he quickly return to Yecheng, then the throne must be at hand.

"The whole army should speed up and move on. We must return to Yecheng in the shortest possible time."

Yuan Tan ordered.

"Yes, your highness."

They all know what Yuan Tan will do when he returns to Yecheng this time, but they will all choose to support him. Once Yuan Tan ascends the throne, it will be a blessing for them. Their status will rise.

But how can Yuan Tan easily ascend the throne?

Can Yuan Tan ever fight the match that is defending in Yecheng?

How can Yuan Tan be allowed to ascend the throne unless he can get the imperial edict.

But can Yuan Tan get the imperial edict?

This is a very clear thing, Yuan Tan did not almost get the imperial edict.

Two days later, a general was the first to return to Yecheng. He rushed directly to the residence of Yuan Shang. The general was a close friend of Yuan Shang.

But he knew that among yuan Shang's forces, he was undoubtedly the most capable.

"General Wang, how did you come back?"

The judge frowned.

"My Lord, the state of Yan is defeated. I'm afraid your majesty is gone. At last, your majesty said that he wanted his three Highnesses to succeed to the throne."

General Wang said.


The judge was surprised.

Yan failed?

And he lost so badly that his majesty died.

"My Lord, your highness is the first to escape. Your majesty is very angry, but he has tens of thousands of troops, and I'm afraid he wants to return to Yecheng to seize power."

General Wang said.

"I see. You go down first."

It's the way of match.

"Yes, my Lord."

Now that Yuan Shao left the trial and match in Yecheng, the power of trial and match in Yecheng was absolutely the highest.

Immediately, the judge gave an order to close the gate directly, and no army was allowed to enter the city.

Later, the judge went to Yuan Shang's residence. Yuan Shang himself had to unify the matter, so that the judge could continue to do it, otherwise it would be helpless.

Immediately the judge came out of Yuan Shang's residence. Yuan Shang had only one instruction, that is, he must make sure that Yuan Shao was dead, or he would not be able to ascend the throne.

Yuan Shang is very smart in this point. If Yuan Shao returns to Yecheng, it is definitely not good news for him, and he will even be executed directly by Yuan Shao.

In fact, it's the same way that the judge and match think. The judge and match will not do this when they commit suicide.

Sure enough, half a day later, Yuan Tan led the army back to Yecheng.

"Open the gate."

Yuan Tan said in a loud voice.

In Yuan Tan, he wanted to be the prince of Yan. As long as he opened the gate, he would be able to open it. At that time, he led a large army to occupy the Imperial Palace, and the world could decide.

But he miscalculated.

"Zhongshu orders that no one should enter the city."

A general said at once.

"Presumptuous, do you know that the prince of Dayan kingdom is standing in front of you?"

The next general in the city said angrily.

"Brother, can't you wait? I've heard that my father passed the throne on to you and me, not to you. You rebellious son, you have fled the battlefield in spite of your father's safety. Everyone will be killed. "

Yuan Shang roared.

"Ha ha ha! Yuan Shang, your news is really fast! Yes, I'm the first to escape, but I'm alive. My father, Lord Xu you and Lord sew Ji are all dead. Now I have 50000 elite troops. What do you have? "

"Yuan Shang, if you are wise, open the gate of the city immediately and surrender to me. Otherwise, the day when the city is broken will be your death."

Yuan Tan said angrily.

"It's up to you to see if you don't have that ability again."

Yuan Shang said angrily.

Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, two people, a slap in the face of the elite in hand, one sitting in Yecheng.

They didn't talk about peace. Yuan Tan didn't choose to attack the city, but prepared to attack the city the next day.

But they didn't have a general view. It was the same in history and this time. Would the Tang army allow Yan to continue to exist?

Sure enough, three days later, the main force of Tang army came to Yecheng.

Yue Fei and other generals find that the two brothers of the yuan family are really fighting. It's also funny that they are still thinking about infighting at this time. It's incredible.

Later, Yue Fei ordered the Tang army to attack. Yuan Tan was so scared that he ordered the army to retreat around Yecheng. He did not dare to confront the Tang army.But how could he escape once?

Finally, just half an hour later, Yecheng was destroyed, Yuan Shang and yuan family officials were almost all slaughtered, Yuan Tan was also killed by Zhao Yun, and Yuan Xi, of course, was not able to escape the butcher's knife of the Tang army.

At this moment, he swore that the state of Yan had perished. ..