Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 452

Liu Bei watched as Cao Cao and Zhou Yu ordered the army to retreat one after another, and immediately ordered the whole army to retreat.

At Liu Bei's command, all the remaining 60000 troops followed Liu Bei and retreated toward the north, hoping to get rid of the Tang army and move eastward to Xuzhou.

Unfortunately, the Tang army began to pursue the Shu army crazily. The forbidden army and the Tianlong army ignored Cao Jun and Wu Jun, and directly followed the Shu army to pursue the mountain crazily.

And Zhang Fei and others want to chase, but Chang Yuchun refused to let them have a good rest.

In fact, Chang Yuchun is also taking preventive measures. Once Zhang Fei and others catch up with Liu Bei, they are likely to let Liu Bei go. After all, Liu Bei is their old master.

Dian Wei, Zhan Zhao, Qiao Feng and ye Gucheng, who led the army to pursue and kill the Shu army, would not connive at all. They were the most loyal generals of the Tang Dynasty, loyal to the Tang Dynasty and his majesty, and would never do anything against the Tang Dynasty.

Liu Bei watched the Tang army follow them and kill them. Liu Bei had an impulse to curse his mother.

Why don't you go after Cao Cao and Zhou Yu just because you are the best bully now?


Now we can only take Shu first, then destroy Wu, and then move to Wei. I believe that we will soon be able to take the whole Han Empire into the arms of Tang Dynasty.

Most of the infantry in Shu army chose to surrender, but the soldiers escaped without surrender.

There are only more than 20000 cavalry escorting Liu Bei to flee madly.

In the first half of his life, Liu Bei had been on the run and never had a place to live. It was not until he came to Jingzhou and got Zhuge Liang's loyalty that Liu Bei completely changed his situation and his career became stronger and stronger. Especially under Zhuge Liang's stratagem, he annexed the whole Jingzhou and became a real dragon.

Then he marched into Yizhou and got the title of emperor. Liu Bei was regarded as the dragon and Phoenix among the people.

But Liu Bei is a hypocrite after all. After his success, he wants to eliminate his dissidents and even attack his sworn brothers. Such a king, especially before the world is stable, will inevitably make people feel very different and eventually lead to serious consequences.

"Your Majesty, I will lead a large army to stop the pursuit for a while. Your majesty, go quickly."

Chen Dao looks at countless Tang jundao.


In an instant, Liu Bei led hundreds of the most elite Pro army to the north.

Chen Dao, on the other hand, led more than 20000 troops to form a battle formation to fight against the Tang army and gain valuable escape time for Liu Bei.

Dian Wei and other generals, of course, discovered this move of the Shu army, and immediately the Tang army rushed directly to the enemy.

The earth shaking sound of the horse's hooves sounded, and the soldiers of Tang army were all in high spirits. They raised their butcher knives to the soldiers of Shu army, trying to kill Liu Bei's last army.

Immediately countless screams came, making people shudder.

However, Liu Bei continued to move forward without expression, and did not dare to stay.

In Liu Bei's eyes, Chen Dao has to fight for his precious time. His death is valuable.

Immediately, the Tianlong soldiers under Qiao Feng, Zhan Zhao and ye Gucheng tore a hole and quickly continued to pursue Liu Bei.

And Dian Wei decided to destroy Liu Bei's loyal army first, breaking Liu Bei's mind.


With Dian Wei's military order issued, all the imperial guards began to hang quickly, but Liu Bei's army did not choose to surrender, not that they were very loyal to Liu Bei, in fact, it was all thanks to Chen Dao.

Chen Dao watched a soldier die under the butcher's knife of the Tang army. He was almost in tears. He didn't know whether his choice was right?

Whether his monarch can escape or not, he has only one year in mind, that is, to fight to the end of the war.

Dian Wei saw that the army had never thought of surrendering. He also ordered a massacre.

At the same time, Qiao Feng and others also catch up with Liu Bei.

Liu Bei's chariots are very powerful. He has thrown off hundreds of Pro army troops. However, compared with the chariots in the Tang army, there is still a big gap.

Liu Bei saw that the Tang army had solved his proud Pro army, and he did not continue to run. He knew that he could not run this time.

As a hero, I can see the situation clearly.

"Liu Xuande, I want you to be an emperor. I'll give you a chance to commit suicide."

Zhan Zhao said faintly.

Liu Bei knew that he had no choice but to commit suicide because he didn't want to die without a whole body. However, Liu Bei had no chance to enjoy the emperor's funeral.

Liu Bei stabbed his sword into his heart.

A generation of heroes will fall. ..