Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 450

Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong looked at each other, and immediately ordered the whole army to return to the camp and prepare to guard the camp.

Huang Zhong doesn't think it's anything, but Zhang Fei is very unwilling. Why?

He used to come as he wanted, but when he was in the Tang army, he had to carry out other people's orders. Zhang Fei was very uncomfortable, but he chose to compromise.

After Zhang Fei's army all retreated into the camp, Wu army was killed, and it was the most powerful army in Wu army.

At this time, Huang and Zhang Fei looked at each other and knew the significance of Chang Yuchun's move.

At the same time, I am very grateful to Chang Yuchun. If Chang Yuchun had not ordered them to enter the camp just now, I'm afraid it would be too late for them to retreat.

The number of Wu's troops is almost double that of Liu Bei's. Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong know exactly what the figure is.

If they did not withdraw their troops just now, they would have suffered heavy losses. Once Liu Bei and Wu Jun united, they would not be able to stop them.

"Thank you, General Wang."

Huang Zhong said to General Wang.

"General Huang doesn't have to be polite."

General Wang said with a smile.

In fact, Huang Zhong knew that Chang Yuchun was a very good general with integrity. Otherwise, he would not have to give orders to himself and Zhang Fei, let alone send reinforcements to support him.

However, he and Zhang Fei's army will definitely suffer heavy losses, so Huang Zhong is very grateful to General Chang Yuchun.


Immediately, under the leadership of general Gan Ning, Tai Shi Ci, Zhou Tai, the soldiers of Wu army launched an attack on the camp of Tang army, while LV Meng stood with Liu Bei and constantly dispatched troops to fight.

In fact, there is another meaning, that is to supervise Liu Bei and let Liu Bei go all out.

Liu Bei is extremely treacherous. Lu Meng is afraid that Liu Bei will not work hard at this opportunity, and let their Wu Army take the lead.

Sure enough, LV Meng's conjecture was confirmed, and the speed of Shu army's advance was one grade lower than that of Wu army.

"Liu Xuande, our army has come to help you. Why don't you do your best?"

Lu Meng said in a cold voice.

In fact, Liu Bei knew that he would be destroyed by Cao Cao and Zhou Yu after the coalition won, so Liu Bei kept his strength again and again, just like just now, Liu Bei didn't let his pro army join in the battle.

Although Liu Bei's Pro army has only 10000 people, they are all the most elite Danyang soldiers, which is definitely not comparable to the general army.

"Lv Meng, I'm really trying my best. You misunderstood me."

Liu Bei is also good at telling lies.

"Liu Xuande, since you insist on this, most of our supervisors are blind and come to help you. We will withdraw immediately. Our general will see how you can explain to Cao Cao and our governor?"

Lu Meng said in a loud voice.

"Wait a minute."

Liu Bei is in a hurry.

Once Lu Meng led the army to withdraw, he would be more passive.

"Chen Dao, you should lead the whole army to attack at once. You must take down the Tang army camp as soon as possible."

Liu Bei ordered.

"I will comply with the order."

Chen said immediately.

Lu Meng also showed a smile. As long as Liu Bei does his best and adds 200000 Wu troops, I believe he will be able to open a gap from here and attack the Tang army camp in a short time.

Liu Bei also sat down on the ground. He knew that he was completely finished, and he might not be able to conquer the Tang camp.

In addition, even if he conquers the Tang army camp, it is not good news for him.

But Liu Bei can only choose to cooperate with Cao Cao and Zhou Yu. Only in this way can he make Guan Yu and Zhang Fei regret their decision.

But how can Liu Bei know that Guan Yu will not regret it anyway. Guan Yu has seen through Liu Bei's hypocrisy for a long time, but he has never made the right choice.

And Zhang Fei is a person who has details in the rough. He doesn't know what his choice means?

Liu Bei really thought it was too simple, or he just comforted himself.

Ten miles outside Wuling City, an army was advancing rapidly. Dian Wei, the commander of the Imperial Army, and Qiao Feng, ye Gucheng and Zhan Zhao, the three national protection generals of the Tianlong army, were all leading the army.

Although they believe in Chang Yuchun's ability, they still have some worries. After all, the coalition has more than 800000 troops.

But they arrived at the battlefield immediately, and at the same time they ordered the troops to slow down and recover their strength.

In less than half an hour, they came to the battlefield, but no one found out. All the spies of the enemy were cleaned up by the soldiers of the Tianlong army. When they found that the Allied forces had not made much progress, Dianwei ordered the whole army to repair.

Half an hour later, Dianwei and other generals launched a charge against the enemy. ..