Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 446

Diao Chan?

Li Xian, the most beautiful woman in the Three Kingdoms, is still perfect and has not been discovered.

Who doesn't like beautiful women?

As the master of Tang Dynasty, does Li Xian like beautiful women?

Of course, I like Diao Chan very much. Of course, Li Xian likes Diao Chan very much. It's a blessing to get her.

Later, Li Xian issued a decree to reward Yue Fei, Li cunxiao and other generals. Tang Dynasty could continue to grow and make great contributions. Without the contributions of Yue Fei and others, it would be impossible for Tang Dynasty to achieve such achievements.



When the news that Luoyang was conquered by the Tang army for half an hour came to Yecheng, Yuan Shao and others were all surprised, even shocked incomparably. They never thought that the strength of the Tang army was so strong.

What kind of army can conquer the majestic Luoyang City in such a short time? They can't imagine the strength of the Tang army. For a moment, everyone was very sorry.

If I had known that, I should have directly supported Luoyang on that day, at least to ensure that Luoyang would not be lost.

But now it's too late to say anything. It's too late.

The Tang army conquered Luoyang City, so who is the next target of the Tang army?

The answer is obviously that they must be the kingdom of Dayan, because the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu are fighting against the Tang army in Jingzhou.

The purpose of the Tang army is to fight with their four kingdoms at the same time and destroy them at one stroke.

Although they think this is a very ridiculous thing, Tang Jun really has this strength, at least from the current point of view, the strength of the Tang Dynasty is by no means that Yan can compete with them.

But they can only fight with the Tang army. Don't they fight and surrender?

This is obviously an impossible thing. It is impossible for them to give up their rights.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what should we do now?"

Yuan Shao looks at him

now Yuan Shao finally knows that he is wrong. He should not listen to Xu you and others' opinions, but should listen to Tian Feng's opinions. However, Tian Feng has already been put in prison. What's the reason for him to let Tian Feng out?

Do you admit that you are wrong?

This is even more impossible. This is Yuan Shao, who is very conceited but does not know how to advance or retreat.

"Your Majesty, now we should seize the Hulao pass as soon as possible. As long as the Hulao pass is in our hands, it is very difficult for the Tang army to attack our Yan kingdom."

It's the way of match.

"The minister seconded it."

Feng Jidao.

"I agree."

Xu you road.

"My son's minister seconded."

Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang were Taoists almost at the same time.

"The minister and others seconded."

Strange courtiers speak in unison.

"Well, where is Yan Liang?"

Yuan shaodao.

"I'm here."

Yan Liang said in a loud voice.

"You immediately lead 100000 troops and go to Hulao pass as soon as possible. You must guard Hulao pass. I will then lead a million troops to support you."

Yuan shaodao.

"Chen Lingzhi."

Yan Liang said immediately.

"It was ordered that the army should gather at Yecheng as soon as possible and prepare to go to hulaoguan to fight with the Tang army."

Liu Bei, Cao Cao and Zhou Yu were lost in thought. They were just discussing how to defeat the Tang army, but they received a news that shocked them all. For a moment, they seemed to have forgotten what they were doing.

It was Cao Cao who first broke the silence.

"Xuande and Gongjin, the Tang Dynasty is really powerful! In a flash, they conquered Chang'an and Tongguan. In the end, they conquered Luoyang in half an hour. It's really terrible. "

"Yes! The strength of the Tang army is totally beyond our imagination. We must speed up our efforts to eat the Tang army in front of us and tell the world that we are invincible. "

Liu Bei is right.

"I agree with Xuande that we must take action as soon as possible to conquer the Tang army camp at once."

"The Tang army has not moved for days. I believe it must be waiting for their reinforcements. Once the reinforcements arrive, we may not have a chance."

Zhou Yu said.

"There's another news. I believe you can see that Guan Yu appeared in the north and even worked for Datang. In other words, Zhang Fei surrendered to Datang sincerely."

"I'm afraid the intelligence of the Tang Dynasty is very good. We must act as soon as possible. We can't give the Tang army a breath."

"Good! Then we will immediately dispatch troops to attack the Tang army camp directly, and attack the Tang army camp regardless of casualties. "

Zhou Yu said sternly.

"It should be."

Liu Bei also said.

This time they will not play any careful thinking, all will do their best to attack the Tang army camp, do not give the Tang army a chance to breathe.Because they were forced to. ..