Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 441

In Chengdu, Li Xian soon got a letter from Yue Fei. As expected, Yue Fei and Li cunxiao won Liangzhou and soon conquered the capital of the Han Empire.

Now, Xue Rengui and Mei Changsu are on their way to Chengdu. Once Xu Rengui and Mei Changsu arrive in Chengdu, Li Xian will drive to Jingzhou.

According to the news of the royal guards, now the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu have united and sent a large number of troops to Jingzhou. I'm afraid that before long, the enemy forces in Jingzhou will reach millions.

So it's really difficult for Chang Yuchun's 200000 troops to resist. Even if they can defeat the Allied forces of Wei, Shu and Wu, they will pay a heavy price. This is not what Li Xian wants to see.

How precious are the lives of Tang soldiers? How can they be trampled by the enemy.

Li Xian believes that Xue Rengui and Mei Changsu will soon arrive.


Tongguan is known as the first pass in the world. It is a very magnificent pass, and it is a very difficult pass to conquer.

Since ancient times, Tongguan's status is very high, even hulaoguan can't compare with it, so we can see the status of Tongguan.

Gao Shun, the general of Tongguan, was a great general, and was a strong man in the early stage of King Wu's kingdom. He was only half a step away from the middle stage of King Wu's kingdom.

Gao Shun was a well disciplined general who didn't drink. He had thousands of elite soldiers under his command. He was the most elite army in the Han Empire.

But this time Gao Shun will eventually fail, because he is facing the arrogant Tang army.

"General, Chang'an urgent report."

The deputy general came running.

Gao Shun immediately took over Tang Bao and opened it. He was even more shocked. There was an army attacking Chang'an City, and it turned out to be Tang.

Can general Zhang Liao hold it? Gao Shun has a little but a little heart.

Although Gao Shun did not know the strength of the Tang army? However, if we can call it an empire, our strength is definitely not comparable to that of today's Great Han Empire.

The current strength of the Han Empire can only produce 200000 troops. Even the strength of the Yan kingdom is inferior to that of the Tang Dynasty.

Gao Shun immediately ordered all the soldiers to get ready quickly, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Tang army.

However, Gao Shun still hoped that Lu Bu could lead reinforcements to arrive as soon as possible, otherwise once Tongguan was lost, the Han Empire would be doomed.

Half an hour later, Gao Shun got the news that Chang'an city was lost. General Zhang Liao only insisted on it for half an hour. At this moment, Gao Shun looked very dignified.

General Zhang Liao's ability is known by Gao Shun. He is a stronger general than himself. He has to keep his head steady in both commanding and unifying the army.

But Chang'an City guarded by Zhang Liao was conquered by the Tang army within half an hour. It seems that the strength of the Tang army is beyond our imagination.

Immediately, Gao Shun wrote an urgent Tang Bao to the imperial court, saying that Chang'an city had been lost, and asked the imperial court to quickly send troops to help Tongguan.

But what Gao Shun didn't expect was that he had lost Tongguan before the reinforcements arrived.

Half a day later.

Gao Shun was even more shocked when the army of the four hundred thousand Tang Dynasty came to pass. He never thought that there should be such a powerful army in the world with strict military discipline, neat steps and great momentum, which is not comparable to his own army.

But Gao Shun can only choose to fight.

Immediately the Tang army launched an attack, and Yue Fei took command.

Li cunxiao, Guo Ziyi, Guan Yu and other generals all led the Tang army to launch a charge.

Tongguan is a natural danger, but in the face of ten times their own enemy, and a number of strong King Wu, Tongguan also has little strength to fight back.

In just ten minutes, Tongguan fell and Gao Shun was captured.

The news of Tongguan's fall spread to the world at a very fast speed.

The imperial court of the Han Dynasty was the first to get the news. Everyone was shocked, especially Lv Bu.

Lu Bu knew Gao Shun's ability, but he didn't expect that Tongguan would be easily broken by the Tang army, which was amazing.

"Lord situ, what shall we do now?"

Lu Bu also had no idea.

"I immediately ordered Yuan Shao, the emperor of the state of Yan, to bring troops to support us."

Wang yundao.

Now we can only ask Yuan Shao for support. After all, the troops of Wei, Shu and Wu are all moving towards Jingzhou. It is said that they are also fighting against the Tang Dynasty.

But what Wang Yun didn't expect was that Yuan Shao didn't bring troops to support him.

Two days later, Yuan Shao of Yecheng received an order from the Great Han Dynasty hall in Luoyang, and immediately called the officials to discuss.

Xu you, Tian Feng, Xie Ji, Shen Pei and other officials.

"All love Qing is flat." ..