Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 433

"Liu Bei, what are you going to do?"

Lu Xun Dao.

"General Boyan, I hope you can join me in persuading general Cao Ren of the state of Wei to unite with us to fight against the Tang Dynasty."

"It's obviously unrealistic for our two countries to fight against Datang. After all, Datang's strength is beyond our imagination."

Liu Bei is right.

Lu Xun took a deep breath. If sun Qian's words are exaggerated, I'm afraid that the strength of the Tang Dynasty is much stronger than I imagined.

"Liu Bei, I promise you that I will write a letter to LV Meng of Xiangyang City as soon as possible. I believe LV Meng will make the choice we want. It depends on whether general Cao Ren agrees or not."

"Don't worry! I know about Cao Ren. He is a general who understands justice and right and wrong. He knows that this is the trend of the times and he will agree with it. "

Immediately Lu Xun and Liu Bei separated. Their hearts were very heavy, even very heavy. They were going to face the enemy that they had never met before, Datang.

When they heard the name, they were frightened.

I'm afraid it was during the heyday of the Han Empire and the period of Emperor Hanwu that we had the chance to fight against the Tang Dynasty. It was just a chance.

When Lu Xun returned to Wuling City, he immediately wrote to Sun Quan of Jianye and LV Meng of Xiangyang City, explaining that it was Sun Quan who really made the decision.

If Sun Quan and Cao Cao really agreed to unite with Liu Bei to fight against the great Tang Dynasty, then Zhou Yu, the governor of the great majority, and Cao Cao, the emperor of the state of Wei, would definitely come to the front line in person.

Because Zhou Yu is the most powerful general in Wu state, and Cao Cao, the emperor of Wei state, is a great strategist. I believe he will come to the front line to command the battle.


Three days later.


When Sun Quan looked at the Tang newspaper sent by Lu Xun in Jingzhou, he was speechless for a long time. He was shocked that there was such a powerful empire in the world. It was incredible.

But Sun Quan knew that Lu Xun couldn't talk nonsense. The Tang Dynasty really existed, and he had won most of the territory of Shu.

The fall of the capital of Shu and the surrender of the prime minister and the prince are the disgrace of Shu, Liu Bei and the generals of Shu.

Now, if Shu had not nearly 300000 soldiers to fight, Sun Quan would unite with Cao Wei to destroy Shu and carve up the territory of Shu.

But now it is impossible, Sun Quan also with the help of Liu Bei's strength to defeat the powerful Tang Dynasty.

In Sun Quan's eyes, the great Tang Dynasty is obviously an insurmountable mountain. When Sun Quan thought of the military power of the Great Han Emperor Wu, he thought that the great Tang Dynasty was very difficult to deal with.

Even if Sun Quan thought further than Liu Bei, he might have to unite with the United Kingdom of Yan and the imperial court of the Han Dynasty to gather the five forces to fight against the Tang Dynasty.

At the same time, Sun Quan also made a positive decision. Once the state of Wei agreed to send troops to unite with Shu and Wu to fight against the Tang Dynasty, he immediately ordered Zhou Yu, the governor of the capital, to go to Jingzhou and command hundreds of thousands of Wu troops.

Xu Chang.

Cao Cao looked at Tang Bao and Lu Xun's letters from Cao Ren, as well as Liu Bei's letters.

For the content, Cao Cao took a deep breath and felt the threat.

Even this time, Lu Meng sent someone back to Yu Jin, which was something Cao Cao did not expect.

On the day of Yu Jin's surrender to Guan Yu, LV Meng conquered Jingzhou. Yu Jin admitted that he had fallen into LV Meng's hands. Now he has returned it, which is reasonable.

Although Cao Cao did not say anything, it would be impossible for Yu Jin to lead the army alone in the future.

"Fengxiao, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I believe you have made a decision in your heart."

"Those who know me are filial."

"I still know the truth of the death of lips and the cold of teeth."

"But I still want to hear from you."

"Your Majesty, I think your majesty should order lejin from Hefei to lead a hundred thousand troops to Jingzhou. At the same time, your Majesty must be ready to fight in person."

"In addition, your majesty should be able to write to invite Yan to join the war."

"What you said is very agreeable to me."

"At the same time, I will ask the imperial court for help. I hope Lv Bu can lead his cavalry to support Jingzhou."

But Cao Cao knew that it was impossible for Yuan Shao to send troops to help himself and Liu Bei.

However, efforts should be made.

Cao Cao immediately sent an envoy to Yecheng to meet Yuan Shao and explain his intention.

In just a few days, the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu formed an alliance and were ready to fight against the Tang Dynasty. ..