Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 428

The battle in Wuling county has already begun, but it is obviously difficult for Shu and Wu to decide in a short time, because Lu Xun's method Liu Bei realized.

When Liu Bei realized that he was not Lu Xun's opponent, I'm afraid it was too late. At that time, it was not easy for Liu Bei to quit.

Because the ancient monarch can't admit his mistake, even if he knows he's wrong, he can't admit it.

This is the king, the king does not allow mistakes, so the king will find a servant who carries the pot, otherwise their own prestige will be hit.

But what Liu Bei doesn't know is that his hometown, Chengdu, will be threatened with death immediately.

This is a threat from Datang.

After seven days' long journey, the 400000 Tang army finally came to Chengdu. This scene shocked countless Shu subjects. They never thought that the speed of the Tang army was so fast.

The speed of the Tang army gave them little time to prepare and think.

It's unbelievable that Tang Jun appeared in Chengdu almost quietly.

In fact, when the Tang army appeared in the western border of Shu, the border army of Shu was also very nervous, and even all sent scouts to Chengdu.

But they are all intercepted by the royal guards of Datang. How can the news reach Chengdu?

"Prime minister, what should we do now?"

Jiang Wei was also startled. 400000 Tang troops appeared under Chengdu City. How could they defend Chengdu City.

Others don't know the terrible fighting power of the Tang army. Doesn't Jiang Wei know it?

The horror of the Tang army has made Jiang Wei have little confidence.

"Bo Yue, don't be impatient for a while. There must be a way to the front of the mountain."

Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

Although Zhuge Liang was very worried, his heart was still very calm.

If you are a minister of Shu one day, you will do your duty for the golden bell of Shu one day.

Zhuge Liang is becoming more and more disappointed with Liu Bei. Liu Bei seems to have forgotten his original intention, didn't know his pursuit, and became very snobbish.

Zhuge Liang knew that such a king could not get the world. All the kings who got the world were dragons and phoenixes among people, not ordinary people.

Outside Chengdu, the Tang army had already set up camp. Naturally, the Shu army in the city did not dare to act rashly, or even move a little bit, because they did not know the combat effectiveness of the Tang army.

Even they all felt that they would be able to defend Chengdu, but what they didn't know was that Zhuge Liang and other senior officials of Shu were very worried about the Tang army.

They all know that the terrible fighting power of the Tang army is beyond their comparison.

But ordinary Shu soldiers don't know!

"I agree. You two will fight tomorrow."

"I will obey the order."

Li cunxiao and Chang Yuchun said immediately.

Li cunxiao and Chang Yuchun led 200000 troops respectively, and they were loyal to Li Xian, but there were few such ministers.

Tang Jun came and came to Chengdu. Countless people in Chengdu immediately got the news, and all of them were shocked.


What country is Datang, powerful?

This is a question in the hearts of countless people. Many people think that Datang is powerful.

Because they saw that all the soldiers of Tang army under the city were wearing iron armor, which was a very rare thing.

You know, in the Shu army, only the middle-level Legion can wear battle armor. If the soldiers want to wear battle armor, they have to enter Liu Bei's most elite army, otherwise they have no chance.

Zhuge Liang thought about it and sent someone to report it to Liu Bei, who was far away in Jingzhou. As for how Liu Bei decided, it was not his business.

Zhuge Liang believed that after Liu Bei got the news, he would choose to win Jingzhou as soon as possible, and even make peace with Soochow, unite with Soochow, and even the state of Wei, and jointly deal with the Tang Dynasty.

Because Liu Bei knows more about Datang than he does.

Liu Bei is very jealous of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. The national strength of the Tang Dynasty is really powerful.

Liu Bei knew that if he had half the national strength of the Tang Dynasty, he would be able to dominate the world.

But he just thought about it. Can he point to Datang?

The next day.

Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong

With the sound of countless drums, it seems that hundreds of thousands of Tang army are going to attack. This scene makes the Shu army in the city very excited. They know that they have a chance to make contributions.

But how could they think that this was their last fight.

Because after this war, they will lose their status as soldiers. They are not qualified to join the Tang army. Of course, they can't be soldiers.

Zhuge Liang and others were very worried when they looked at the formation of the Tang army. ..