Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 422


This is an important town in the east of Datang, shouldering the important task of Datang's Oriental security.

Since Li Xian led dozens of strong Tianlong soldiers into the kingdom of Shu, Li cunxiao paid special attention to the guard work of Xuzhou City.

At the same time, with the cooperation of Chang Yuchun, commander of Changlin army, Li cunxiao has a strong control over the whole Xuzhou City. At the same time, Li cunxiao constantly receives information from the royal guards. They also know that his majesty is not in danger in Shu.

Just three days ago, Li cunxiao received the news that his Majesty was going to return to Xuzhou today. He might even send troops to attack the kingdom of Shu to destroy it.

It is obvious that only when Shu Kingdom was destroyed can the Tang Dynasty continue to conquer the world.

As a famous general in the Tang Dynasty, how could Li cunxiao not know this?

Li cunxiao and Chang Yuchun lead a 400000 army, waiting for the return of his majesty Li Xian.

Li cunxiao and others all understand that his majesty is the soul of the whole Tang Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty without his majesty is very fragile.

"Marshal, your majesty is coming."


"order down, ready to meet the holy driver."

Li cunxiao ordered.

"It's the marshal."

Sure enough.

After a short time, Li Xian led the people to arrive.

With the sound of horse's hooves, Li cunxiao and others knew that his majesty had arrived.

Guan Yu, who was behind Li Xian, was surprised. From the storm, he could judge that this was an elite army, much better than his own Jingzhou army.

Guan Yu knows that the Tang Dynasty has six main forces, a total of 1.2 million troops. Each army is well-equipped, which is not comparable to his Jingzhou army.

Guan Yu knew that the Tang Dynasty wanted to destroy the kingdom of Shu. I'm afraid it was really a matter of minutes. Even the kingdom of Shu had no chance to resist.

As for Zhuge Liang's eight trigrams array, I'm afraid it won't do much good in front of the elite army of the Tang Dynasty.

"Is Tang Jun really so powerful?"

Guan Yu said to

"general Yun Chang, every soldier in the Tang Dynasty is very powerful, which is much stronger than Shu, Wei and Wu. Most of the soldiers have reached the fourth class level, while most of the middle-level officers have the strength of first-class level."

Li Yuanfang explained.

"So it is."

Guan Yu nodded.

Guan Yu knows that in his army, a first-class strong man is absolutely a treasure.

But in the Tang army, it can be seen at will. It's really powerful!

At this time, Guan Yu seems to have a deep understanding of the first Tang Dynasty, but he doesn't know that with his gradual integration into the Tang Dynasty, the more things he contacts, the more he feels that the Tang Dynasty is unusual, even far from what he can imagine.

Finally, Guan Yu made the most correct choice to fight for the Tang Dynasty.

Immediately, the 400000 army marched into the city, and the people in the city were very excited, because their emperor came. Could they not be happy?

Li Xian, the emperor, has a supreme position in the hearts of all the people of the Tang Dynasty. Maybe he can't see anything now.

However, when the Tang Dynasty was promoted to a powerful Yun Dynasty, every people's respect and love for Li Xian would play an unimaginable role.

Most of Xuzhou is in the governor's office.

Li Xian and the generals of the white tiger army and Changlin army sat together.

"I'm determined to send troops to the kingdom of Shu. I'm determined to destroy and seize the kingdom of Shu."

Li Xianxuan preached.

"Ministers are willing to open up territory for your majesty and fight all over the world. They will die."

Li cunxiao and others all roared.

"It is the great fortune of the Tang Dynasty and the people that I have the support of the ministers."

"I dare not wait."

Li cunxiao et al.

"The generals are very polite."

"Pass the edict, and the army will be ready. I want to fight in person."

They all know that your Majesty's personal expedition is absolutely sure to win.

In general, the emperor would not easily take part in the imperial expedition, because if the imperial expedition failed, it would have a great impact on the prestige of the emperor, even beyond imagination.

What Shu didn't know was that their nightmare was coming, and they were not far away from extinction. ..