Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 411

"General, the gate of Jiangling city is open."

Lu Meng nodded and found that the gate of Jiangling city was opened.

Lu Meng immediately ordered the whole army to stop attacking. He wanted to see what Mi Fang was up to.

With the sound of horse's hooves, MI Fang rushed out of Jiangling city with more than ten guards.

Lu Meng immediately realized Mi Fang's choice. Mi Fang wanted to surrender to the east Wu!

Sure enough, MI Fang's next move also confirmed Lu Meng's idea.

"General Lu Meng, please enter the city."

"this is the registered residence of Jiangling city."

Mi Fang offered the city directly.

Lomon nodded, ordered the deputy to take over the registered residence, and ordered the army to enter the city at once. Because Lu Meng knew that MI Fang could not arrange any obstacles because he did not have that ability.

With the surrender of Shu general Mi Fang, Jiangling city fell into the hands of Soochow.

I believe that before long, LV Meng will be able to win many places in Jingzhou and attack Guan Yu with Cao Jun.

The most important thing is that once LV Meng takes Xiangyang, it will cut off the back road of Jingzhou army and make it a homeless army.

At that time, even if Guan Yu could, he could not change the situation.

Later, LV Meng led the main army to the north, and sent several troops to take the rest of Jingzhou City to expand the occupation.

Of course, LV Meng did not forget to report his good news to his Majesty the emperor of Jianye.


Guan Yu is also very excited when he looks at the Wancheng which is available. He has finally attacked Wancheng for so many days. Today, he can finally conquer Wancheng.

But Guan Yu probably didn't realize that Xu Huang had led the main force of Cao's army to support Cao Ren.

Can Guan Yu still win?

I'm afraid the answer is quite clear.

"Attack the city!"

At the command of Guan Yu.

Almost all the remaining 70000 Jingzhou troops launched the most powerful attack on Wancheng.

The Cao army on the wall of the city also exerted their strongest power to block the attack of Jingzhou army.

Half an hour later, Cao Jun was almost defeated by Jingzhou army. Even Guan Yu showed a smile and finally he was about to take Wancheng.

All of a sudden.

The earth shaking sound surprised all the Jingzhou soldiers.

It's the voice of the cavalry.

Guan Yu and the generals of Jingzhou army also immediately judged it.

"Come on! Stop the siege and return to the camp

Guan Yu immediately ordered.

Because Guan Yu knew that it was impossible to conquer Wancheng at this time.

Because with the arrival of Cao's reinforcements, Cao's morale will rise greatly. They have no chance to conquer the city. This is a qualitative problem, and no one can change it.

At this time, Xia Houyuan and Xia Houdun led the most powerful tiger and leopard cavalry among the 20000 Cao troops, as well as the other 20000 cavalry, to kill Guan Yu's Jingzhou army.

Xu Huang also ordered 80000 infantry in the rear to press forward quickly, which must make the Jingzhou army feel great pressure.

Under the leadership of Xia Houyuan and Xia Houdun, the elite cavalry of Cao army rushed to Jingzhou army desperately.

And Guan Yu himself led only 20000 cavalry, ready to resist Cao's cavalry, this is Guan Yu's only choice.

Once these cavalry are put into the formation of Jingzhou army, it will definitely be a disaster for Jingzhou army, which Guan Yu can't accept.

So Guan Yu chose to lead his cavalry to block Cao's cavalry for the time being. He must not let these cavalry rush into his own army.

At the same time, the infantry of Jingzhou army retreated and rushed to the camp quickly.

Immediately the two cavalry collided with each other, and there was a terrible collision.

However, Cao's army obviously occupied the advantage. The cavalry of Jingzhou army was losing. No matter how powerful Guan Yu was, it could not change this situation.

"XiaHouYuan, you are looking for death!"

Guan Yu angry way, toward XiaHouYuan kill.

"When Xu Chu is here, Guan Yu will not be rampant."

Xu Chu also immediately rushed to Guan Yu. Xu Chu knew that in the whole state of Wei, he was the only one who could fight Guan Yu.

It is almost impossible for the other generals to fight Guan Yu.

"Get out of here!"

Guan Yu was also very surprised to see Xu Chu pounce on him. He never thought that Cao Cao had sent the most powerful general around him. What was he going to do?

"Ha ha ha, Guan Yu, as long as I can hold you down, you Jingzhou army will be defeated."

Xu Chu laughed.

Guan Yu had no choice but to fight with Xu Chu, which was very bad for Jingzhou army, but it was very good for Cao army.

This was Cao's counterattack, which was a devastating disaster for Guan Yu and Jingzhou army. ..