Bringing Military Supplies to Ming Dynasty

Chapter 101

"I\'ll obey your orders." Wang Zhen, who followed and waited on one side, quickly agreed.

On the other side, among the best elegant rooms on the right side of the second floor, Yang Fei, Yang Chendong\'s eldest sister, is chatting with queen Qian on the soft sofa.

Yang Fei\'s health is not very good recently. Yang Chendong has been in the capital for some time, but he hasn\'t had time to see him until he has recovered recently. Then he will arrange such a task to accompany queen Qian.

As Yang Rong\'s eldest daughter, Yang Fei is now 40 years old, but because she maintains well and inherits her mother\'s beautiful advantages, she looks dignified. She can also talk with queen Qian.

Like men\'s elegant rooms, there are independent bathrooms and soft sofas. But what is less is the wine cabinet, which is replaced by an indoor swing. In this windless and rainless place, without being found, you can do whatever you want, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

In addition, there is an extra chess table, which can place several kinds of chess for people\'s recreation. Whenever guests need it, just pull the bell, and the service staff will send the required chess into the elegant room.

Like checkers.

It is a kind of chess that can be played by two to six people at the same time. The chessboard is a hexagonal star. The pieces are divided into six colors. There are 10 or 15 pieces in each color. Each player occupies a corner and has a piece of one color. Checkers is a popular puzzle chess game suitable for all ages.


Gobang can not only enhance thinking ability and intelligence, but also rich in philosophy, which is conducive to self-cultivation. And the playing method is simple. Just connect the five children together, and the horizontal and vertical lines can count.

Modern poker and mahjong. These also quickly became one of the programs loved by VIP guests.

At the same time, in order to take care of women, there are a variety of drinks for women on the menu.

Men are mainly tea and wine.

Tea beverage: including single product tea and tea beverage prepared based on it. Such as ancient tea, bubble black tea, milk tea, fruit tea and so on. Such as Tieguanyin, Dahongpao, longan red jujube tea, pearl milk tea and so on.

Compared with that time, there were more wines such as beer and red wine.

Beer is made mainly of germinated barley or wheat, directly known as malt; Red wine is made of grapes, salt and sugar. As far away as chixian City, there is already a winery. At present, it has been successfully developed and is being mass produced.

At the time of opening, the first batch of wine was in place. Although the quantity is not many, it can be barely supported because of its high price. When production is expanded in the future, the problem of quantity will not be a problem. Presumably, most people can only taste the price. Few people are willing to spend so much money if they want to control enough.

There are many kinds of women, which are mainly divided into four categories.

Layered beverage: 30g cashmere without melon, 20g pineapple jam and 10g milk. Squeeze the watermelon and cup it. Pineapple jam, add a little water and squeeze. Take a clean glass and fill it with ice. When all the above materials are ready, pour out all the ice in the glass and slowly pour the milk into the glass. It\'s best not to pour it on the glass wall. Then slowly drain the watermelon juice into the cup with a bar spoon, and finally drain the pineapple juice into the cup, so as to make a layered beverage.

The main thing is to master the density.

Carbonated drinks, that is, what we usually call "soda". For example: coke, Sprite, soda, etc. It was named Coca Cola, Jianlibao, etc.

Fruit and vegetable juice. According to the characteristics, it can be divided into concentrated fruit juice (syrup fruit juice), freshly squeezed fruit juice, diluted fruit juice, etc. It is called apple juice, orange juice, peach juice and so on.

Milk drink refers to the drink containing a certain amount of fat and the drink prepared based on it. Such as milk, soy milk, milkshake, etc. It is called fresh milk, raw milk and sweet milk, walnut milk and so on.

There are so many patterns in drinks alone, and there are countless in eating. With the help of various seasonings such as monosodium glutamate, cooking wine and tender meat powder, the delicious food of Shenxianju is slightly better than that of the palace.

Of course, Yang Chendong from time to time in the palace will also send some monosodium glutamate. After all, if your life is better than the emperor, it will be dangerous.

"Oh, my sixth brother, I\'ve loved mischief since I was a child. Look at these things he made. I don\'t know what to say." Yang Fei smiled helplessly when she looked at several large articles of food and drink on the menu. But if you look carefully, you can also see the pride and comfort in her eyes.

Of course, as the eldest sister, she didn\'t think about the change of Yang Chendong. When I was a child, my sixth brother was the most honest. He only knew the kind of person who died reading every day. But the changes after growing up really made her unable to recognize each other.

Fortunately, it\'s normal for a person to marry in Beijing and stay in the old house of the Yang family in Jianning mansion. If he doesn\'t meet for many years, people will change.

Yang Fei said that she was helpless, but she looked proud in the eyes of empress Qian. She also smiled and said, "Yang Xima is a lucky general. He brought lucky potatoes to Daming when he first came to the capital. Now he has made such a fairy house. He is really a capable person. Even the emperor will praise him from time to time."

"That\'s where the emperor and the Queen\'s blessing lies. Where is his ability as a little hairy child." Yang Fei certainly didn\'t dare to ask for credit for her sixth brother. Today is the world of the old Zhu family. It is right to think that others are respected in everything.

"By the way, Mrs. Wang (Yang Fei married Li Lang Wang Meng), I wonder if Yang Xi Marco is married?" empress Qian asked casually. This may be the common problem of women. When they get together, they always gossip about others.

"Well, I really haven\'t asked in detail? I just don\'t think so. If it\'s not such a big thing, he won\'t tell me," said Yang Fei with a smile. Thinking that his brother is old and wants to start a family, he is not the little fart child who only had a runny nose before.

Not far from the Queen\'s elegant room, Yang duo and Hu Yan also wrapped up a room. They don\'t know how many times they have called the bell. There are many empty transparent cups in front of them. It looks like they have an idea to taste all the drinks in Shenxianju today.

"No... no, sister duo\'er, I can\'t drink anymore." touching some round belly, Hu Yan shook her head powerlessly on the soft sofa. I thought I had some strength, but when I really drank it, I knew that these things were very swollen. Even if there was a bathroom in the elegant room, I went to it several times, but I was still full. I could only sigh in the face of good drinks.

"I can\'t do it either." Yang duo shook her head and sat down on the sofa. Then her body was half upside down. "These things are so delicious that she doesn\'t want to give up any of them, but she can\'t finish any of them. She can\'t waste it like this."

Seeing that Yang duo, who is usually dignified, reveals the little girl\'s nature of mind, Hu Yan on one side can\'t help but puff a smile, "sister duo, you\'re still afraid of waste. You don\'t have to worry about having such a brother who can make money and have the ability."

"Come on. Are you praising me or scolding me? I\'m in your light today. If you didn\'t have the supreme card in your hand, we can\'t waste it like this. Oh, by the way, you said that my sister only got a gold card with 5000 liang of silver. How can you get a supreme card without spending money on how to eat?" Yang duo fought back in language. At the same time, she also stared at Hu Yan carefully to see how she would answer herself.

"Oh, sister duo\'er, what are you talking about?" she was hit by the soft acupoint at once. At this moment, Hu Yan\'s face turned red. At this time, the sound of music came from the stage on the first floor. In this name, Hu Yan lay down in front of the transparent window and looked down. She could just see everything on the stage clearly. Then she said, "sister duo, the performance is about to start. Let\'s see it together."

"This little girl." seeing Hu Yan\'s questions and answers, Yang duo temporarily let her go, sat on the indoor swing and stared at the performance on the stage.

On the first floor, the platform covers an area of 400 square meters, which is much larger than that of the original jiuyifang and baihuatang. At this time, on the stage, a group of women dressed in gorgeous long skirts walked up. These people are the supporting sisters invited by snow lady and incense lady, and they all have the foundation of dance.

Of course, they have also become talents in Yang Chendong\'s eyes. I\'m afraid they will become a member of Yang family village in a short time.

The snow lady, who was wearing a red festive cheongsam, came to the stage like a red flower set off by green grass. At this time, she was so beautiful and beautiful.

"Wow! How beautiful!" after seeing the snow lady\'s new dress, the voice of exclamation upstairs and downstairs was unconscious. Even in the elegant room where the emperor stayed, Yingzong Zhuqi town nodded repeatedly and asked Wang Zhen, "Sir, is it because of this woman that Xisheng wants to kill Yang Xima?"

"Right." Wang Zhen felt some cold sweat on his head.

After that incident, Yang Chendong indicated that he would not be held accountable. Wang Zhen shut Xi Sheng off for a period of time and then let him out. That night, Hu Changning, the caress envoy of the royal guards who was eager to save people, cut off his right leg. Because he didn\'t respond in time, his legs were not generally neat after he came out. He walked a little lame and became a real slope.

This makes Xining very dissatisfied. He once told others that once he had a chance, he would give Yang Chendong a good look and let him become like this to solve his hatred.