Bride Of Hades

Chapter 70 - 69

Enzo did not really understand everything but knew that he should never pick a fight with anyone, that he should fight only when there was no other choice.

Dimitri did not believe that he should grow up to be a saint, that would never be possible given their family history, but he believed that they should only give out what they receive.

"Sorry dada," he said apologetically, "Enzo good boy."

"Yes, you are a good boy," Dimitri patted his head, "Try to stay out of trouble okay?" He hugged his son. He should not be worrying about these things at his age, but he was a Santoris, if he doesn\'t get molded early, then it might be difficult to curb him later.

"Hmm.. hm…," Enzo went back to being the sweet little preschooler that he was.

"Okay, enough of this. Does Enzo want to go on vacation?" He asked.

"Vacation?" Enzo tilted his head questioningly.

"Yes, have you seen the beach? We\'ll ride the airplane and see the ocean." He explained.

"Ero plane? B-b-beech?" Enzo repeated.

He found his toy airplane and showed it to his father. He always wondered how it would feel like to ride one. Dimitri chuckled and replied, "Yes, airplane, Dada has one, and we can ride it to go to the beach. I\'m giving it to you as a gift."

"Really? Enzo\'s plane?" Enzo\'s eyes widened. He had no idea how big a private jet really was and how much it cost. To him, it was just like buying another of his toys. He is in for a surprise when he sees what his father is talking about.

Aurora had come searching for Dimitri when she didn\'t see him in their bedroom. He would always join her in the shower, but when he didn\'t, she thought he had something pressing to do. So she came to Enzo\'s room to tuck him in.

"So this is where you are," she said as she touched Dimitri\'s back as a term of endearment.

"Why haven\'t you gone to bed yet Enzo, there\'s school tomorrow," she asked.

"Mama, Dada, plane… zoom zoom," he said as he showed her his plane.

"What is he saying?" she said, her eyes darting towards Dimitri.

"We are going on a vacation. I told him we\'ll be flying in our private jet. That\'s why he\'s so happy", Dimitri explained.

"When are we doing this? Not tomorrow, I hope, we both have work, and Enzo just started school," she said hesitantly.

Dimitri stood up and deposited Enzo on the floor. He wrapped Aurora in his arms, "Don\'t worry, I took care of everything already. All our bags are packed, we just need to go.

Think of this as our honeymoon, the one we never took after the wedding. This would be a good vacation for our family. A change of scenery. Please don\'t say no," he tried to convince her. When he was being sweet and thoughtful like this, she had no chance to refuse him.

"Okay, okay, you win," she laughed, "We\'re going on a vacation."

"Yay, mama!" Enzo jumped up and down with his airplane, excited about the vacation.


The next day the trio left for a tropical island, surrounded by white sand beaches and the mountains so lush and green because of the rainforest. They were staying in a villa on one of the private islands just for their personal use, with Dimitri\'s men scattered everywhere guarding them stealthily.

Enzo had been excited the minute they landed. He had never been to the beach before, and he wanted to know what it would be like to touch the sand.

"Dada, let\'s go!" Enzo dragged his father\'s hand towards the water. They had just changed into their swimsuits, and he was jumping on his heels in excitement.

"Eat something before you start playing," she offered him a sandwich so he wouldn\'t be hungry later. He was so excited on the plane ride that he didn\'t really bother to eat anything. He kept on looking out the windows commenting about the clouds and any landmass he could see down below.

When they reached the water, Aurora stayed near the shore, since she did not know how to swim.

Like Enzo, she has never been to the beach before and did not know what to expect. But as soon as Enzo got in the water he got braver, treading towards the deeper end.

The waves were smaller now, but one wave could knock him out and easily drown him, this is what Aurora was scared of. "Enzo, don\'t go too far out, it\'s going to get deeper. It\'s not safe," she screamed from the shore.

But he wouldn\'t listen, it was like playing in the bathtub but better, so to appease Aurora, Dimitri watched over Enzo to make sure he would not drown.

"Enzo likes water. Mama no fun," Enzo said, pouting in his mother\'s direction.

"Well, hold Dada\'s hand so mama won\'t be scared," Dimitri asked of his son. Only when she saw them holding hands did Aurora relax. When the water got deeper where Enzo could not touch the bottom anymore, Dimitri held him in his arms to show him how deep it could get.

At first, Enzo was scared, but as he learned to tread water, just like Dimitri had shown him, he became bolder. Even calling to his mother to come and swim with them.

"Mama! Mama! Come swim!" he screamed in his father\'s arms. Aurora opted to stay in the shallow area, dipping her toes and running from the waves when they got higher. She waved at them and told them to keep on swimming.

Nobody has shown her how to enjoy being in the water, so she felt a little awkward and scared at the same time. Maybe in the future, she could ask Dimitri to show her so she wouldn\'t be so scared.

Enzo was a little disappointed when he saw her walking back to where they had their beach towels. He wanted both his parents with him, and yet his mother was out there sitting and reading a book.

"Dada, why mama no swim?" he asked with his sad little face.

Dimitri answered, "I don\'t think mama knows how to swim. But if she does not like the water, let\'s bring the water to her," he smiled sheepishly.

Aurora was trying to concentrate on reading the book in her lap when she got drenched with seawater. "Aggh.." she screamed. They had soaked Dimitri\'s shirt in water and wrung it out on her. She angrily looked up to see both father and son laughing at her.

Enzo tried to do the same thing with his shirt, but he was less successful. "Mama angry," Enzo pleaded with his puppy dog eyes before his mother could scold him.

"Mama, please…," Dimitri imitated Enzo\'s childish voice. Aurora could not stay angry, the duo was so cute, so she giggled with them instead.

"Okay, fine, let\'s go," she said, "But let\'s stay on the shallow side, okay?"

They played in the water, splashing each other until they got tired and the sun started going down.