Bride Of Hades

Chapter 61 - 60

It was the weekend and the weather was just perfect, so Dimitri decided to take his family out to the amusement park. Enzo had wanted to go, and Dimitri was not going to say no to him.

"Same mama, same dada, same Enzo," he was having a meltdown when his mother could not comply with what he wanted.

"But baby, we don\'t have any matching clothes to wear," Aurora explained to him.

"No, no, noooo…," he ignored his mother and turned his back towards her, "Baby want... same."

She sighed, helplessly. Enzo was becoming more whiny and troublesome the past few weeks. He was never like this before, he always listened to what she wanted, but with a house full of people ready to cater to his needs, he was getting spoiled. It had now come to a point that he was not listening to her.

Dimitri entered the room and almost laughed out loud when he saw how cute his son was when he was angry, "Why is he angry?" he asked.

"I think he wants us to wear matching outfits like the pictures he saw in the advertisement for the amusement park, but we don\'t have matching outfits like they do. I don\'t know what to do," she complained.

"That\'s what you wanted? Is that right, champ?" Dimitri said as he picked Enzo up in his arms.

"Dada pleeeeease…," Enzo pouted and showed him his puppy dog eyes. Just the way Gabe taught him how to do it. He knew his father would fall for it, unlike his very strict mother.

"Okay, let me see here, you are wearing a white shirt and blue shorts to the park," Dimitri disappears to their bedroom and comes back with clothes in his hand.

"Mama will wear her white top and blue skirt, and Dada will wear a white shirt and blue jeans. See they\'re all the same with Enzo\'s clothes," Dimitri says as he laid all their clothes beside each other, "What do you think?" he looks at his son questioningly, "You like it?" he asks again.

"Yay! Dada, Mama, Enzo...same," he said, giggling like nothing happened earlier. His meltdown, a thing of the past as he wore his new mickey mouse bag.

When they went to the amusement park, people\'s eyes were on them. They looked very handsome as a couple, him with his rugged good looks and her with her youthful glow. And with adorable Enzo in the middle holding onto both their hands, they looked like the perfect family.

"Dada, look! Look!" Enzo said, pointing to his favorite characters, "Up, up, zoom!" he said when one of the rides zipped past them. "Dada... doll... bang bang... robot…" he was too excited, he kept pointing here and there, and he kept on blabbering about everything he saw.

They were selling those headbands that had mouse ears on them, and since Enzo was having such a good time, they didn\'t even dare disagree with him when he suggested they should all wear one. So they walked around the park wearing the silly things on their head just for the sake of their son.

Dimitri had never been this silly even in his childhood, but for his son, he would do anything, even if it made him look silly.

Aurora had been taking pictures and videos of Enzo since he was a baby, and since this was a memorable event in their lives, she wasn\'t going to miss out on documenting it.

"Let\'s take pictures," she said as she angled her phone to include all three of them in the frame. Enzo knew the drill, and how this worked, so he just kept on making all his regular poses, serious and funny ones as well. She was distracted when Dimitri kissed her as she took the picture, capturing the tender moment forever.

She blushed and scolded Dimitri, "People can see us, don\'t be shameless."

Dimitri grinned, "You are my wife, and I can kiss you anytime I want to," he kissed her again to prove his point.

"Kiss! Kiss!" Enzo giggled. He saw his parents kiss each other and he felt left out. He wanted them to kiss him too, "Mama, dada, kiss baby," he said as he pouted his lips.

Dimitri took Enzo in his arms, and they sandwiched him with a kiss. It was Aurora\'s favorite picture, so she made it the wallpaper for her phone.

"Sweetheart, don\'t use that one," Dimitri says when he saw what she did.

"That one was perfect. Which one do you want me to change it to?" she asked.

"This one\'s my favorite," he said as he showed her the one where they were kissing each other.

Aurora rolled her eyes and said, "I can\'t use that. What if someone recognizes you at work?" She was a very private person and wanted their intimate moments together to herself, nobody else needed to see them.

"Let me do it then," he said as he sent the photo to his phone and kept the image as his wallpaper. All she could do was shake her head and smile. He was getting to be very cheesy, and it made her heart tumble in her chest.

"Dada up, up," Enzo said as he pointed to the big Ferris wheel in front of them.

"I don\'t think we should ride in that. What if Enzo gets scared?" she said nervously.

"No! not scared!" Enzo screamed.

Dimitri smiled and raised his eyebrow, "Are you sure it\'s Enzo that is scared and not you?"

"Well," she hesitated, she had agreed to go to the park because Enzo was still small enough that they won\'t really be allowed on any of the big, dangerous rides, and the Ferris wheel was one of them.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll be next to you the whole time," he chuckled as he took her hand. He knew the Ferris wheel was one of the safest and tamest rides on the park because it had glass enclosures that protected the riders from the wind and other elements. And it was one of the slowest moving rides in the whole park.

When she saw how secure they were, she relaxed a little bit, but not enough to take away her fear. But Enzo just sat there opposite them and bravely rode like he\'d ridden before. He was enjoying the ride and pointing out everything he could see from up high.

He was so excited that he jostled the seat about, rocking them a bit, which had Aurora closing her eyes and clutching at Dimitri\'s hand tightly. He sat there smiling and enjoyed hugging his wife. They were right, this thing was the perfect ride, it really got couples closer and made them cling to each other more.

When they reached the top, Dimitri spoke softly into her ear, "Aurora, open your eyes, look at the view, isn\'t it pretty?" But she just continued to close her eyes.

"Mama, look, pretty lights," Enzo said, trying to coax his mom. So she obliged. The park really looked pretty from the top, they could even see the lights from houses and the different areas surrounding the park.

"Wow!" Aurora ran her fingers bravely on the glass. She\'s never seen anything this wonderful before.

"Make a wish!" Dimitri said. She looked at him quizzically.

"If you make a wish at the top of Ferris wheel, it would surely come true. Especially if it\'s your first time," he said.

She laughed, "Do you really believe in such childish things?"

"When it comes to you, I am willing to believe in anything," he said with his piercing gaze. She was lost in his eyes, every day they spent together had her falling for him.

"Let\'s make a wish then," she said softly. She was willing to believe anything too when it came to him.

They held both hands together and wished for the thing they wanted most in their hearts. For them to always be together.