Bride Of Hades

Chapter 159 - 158

It\'s been three days since Adelyn last heard from Nicholas. He wasn\'t responding to her calls or messages. She always thought he was just another rich businessman investing in the movie industry, but after that deadly night, she learned that there was more to him than she thought. He was part of the mob or a gang, and they\'ve been known to cut corners and deal with situations illegally. She was worried if he was okay.

Today, Viggo decided that he was going to put an end to her masquerade. He knows that deep inside, Adelyn wants him, and she was just playing hard to get. She tried to reject him every time, but to him, it was a game, she was a prize to be won.

The pictures in today\'s ad campaign made him want her more. Adelyn was playing a vile supporting character, and to emphasize her role, they made her wear revealing clothing that made Viggo drool. He had to have Adelyn, by hook or by crook.

He was loaded with money, and in his mind, he thought nobody else could compare to him.

"Hi, Adelyn..." Viggo drawled out her name, making her skin crawl, \'You look very sexy in those new posters."

Adelyn was getting her makeup done in the dressing room, and since she had her eyes closed, she did not see him come in. He instructed the makeup artist and the hairstylist to leave them alone.

"No one is here, so don\'t be shy. Cut the crap, this cat and mouse game is starting to piss me off. We both know you\'re just playing hard to get so you can get the upper hand. You know what, you win!

Next week I am celebrating my birthday on my father\'s yacht. I need you there so I can introduce you as my girlfriend," He commanded.

Adelyn rolled her eyes. "Stop it, Viggo, don\'t think too highly of yourself. I\'m not playing. Haven\'t you learned that it is really hard to get me," she snapped.

"You… you have the guts…," he pulled her arm, jolting her out of her chair.

"Ouch… let me go!" When she tried to free herself, he tightened his hold.

"When will you learn? You have to talk nicely…," Adelyn had her hand raised to slap him when a punch landed on his face, releasing Adelyn from his hold and pushing him to fall on his butt.

Adelyn was surprised when she looked to her savior, it was the lead actor. He kicked Viggo before he could get up.

"Who the hell are you?" Viggo asked, angrily as he swiped the blood from his nose. "Stay out of this!"  he yelled angrily.

The lead actor yelled back. "You were bullying a woman, don\'t you have any morals?"

"I\'m going to crush you," Viggo threatened.

"I\'m an A-list actor. Your father recruited me to collaborate on a project. I really don\'t need to be here." the lead replied.

"I don\'t care who you are?" Viggo dismissed.

"I bring your company so much revenue that the investors will follow me if I choose to leave. Is your father ready to bear that loss? Is your company ready to deal with my fans and all the repercussions?" the lead stared at him and added, "Can you?"

Viggo ran out from the dressing room in a hurry.

Adelyn stared at the exchange with her mouth open. Why was the lead actor helping her? They had a few scenes together, but other than that, they never interacted with each other.

"Thanks a lot for coming to my rescue," Adelyn bowed to express her gratitude.

"No problem, if he bothers you again, just let me know," the actor said. They both know he\'s just trying to be nice, and she will never go to him if she faces any more problems.

"Adelyn…," he looked back before he walked out the door. She raised an eyebrow waiting for him to continue.

"Uhm… nothing," he shook his head and left.

"That was odd," she thought, but scrambled to find her makeup artist, she cannot delay the next shoot.


Adelyn was waiting for her driver when she spotted Nicholas standing outside his car. He was making a phone call, and though he did not see her, yet she got excited that he finally showed up.

When he noticed her walking towards him, he signaled to give him another minute. While she was waiting for his call to end, somebody approached Adelyn to hand her a bouquet.

"Who gave you the flowers?" Nicholas asked before she could even check who it was from.

"It\'s that stupid Viggo trying to annoy me again. Let me throw it out," she replied, heading for the trashcan. He was probably trying to say sorry, she thought.

Something fell from her bouquet, "There\'s a card," he said, picking it up from the ground and reading what was written inside.

Let\'s have coffee, it said, with the name of the actor who helped her earlier signed on the bottom.

Adelyn looked at Nicholas confused. Why was their lead actor suddenly interested in making friends with her. He comes and goes to work without hanging out with anybody, and now he wants to get coffee.

Nicholas snickered, "Look at you. First, it was Viggo, and now this actor. Are you going to get coffee with him?"

"I don\'t even know the guy? How will I accept?" Adelyn defended, throwing the flower in the trash.

"They look very expensive. You\'re never going to get flowers as beautiful as those again. Take it back!" he taunted.

"Nicholas, stop making fun of me. Remember when you said you were not interested in getting married. Just bring me home and stop meddling in my affairs." Adelyn got annoyed, so she made a beeline for his car, slammed the door, and waited for him to get in.

They sat sullenly all the way home. When she got out of the car Nicholas followed her. "Can we talk?" he asked.