Born as a Sage in Naruto World

24 BSNW CH 022 First Crushing Defea

Jun searched his mind for every possible escape solution. At least this Alternate body of his in the dungeon was free from worries so he could use Ninjutsu. But one the downside, he didn't have access to Nature energy which severely limited his biggest weapon, his plant release. Without it he would have to rely on Ninjutsu he wasn't proficient with. But at least something was better than nothing. When he started to gather chakra, the fox gave a roar which disrupted his chakra flow momentarily and canceled his jutsu formation.

"You want to fight against me? Very well, I see that your stupidity knows no bounds. Deal with these first then" fox raised its hand shaped claw and made a one handed tiger sign "Nine masked beasts!" Nine long strands of hair dropped down from its tail, one from each. The strands formed humanoid figures as they fell down, each with a fox mask on their face and a tail longer than their body sprouting behind them. Each of them was approximately two meters long but had a lean yet powerful figure. They all wore black kimonos that fit them well without hindering their movement. As they fell they shifted their position while in the air, forming a wide area formation with a Hexagon surrounding a Triangle; i.e. six outside and three inside. The fox stretched out its finger and stabbed a nail into the earth. Dragging it around Jun and the rest in a huge circle, making an impromptu battle ring. Only difference was that the border of this ring was a surrounded by a deep hole.

"Come one then, let's see what you are made of. Years of this hellhole without much entertainment, I am fed up. Nine masked beasts, attack!" Fox

Jun was surrounded by the three masked beasts forming the triangle rushing towards him for close combat. They had great speed and strength, had Jun been in his original damaged body, this fight would be impossible. Now at least he could respond. Since Jun didn't have access to nature energy, he activated Sensing Hexagram Seal and his Observation skill at maximum alert. He saw flashes of movement before feeling an unnatural chill on his spine.

[Killing Intent Sensing skill acquired!]

[Observation level up!]

[Observation level up!]

[Observation level up!]

[Observation level up!]

'System shut off the Skill level up messages and only display skill acquiring ones. And do suggest if you have any way of getting out of here.' Jun

He felt a foot with the toughness of a brick smash into his back and was thrown forward like a puppet with his string cut. As he struggled to get himself under controlled a clothes line attack {TL: Lariat for those who like that better} smashed into him from the front throwing him back again.

[Pain Resistance skill acquired!]

[Endurance skill acquired!]

Jun bounced hard on the ground a few times completely disoriented before flipping and righting himself on his feet. He swayed slightly before realizing he wasn't a match in Taijutsu, at least not until he could see where they were going. He had no choice but to rely on Ninjutsu.

'Rat-Tiger-Dog-Ox-Rabbit-Ram-Tiger' Jun "Fire Style: Fire Stream Wave" Jun slammed his hands down after forming the seals, resulting in an omnidirectional fire wave spreading around him. It was hot enough to instantly dry the air in the surroundings. However he underestimated the beasts. The six beasts standing at the boundary made a clapping seal and released a weird fire jutsu from their mouth. The flames released by them were purplish-red illusionary looking and it extinguished flames wherever it went, becoming more solid with more flames they extinguished.

"Like it? It's my Fox Fire, a unique fire jutsu formed by my Chakra and Negative emotions. All fire jutsus are useless before it, in fact it drains them instead making my Fox Fire even more powerful they more flames they devour." Fox

'Damn, Fire's out. I even had lot of Fire Jutsu from scanning the Library. Seriously, why doesn't leaf have more jutsus of different elements in library? I barely have a few in my arsenal. Well whatever, let's see what happens.' Jun 'Dog-Ram-Horse-Ram-Monkey-Dog, Water Style: Water Ring Pulse' Water Style Chakra surrounded Jun like a cloak and then pulsed out like shockwave, sending a wave of water pulsing out around him. However it didn't making much of a difference as it didn't last for more than a second against the Fox Fire.

'If I can't extinguish it, then I should not fight against it. I have to find a means to escape' Jun 'Ox-Snake-Rabbit-Snake-Monkey-Dog-Tiger, Ancient Rock Field'

Huge rocks rose up from the ground and shattered into Rock Missiles, each one glowing with a rune briefly before firing of in all directions. The three close combat beasts easily dodged them and the rocks didn't have range enough to reach the six beasts in outer ring, so the rocks got spread all over the battle ring. As the three beasts drew closer to attack him, he received a message from the system.

[Observation Skill crossed Major Threshold of level 50. Attack prediction can now be shown for observation targets that have been observed for a while.]

Just as the message finished displaying, Jun sensed a vague danger of attack from his right even though there was no one there. As he dodged to the left, a ball of fox fire smashed at the place where he was. If he had only been paying attention to the three beasts the Fox Fire would have burnt him to a crisp. Seeing that he dodged the fire, the three close combat beasts increased their speed and reached him in an instant. They attacked with a variety of punches, kicks and feints but now Jun was finally starting to dodge a few of those. But in any case, the overall situation was still bad since he was getting beaten up ultimately. With a final kick, one of the beasts flung him straight onto one of the six beasts standing at the boundary. A large hand made of chakra formed around it and it sent the hand to capture Jun who was kicked towards it. The hand completely bound Jun, leaving his head free while it slowly but steadily tightened around his body. Jun screamed as his muscles were in the verge of being squished, his bones creaking dangerously. Although he had gained pain resistance during his fight, he didn't think he was going to last long enough even with that. As the Hand tightened further, Jun gave up thought of self-preservation and decided to risk it with one final attack. He stretched the fingers of his right hand as much as possible, black and white chakra particles slowly formed over it. Fighting against the pain of being crushed alive, his focused all his attention onto the Jutsu. Finally a small black ball, the size of a walnut, formed above his palm with a flat white ring surrounding it. Its formation disturbed the Chakra in the hand griping it, disintegrating the hand partially. It was enough for Jun to escape from the Hand gripping him. Once he escaped, he looked at the beast who had formed that hand with blood shot eyes glowing with runic circle. He lunged towards the beast despite his muscles straining and tearing and threw the Black ball towards it, the White ring around the ball spinning at high speed now.

'Spiralling Destructive Disc' Jun "Now go to hell!!"

The ball struck the Beast cutting him up first because of the Spiraling white ring. Then the white and black energies of the ball and the ring mixed together before resulting in an enormous blast. Jun was thrown back from the blast, unfortunately right in the middle of the remaining eight beasts.

'Black and white energy mix bomb? Tailed beast bomb... no magnitude is smaller. Interesting…' Fox

Meanwhile Jun slowly lost consciousness while watching the eight beasts come towards him.