Born as a Sage in Naruto World

20 BSNW CH 018 Way to the Immortal Path

After the meeting with Hokage and his new master Hinoki, Jun went to the library with the permission slip given by Hokage. He was led by the librarian to the restricted section. It contained a large variety of incomplete and dangerous jutsus. Also it was also where theories of various proposed jutsus and researches were kept. While browsing for new techniques he could apply for himself he found two special Jutsu ideas along with various special theoretical body training methods that would develop various different types of muscles in body. The Two Special jutsus were ideas for the way of training of body using nature energy: Heavenly Breathing Technique and Seven Immortal Chakra Stages. Jun copied all the jutsu theories using his System, along with the body training methods and other information and theories present. The System now contained a huge amount of information on various Taijutsu and Ninjutsu training methods. Surprisingly one researcher had also listed various possible training methods for various Advanced Nature Release. Later, seeing that it was getting late Jun left for home.


Late at night after everyone had slept, Jun went out to meditate, while the System displayed all the information about the two Jutsu Techniques he viewed today.

'Display the Jutsu information of Heavenly Breathing Technique and Seven Immortal Chakra Stages now.'

[Heavenly Breathing Technique is a Senjutsu breathing method that a researcher called Sumira invented by gathering up large amounts of Nature Energy along with air to increase his body's capacity and constitution overtime. Supposedly once completed activated it granted him the ability to absorb huge amounts of nature chakra and store it in various ways in his body. However, since he didn't have the ability to form sage mode nature energy harmed him instead. Heavenly Breathing Technique when combined with the right person can help achieve true Sage Body which would have every cell saturated with nature energy. Theoretically according to known records there has only been one true Sage in recorded history who achieved that stage through the method of storing nature energy in body cells and tempering his body into that of a True Sage where each cell is filled with tremendous vitality. That person was the True Sage Hashirama Senju, who later came to be known as the God Of Shinobi and became the First Hokage of Konoha and the only one capable of completely fighting and suppressing Tailed Beasts apart from Madara Uchiha , who used his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan to do so by putting Nine Tails under a powerful Genjutsu.

First Stage Activation: Use of nature Chakra to permanently enhance Eyes. Causes change in eyes permanently according to user's attribute as long as body is able to withstand the changes made by the intense intake of Nature Chakra.

Second Stage Activation: Permanent enhancement of muscle strength, density and skeletal structure. Each of the muscles contain a tremendous amount of compressed force now. Lean and tough on the outside, terrifying monstrous strength, speed and agility inside.

Third Stage Activation: Completely enhance all the cells of the body, modifying them with Nature Energy to contain immense amounts of vitality. Complete activation has the additional effects of achieving true sage body; i.e. permanent sage mode without any outside signs of the activation.

However despite its enormous benefits, no one has been able to achieve even the first stage without petrifying first. Therefore after many people sacrificed to this technique, it was considered a failure and put it in restricted section of library.

Seven Immortal Chakra Stages has strength and chakra enhancing effect similar to the Eight Gates Technique, even including similar increase in the chakra reserves of the user with each stage. However the difference is that each stage is unlocked over time instead of in an instant like Eight Gates Technique, but the effect is permanent. It is unknown if it comes with the same repercussions as the Eight Gates but the limitations of this technique is that without the body being able to withstand the next stage the user won't be able to advance in the technique, unlike the Eight Gates Technique where you can surpass limitations. Second limitation is that on each stage User needs to accumulate large amounts of Nature Energy in specific Meridian Points of the Body to open and activate it. Chakra enhancements effect of this technique makes chakra purer, denser, and much more powerful for the same amount released in comparison to ordinary chakra. There are seven stages of this activation technique.

First stage (Root Chakra): Meridian point located in the base of Spine. It serves to draw nature energy into the body and transform it into life energy and vitality. It also enhances the reaction speed of body. Side effect of opening this Chakra Stage is that the chakra manifests as red in colour when released outside the body.

Second Stage (Sacral Chakra): Meridian point located at a point between base of spine and navel. It further concentrates chakra energy in body. Also helps to raise hormones in body that increase positivity and creativity in the psyche and raises fertility of the body. Side Effect of opening this Chakra stage is that the chakra colour when released outside the body turns orange in colour.

Third Stage (Solar Plexus Chakra): Meridian Point located a few inches above the navel. Unlocking this stage strengthens inner organs, muscles, and digestion power. Side effect turns Chakra colour yellow when released externally.

Fourth Stage (Heart Chakra): Meridian point located within heart. Strengthens lungs and Increases oxygen intake of body and increases blood and chakra circulation inside the body. Gives a passive training effect to chakra network inside body. Prevents chakra network to be sealed by use of foreign chakra. Side effect results in chakra colour turning to green and the body might display hyperactive tendency.

Fifth Stage (Throat Chakra): Meridian point located in the throat. Directly affects the five base senses, enhancing their sensitivity. Gives natural Healing, Purification and transformation effect to the body. This is the last physical stage of the technique, as the rest two reform the psyche and soul. By this stage, the physical part of the true sage body is already achieved. This stage also raises the elemental affinities of the body to Master level directly. Each attacks, whether Ninjutsu or Taijutsu or Genjutsu is infused with tiny amounts of natural energy without need for external infusing, increasing their power and effects. Side effect turns chakra colour to Blue/Turquoise.

Sixth stage (Third Eye Chakra): Meridian point at the center of the brow, little bit above the eye level. Tremendously boosts spiritual part of chakra. Unlocks eidetic memory and godly perception. Brain becomes extremely fast and vision enhances to tens of times better. Sensory abilities reach pinnacle, nothing is hidden before you and you can perceive everything that happens around you simultaneously without forgetting anything. Complete activation has a chance to unlock soul memory completely and gain knowledge of past lives. Side effect turns chakra to Indigo color.

Seventh Stage (Crown Chakra): Meridian located at top of skull. Destroys the Soul Shackles and fuses Body and Soul, turning body into semi corporeal state fused with nature energy. Gain the ability to turn body into incorporeal state briefly. Nature recognizes you as part of its own, gain complete unlimited ability to use nature energy directly without restriction. Strengthen soul by fusing with nature energy, gaining power of dominance over creatures with weaker souls. Spiritual strength slows down chakra flow of others just by being around them, can also forcefully suppress chakra of others for brief periods of time consciously. Unlocks the ability to display the Soul Form. Final stage activation turns chakra Violet colored.

With all Seven Stages activated, theoretically user should achieve an existence comparable to Six Path Level or beyond.]