Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2771

"The warrior who owns the stone of the past and the future is no longer limited by the time of heaven and earth. Even an ordinary creature, as long as his brain is normal, can live together with heaven and earth, chaos and immortality." Said the fire order of the devil.

"In addition, there are rules in heaven and earth. The same spirit cannot appear in the same period of time. Otherwise, the time of that creature will collapse, and he will vanish in every period of time."

"But with the stone of the past and the stone of the future, it is no longer restricted by this rule."

"Therefore, with the stone of the past and the future, the strength of the youth in front of you can be improved in an instant, because he is the one in another period of time, not the one who fought with you before."

"What a terrible stone of the past and the future!" Hear the fire of evil ancestor to make again narrate, South breeze in the heart is a burst of envy to say.

"It can be said that it is very difficult for people who have the stone of the past and the future to know in advance that the emperor will kill him." Said the fire order of the devil.

"It seems that this young man can only get all the things of Sanmian Dao Shenjun." Nanfeng said reluctantly.

"If you should not give up the past before you become the God of heaven and earth, at least you should not give up the past." Said the fire order of the devil.

"If it's just the fragments of the first birth of heaven and earth, scattered by the stone of the past and the future, everything is possible."

"Then we can only expect that what he has is the fragments scattered by the birth of the stone of the past and the future." Nanfeng said, "otherwise, I don't know where to find this person. If I get Dao Meng Shenjun, I can wait until I grow up to find Dao Meng Shenjun."

"Now, do you give me the righteous sword spirit in your hand, or do you want me to destroy you completely in my own hands?" Walking to Nanfeng, the young man said with a sneer.

"It's up to you. You can't get anything from me." South wind responded.

When he was defeated, he sealed the iron blooded sword again in the depths of the ancestral demon world. Even if he died, it was impossible for the youth to obtain the complete righteous sword spirit.

"Well, it's a pity that what I want to tell you is that I will not only get the righteous sword spirit from you, but also get everything you have, your chaotic golden body and your triple God eyes." In the sneer, there is greed in the tone of youth.

"It's not up to you." At this time, another voice sounded. A figure also appeared. It was Dao Meng Shenjun, whose power also came out and directly shocked the youth.

"The sword alliance God King has made a move." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Expected, because for him, I don't want my things to fall into other people's hands." Said Nanfeng.

"Now you are safe for the time being. Take advantage of this time, dare to recover quickly." Said the fire order of the devil.

"I understand." South wind responded.

Then, the south wind stirred the invisible time Tao in his body and began to really recover.

"The sword alliance God King of the evil sword alliance, if you make a move, you will not be afraid that the people in the whole region say that you have no faith in your words, and you will intervene in the examination, and you will still make a move to a younger generation?" The youth seems to expect that the sword alliance God King wants to move, calmly said.

Calm, also directly highlights the youth is not afraid of the sword alliance God King.

"It seems that his strongest strength stage is not afraid of this sword alliance God King." "But that's good. If they can lose both, it's better," he said

"Maybe, only after they both lose can I get out of here this time." Said Nanfeng.

Hearing the young man's words, the God King of Dao Meng looked overcast.

But it's just a moment of gloom. Dao Meng Shen Jun won't stop because of one or two words.

"What you say is very reasonable, but only if you want to let people know, they can know. If you don't want to, I can't know." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Not necessarily!" The youth responded with a sneer.

"Before you die, tell me about your relationship with Zhengdao Shenjun?" The sword alliance God King turns to ask a way.

"Is this man related to Zhengdao Shenjun?" Hearing the words of Dao Meng Shen Jun, Nanfeng was shocked, because it was just this sentence that he had guessed the identity of the young man.

At this time, the fire order of Mozu also guessed, and said to Nanfeng, "things seem more complicated than you and I imagined!"

"If you listen, it's clear." Said Nanfeng.

"Zheng Dao Shen Jun, I haven't heard of it?" To Dao Meng God King's inquiry, the youth face does not change color, still sneer to say.

"No? No! The power of righteousness as like as two peas of evil and the power of evil and justice, which is the same as the power of the king of the king. Dao Meng Shen Jun said coldly.

"It can't be wrong. It seems that he is the emperor of Zhengdao God who solicits you. Now he is the leader of the three sabres palace in secret!" Hear the sword alliance God King this words, the evil ancestor fire make sure of say.

"With the stone of the past and the future, you can freely appear at the moment in other periods of time."

"Just as Yihan said, it seems that he recruited the old men of the three side sword God King just to serve him." Nanfeng's heart is full of killing intention.For Nanfeng, the present Zhengdao Shenjun is more hateful than daomeng Shenjun.

"Then it's up to you." Young people still do not admit that said.

Maybe, he's still playing Dao Meng Shen Jun.

"In that case, we can only find the answer by ourselves, though that would be cruel." Dao Meng Shen Jun also sneered.

All of a sudden, the God King of Dao Meng gives his hand and points it out. It turns into a chop. The momentum of the chop immediately covers the whole first layer of labyrinth Dao forest.

The labyrinth sword forest is the world of the sword alliance God King. When he starts, any trace of power in this world can resonate with him and be used by him, and everything here will cause invisible suppression to his enemies.

Of course, Dao Meng didn't use all his strength. After all, in his eyes, young people are still ants.

At the moment, Nanfeng naturally felt a strong pressure. Fortunately, it wasn't aimed at him, so he didn't have a big problem under the pressure.

Shua! The next moment, that cut through the youth.

But at that moment, the youth is invisible, wait for that moment, he appeared again.

This scene shocked the God King of Dao Meng.

"See, this is the adverse heaven of the future stone in the past. No matter at any time, you can enter any period of time at any time. It seems that this sword alliance God King has no way to take this person." Said the fire order of the devil.

Nanfeng looked solemn, but just said, "whatever, I already know who he is. Now my first goal is to see if I can take this opportunity to escape?" In the face of these two people, the south wind at this time really has no heart to fight.