Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2767

The eyes of the youth have become the shadow of the sword.

At this moment, Nanfeng not only felt Ling Li's killing in his body, but also in his eyes. He even couldn't open his eyes. He transformed evil into justice. This young man made his sword more profound.

Click! With the sound of fragmentation, Nanfeng's robes began to crumble, and the bloodstains on her body began to increase.

"What a powerful force The south wind sighed.

In the mixed fire, the golden light diffuses, the lines of Tianjin evolve, Nanfeng's whole body is surrounded by golden layers, and the prototype of chaotic golden body has appeared.

So Ling Li's strength, Nanfeng just rely on his strong body, also absolutely can't resist.

Eighty percent of the attack power of Dao Yi has entered the real invisible stage, which can't be seen from ordinary eyes.

"It's a good physical defense. Unfortunately, no matter how strong the defense is, it can't resist my powerful sword intention in the 80% middle period. At least within the range of the ordinary God King's fighting power, those who don't have weapons can resist it." Feeling the strength of Nanfeng's body, the young man said with a sigh.

"It's more than you can resist, but the ones you met before are all mediocre." South wind sneers.

"Is it?"

Boom! The world of Dao's shadow becomes the world of Dao's meaning. The world is invisible and more like a world beyond the imagination of the birth spirit.

Give people such a feeling, there is no doubt that this is 80% of the power of the world.

Nanfeng felt the vastness of the power of the meaning. It was really in the middle of 80%, and it was almost in the late of 80%.

"Sure enough, it's the intention of Dao in the middle of 80%. This young man is really extraordinary." Mozu Huoling said, "the ordinary God King has the Dao spirit of 80% in the middle period, and it is close to 80% in the later period. I'm afraid his fighting power is comparable to that of a genius with two Heaven and earth airs."

"Who the hell is this guy?" Nanfeng is even more curious.

"Yin and Yang will cut off!" Under the outbreak of the power of Dao Yi, the youth attacked.

The sword power of justice is transformed into an invisible Yang power, and the evil essence of his heart is transformed into an invisible Yin power. The combination of justice and evil, the combination of yin and Yang, together with the sword power of 80% of the mid-term, becomes a powerful one.

"Is it the transformation of justice and evil into invisible Yin and Yang?" The south wind is more dignified.

"It seems that this time, you meet a strong opponent." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Let's see who is stronger!" Nanfeng said that the chaotic gold body really began to appear.

"To transform justice and evil into invisible Yin and Yang, my Lord, does he seem to have the same power?" In the main hall, seeing the youth burst out this power, the evil sword guard exclaimed.

"Maybe that's what I know about him." Dao Meng Shen Jun said.

"So they're together?" The evil sword guard asked.

"It's unlikely that, if it was together, he would not have left before." Dao Meng Shen Jun said.

At this moment, Dao Meng Shen Jun looks a little bit bad, because at this time, he guessed that there might still be something he wanted on the man, and that it might be divided into two parts and got by two people.

"It seems that he can't be moved for a long time in the near future." The sword alliance God King said in the heart.

... invisible cycle of yin and Yang, south wind in front of a powerful knife.

At the moment when he cuts to the south wind's eyebrow, the chaotic body is completely solidified, and the chaotic body forces are closely arranged, invincible, to resist this and that intention.

Boom! A burst of strong roar, intense fireworks, gold body defense and Yin Yang meaning cut confrontation stalemate.

"This is chaos gold body!" The pupil suddenly shrinks, the youth shakes to say.

In the main hall, the God King of Dao alliance and the guard of evil Dao were shocked again.

"These two people are God's gifts to you. They have gained their martial arts skills. It's no matter that you have become the emperor." Dao Meng God King can't help but look forward to saying.

Since Nanjun was so excited, especially when he was close to the top of the divine realm.

"In the middle of 80% of the time, the intention of the sword is to kill Ling Li, which is very aggressive. But unfortunately, the physical strength of Nanfeng is not what you can imagine." Looking at the young man's shocking eyes, Nanfeng said with a sneer.

"Do you despise me?" The youth sneered.

"Perhaps so!" Said Nanfeng.

The youth did not reply, only attacked.

At this moment, the power of the sword on the youth increases again.

At the moment when the youth's strength increased, Nanfeng suddenly felt a kind of invisibility from the youth, a kind of invisibility from another period of time.

The south wind is very clear about this invisibility. First of all, the south wind cultivates the invisible time Tao, and has a certain degree of feeling for the arrival of many creatures in different periods of time.

Moreover, in the process of acquiring several magic powers, he met many creatures in different periods of time. They had a sense of the south wind, which was the invisible feeling of the youth at that time."Make sure again." Shocked, Nanfeng said.

At the next moment, the south wind completely impels the chaos of the golden body, and the nine inscriptions on the golden body pop out, merge and turn into the Optimus Prime, and smash hard at the world of the youth's Dao meaning evolution.


With a roar, Nanfeng added the strength of undead bones to the gold Body Inscription of fusion.

However, the undead bone did not appear. Nanfeng really didn't want to expose too much.

Boom! A burst of fragmentation sounds, and the gold body inscriptions directly crush the world of Dao meaning, but it's still a little worse.

"The original self pole." If you don't move the undead bones, the south wind completely moves the original self pole.

Click! As soon as the power of the primitive self pole is imposed, the cracks in the world of Dao will be filled in.

"No way!" The youth roared.

In his voice, the power of Dao meaning of justice and evil is derived from the Yin Yang compass. The compass rotates at a high speed and becomes bigger. In an instant, the infinite Dao meaning and Dao shadow burst out.

The endless Dao meaning and shadow constantly impact the inscriptions on the gold body.

Although it didn't break the inscriptions on the gold body, it made the merged inscriptions on the gold body split into nine strands, which retreated against the earthquake.

At this moment, the youth really broke out his peak power.

As soon as the peak power broke out, Nanfeng immediately confirmed that the youth was definitely not a person in his period of time. Because of his outbreak, Nanfeng can feel the invisible time breath of youth power more clearly.

This kind of breath, in any period of time, can only be possessed by creatures who are not in this period of time.

"Another genius in history?" Said the fire order of the devil.

"It's not a genius in this period of time anyway." Southwind.

"In order to obtain the complete inheritance of the three side sword God Jun Wu Dao, have you entered a long time?" The fire order murmured. "You're not in this period of time." Immediately, the south wind said to the youth.