Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2758

"As long as I have this warning, I'm safe on the surface at least. Even in the dark, if you want to move me, you have to think about it."

"The most important thing is that I have a longer time to grow up with Yin, GUI and Shen."

"I'm afraid it's not just a warning. If you don't tell Dao Meng Shen Jun such a good thing, as his master, what would Dao Meng Shen Jun think, but also such an overbearing Dao Meng Shen Jun." Said the fire order of the devil.

"It seems to be." Nanfeng smiles in his heart.

Nanfeng also gave thanks to the God King of the sword alliance and said, "thank you, Lord of the alliance. If Lord of the alliance doesn't have any other orders, I will leave first and prepare for the three sword meeting in a few days."

"Go Dao Meng Shen Jun nodded slightly.

At this moment, looking at Nanfeng, the God King of Dao Meng also feels very agreeable. In his heart, Nanfeng knows the current affairs very well.

"Take him to find Baidao, and tell all the martial arts that Nanfeng is the true disciple of the evil sword alliance. By the way, let the ghost come." Immediately, the sword alliance God King also ordered the evil sword guard.

"I see, my Lord!" The evil sword guard nodded slightly and left with the south wind.

After that, the evil sword guard sent Nanfeng to the place where Baidao Shenjun had settled down and left. In the alliance of evil swords, the great God king like the God King of hundred swords still has his own cultivation place.

At this time, there was another man by the side of Baidao Shenjun.

That is a young woman, with a beautiful face, but also charming infinite, wearing is also showy.

And Nanfeng knew who this woman was. It was Meng Ji, the daughter of Dao Meng God King.

Baidao Shenjun and Yingui Shenjun are the prey of Meng Ji.

Nanfeng also knows something about this alliance concubine. She is one of the most talented women in the evil sword alliance. The reason why Meng Ji hunts so many men is because of her practice.

Her way of cultivating evil swords is very inclined to be replenished by swallowing masculinity, which needs to be obtained from men.

See south wind appear, that alliance Ji all eyes immediately turn to south wind body. And it was full of a greedy look, like hunting, eager to immediately take the south wind in his mouth.

"It seems that this woman is not looking for Baidao Shenjun, but for you." "Because for a woman who picks yang to replenish Yin, you are the most perfect and incomparable prey."

"Nanfeng, next, you must be careful! Be careful! Be able to resist the temptation At this time, the God King of hundred swords also came, and his tone was full of worry. It's not a pity that he is immersed in Meng Ji's pomegranate skirt. It's also for the sake of being an undercover. It's nothing to him, because his talent can support his martial arts to this limit. Once Nanfeng is immersed in it, it will have a great influence on Sandao palace and Nanfeng itself.

"Don't worry, sect master. I'm not just a bloody genius." Said Nanfeng.

"This young hero is Nanfeng. It's better to see than to hear. He is really handsome and has extraordinary temperament. That kind of invisible superior momentum makes people submit, especially women want to submit." Enchanting toward the south wind, Meng Ji jiaomei said.

In one eye, the coquettish method is also emerging, with the eye as the medium, reflecting those obscene scenes to Nanfeng's eyes.

For a moment, the south wind fell into it.

At the same time, Meng Ji also spread obscene words to the south wind.

Meng Ji doesn't care that Baidao Shenjun is here.

Fortunately, Nanfeng was not afraid of such coquettish and evil skills. He became clear and bright in the moment he was trapped. He said with a respectful smile, "I'm joking, but I have to be respectful to you."

Seeing that Nanfeng was not affected by her charming and evil power, Meng Ji was shocked and said to herself, "this guy is really extraordinary. He is more powerful than Dacheng. He is not affected by my evil power."

"It's no wonder that when my father saw him, he sent me a message at the first time. Anyway, he must be in control."

"But this boy is also to my taste."

"I said Nanfeng little hero, if you call your elder sister senior, it will hurt your elder sister's heart, even she will be angry." Inner shock, Meng Ji surface or coquettish said to the south wind.

And also has gone to the south wind in front of the show.

At this time, Baidao Shenjun walked out of the hall. It was obvious that Meng Ji had sent a message to let Baidao Shenjun leave. This woman can't disobey the God.

"southern wind is really not good, you just lose some of the essence of Yang." When he walked out, the God of hundred swords once again told him, "just don't lose your heart, and don't make Meng Ji angry."

"This woman, this is my negligence."

The order of the God King of hundred swords really made Nanfeng a little helpless.

"Fire order, what to do?" At this time, Nanfeng was really at a loss."I don't know either, or you will hear the words of" hundred knife King Shen ", when you lose a little bit of Yang Qi. To South breeze serious inquiry, the evil ancestor fire order is very tease of say.

Nanfeng understood that the fire order of the demon ancestor was unreliable at this time, and he didn't ask again.

Nanfeng could only sell his smiling face first, retreating and saying, "since you like my younger brother, I call you elder sister, then I will call you elder sister all the time."

"Of course Meng Ji even said with a smile that she was about to pounce on Nanfeng.

At this moment, Nanfeng really wants to cry without tears. He really can't make this woman angry. When this woman gets angry, he doesn't know how much trouble he will encounter in the process of the three Sabre examination.

In a hurry, Nanfeng suddenly said, "sister, in order to prepare for this Sabre examination, I'm practicing a kind of magic power, and this kind of magic power needs to keep vigorous and masculine during the cultivation period, so..."

hearing this, Meng Ji's face was immediately upset.

Nanfeng also said, "but don't worry, sister. After the sabre test, I will go to find my sister. At that time, my sister will do what she wants!"

"That's about it!" In this way, Meng Ji is calming down.

Let Nanfeng promise again, Meng Ji is to leave. "It seems that in the three Sabre examination, I have to get the other two kinds of sabre spirit from the master of Dao Shenjun, because the existence of this woman will make me and Dao Meng Shenjun turn over a lot earlier." After Meng Ji left, Nanfeng said in her heart.