Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2751

"It's time for the war to come to an end." Under the power of evil blood, Nanfeng raised his eyes and looked at their invisible figures in the supernatural power, grinning ferociously.

The hand of heaven and earth, which combined all the forces of the south wind, reappeared, but this time it was the big hand of evil blood. Under the power of the big hand, the whole land of sacrifice seemed to be under the evil blood.

At this moment, Yin Zhen and Qian Dao felt fear again.

But no matter how scared they were, they had to attack, and their strongest attack was in front of the evil world of Nanfeng. At that moment, their powers collided again.

This time, the collision is even more like rolling.

However, it is no longer Yinzhen and Qiandao's magic power that crush Nanfeng, but vice versa. As you can see, it's just a little fierce. The world of the evil blood of the south wind directly grasps the tower of the true water and the sword of the blood.

Click! At that moment, the bodies of Yin Zhen and Qian Dao were also broken, and the soul and Yuan Shen were suppressed by the south wind.

"It's over!" Once again cold said, Nanfeng figure appeared in front of two people's suppressed soul.

At this time, besides fear, Yin Zhen and Qian Dao are only unwilling, thick unwilling. In the end, their union was defeated by this genius.

However, under their reluctance, they also have a little respect for Nanfeng.

Nanfeng didn't say much. He directly urged the power to separate the power token from the soul of Yinzhen, and then suppressed it to engulf the world and control it as soon as possible.

In the next few breaths, Nanfeng solved the problem of others and gave it all to the empress chaos.

"You two, if you want to live, make a martial arts oath and choose to submit to me." Then, the south wind said.

Nanfeng wanted to use the power of the curse to control these two people, but through this battle, Nanfeng understood that it would be very difficult, or even fail, so he would be killed, or the two men would plot to act in secret, and he would be even worse.

So there is no need to take such a risk.

Just get the power token to control the way in and out of here.

"Hum!" Hear the words of south wind, two people just cold hum.

"That's a pity." Nanfeng shook his head and said regretfully.

Then, Nanfeng stopped talking nonsense and destroyed their souls and spirits with the power of evil blood. He also transformed their souls and spirits into the power of chaos mother.

"It's not an easy end!" The south wind said heavily.

"Don't lament. Bring this 24:00 Memorial array into the world and leave as soon as possible." The fire order of Mozu said, "the fall of Yinzhen and Qiandao will be known quickly by the two forces behind them."

"But I can only kill them as soon as possible, because I can't suppress them for a long time. After all, I don't want to be in the state of evil blood secret method for a long time." Said Nanfeng.

Between the words, Nanfeng also completely retreated from the state of the secret method of evil blood.

In addition, he also allows a soul to separate and merge into the existing evil blood in the body to purify the evil blood.

"Let's not talk about that. Let's first collect the 24:00 sacrifice array." The fire order said again.

Nanfeng no longer hesitated. Several of them stepped to the 24:00 sacrifice array and covered it with the power of the world. They wanted to take it into the world.

But the resistance of the 24:00 sacrifice array is very strong. If it is not for a few months, I am afraid the south wind will not be able to collect it. In a few months, it will take a day or two.

And in a day or two, not to mention the Yin and ghost gate, it's time for the strong of the dry blood gate to arrive.

"Hard!" The south wind is heavy.

"You urge the heaven and earth Dharma array to combine the power of the heaven and earth Dharma array with the power of your world. The heaven and earth Dharma array is the most powerful array. Compared with it, it can let you quickly collect the 24-hour sacrifice array." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Yes, I forgot the heaven and earth array." Said Nanfeng.

As soon as the eyebrow lines appear, the whole 24:00 sacrifice array is surrounded by the power of heaven and earth Dharma array.

The goddess of luck is in favor of Nanfeng. Under the influence of the power of heaven and earth Dharma array, there is almost no resistance to Nanfeng's power.

That is, a few breathing time, the south wind will collect the 24:00 sacrifice array into the world.

Push the power token, the south wind just left here.

He never stops to leave this dark place.

On the way, Nanfeng's mind also tried to understand the 24-hour sacrificial array, but found that his mind could not understand the 24-hour sacrificial array at all.

Let alone depiction.

You know, since he practiced heaven and earth array, and learned some heaven array from fat man, no matter how complex the array is, he can understand it at the first time, and even begin to depict it.

However, even if he was under the heaven and earth Dharma array, he could not open any crack in the gate.

And in the invisible, there is a strong blocking force to hinder him."Since ancient times, no living creature has ever been able to depict the 24-hour sacrificial array. Therefore, the 24-hour sacrificial array can not be portrayed only because heaven and earth are formed. Don't waste your efforts. It may have become a rule of heaven and earth." Said the fire order of the devil.

"This may have something to do with the rumor. As long as the strength of the 24-hour sacrifice array is strong enough, even heaven can offer mercy. In this way, the way of heaven absolutely does not allow any living creature to depict the 24-hour sacrifice array."

"No matter what, when I have enough strength, I must really try it. It's a sacrificial array comparable to the heaven and earth Dharma array. I don't want to let it go." Said Nanfeng.

"These are the last words. Now, you'd better pray that you can get out of this dark shrine safely." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Don't worry, it's OK. I'm changing now. I'm confident that only the king of the peak is qualified to feel it." Said Nanfeng.

About two hours later, Nanfeng arrived at the exit of the dark sacrificial yuan, but at this time, the dark sacrificial yuan was still so common, which made Nanfeng suspicious, "has the death of Yinzhen and Qiandao not been found?"

"Maybe. After all, who would think they would die here?" The fire order of demon ancestor is also conjectured.

With this conjecture, Nanfeng and Mozu fire made me feel relieved.

But there was no relief for a few quarters of an hour.

Because when Nanfeng came out of the exit of the dark sacrificial garden, he found that he was different. He had the power of God King, and the primitive self could clearly feel that the surrounding space was full of strong people.

One of the breath, Nanfeng, if you remember correctly, is the spirit of the emperor.

There is no doubt that the people of Yin GUI men didn't find it, but had already found it, waiting for him here. Look around the dark river, there are no other warriors.