Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2741

"The leader of the alliance wants to cultivate a loyal and powerful helper with the spirit of these three magic swords. When the time is ripe, he may have to fight in the triple realms. After all, the martial arts of the martial arts are unlimited, and unlimited martial arts can breed unlimited ambition!"

"I see!" Nanfeng said, "how often will this time's Sandao competition come?"

"There are still three years to go, and the alliance leader has already sent the news. This time, I will take you with me "Hundred sword God King said," and also said, will take time to see you

At this time, only Baidao Shenjun himself knew that he didn't want Nanfeng to be seen by daomeng Shenjun, and he didn't want Nanfeng to be the man under daomeng Shenjun. As for the reason, only he knew.

"Oh? My Lord wants to see me Nanfeng was surprised.

Of course, Nanfeng's surprise is pretended. After all, as long as his challenge goes out, the leader of the evil sword alliance can't sit still.

"Next, let's make use of this opportunity to see the sword alliance God who killed the three faced sword God King first!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

"You are a genius worthy of summoning by the alliance leader. If you show your amazing performance in this three swords meeting, you will be more favored by the alliance leader. Maybe the alliance leader will give you the spirit of three magic swords directly." Said the God of hundred swords.

At this time, I could already hear the reluctance in the tone of Baidao Shenjun.

Nanfeng naturally heard it, so he said, "don't worry, sect master. No matter where I am in the future, I will never forget what I promised to the sect master. I will visit you one by one

Thank you, Nanfeng When he heard Nanfeng's words, the God of hundred swords repeated his thanks.

However, the unwillingness in Baidao Shenjun's tone did not decrease too much.

"He seems to have another worry!" Said the fire order of the devil.

"Maybe, but I can't ask." Said Nanfeng.

"The master is polite. Nanfeng will not be ungrateful. The promise will be fulfilled unless I die." Said Nanfeng.

"Ha ha, good!" No longer thinking about his unwillingness, Baidao Shenjun laughs, "in the next three years, you will try your best to improve. You can use any cultivation resources of Baidao sect."

"And if you have a need, just let me know."

"Thank you, sect master. I want to ask the sect master for a place." Said Nanfeng.

"Oh, where? Tell me." The God of hundred swords.

"a land with natural and natural blood sacrifice, and that kind of blood sacrifice is only for sacrificing the essence of life and the origin of heaven and earth." Said Nanfeng.

Hearing Nanfeng's inquiry, Baidao Shenjun asked curiously, "why do you want to inquire about such a place?"

"Sect master, I'm a little embarrassed. It's about my core secret, so..." Nanfeng laughs.

"I see." Hundred sword God gentleman nods to say.

"There is such a natural place in the area of the evil sword alliance. That place has become an invisible place of natural sacrifice, which devours all life and is called the dark sacrifice yuan." The God of hundred swords continued.

"Where is the dark shrine?" Asked Nanfeng expectantly.

"Unfortunately, it's in the area of the Yin and ghost gate, and the Yin and ghost God King regards it as the cultivation place of his Yin and ghost disciples, so it's not easy for other forces to want to enter the dark sacrificial yuan." The God of hundred swords.

"What a coincidence The south wind sighed.

"Although I don't know why you want to go to such a place, I don't want you to go in my heart. After all, it's the territory of the Lord of ghosts and spirits, and the Lord of ghosts and spirits often practices in the dark sacrificial yuan." The God King of hundred swords said anxiously.

"Sect master, I have a reason why I have to go. Don't worry, the emperor of Yin, GUI and Shen can't help me. I will never make fun of my own life." Said Nanfeng.

"Well, you must be careful yourself!" Baidao Shenjun knows that he can't dissuade Nanfeng, so he can only ask.

Naturally, he wanted to follow the south wind to ensure its safety, but since it was a secret, he could not follow it any more.

"Yes After nodding slightly, the south wind went directly to the area of the ghost gate.

As soon as the south wind left, the crazy sword God appeared.

"Even if he has the power of the God King, the dark sacrificial yuan of the ghost gate is not a place where he can easily get in and out." Crazy sword God King said.

"But I can't dissuade him. You can pass on the message for me and ask Master Xinghe to help me!" Said the God of hundred swords.

"Sect master, do you want him to..." Hearing these words from the God of hundred swords, the God of crazy swords shocked him.

"Crazy Dao, don't you want to?" The God of hundred swords asked.

Immediately, the crazy sword God King nodded, "OK, I'll contact master Xinghe immediately and let him go to the dark sacrificial yuan. And he must be very happy, too! "

… "Nanfeng, is your search for a place like the dark sacrifice related to your asking the dead men to search for the acquired warrior?" On the way to the hell gate area, the fire order of the devil ancestor asked."Huoling, I won't hide it from you any more. These two things really have something to do with each other." Said Nanfeng.

"What are you going to do?" Asked the fire order.

"I want to have my own belief that belongs to my own life, that is, I can develop my own belief!" The south wind said heavily.

"Self derived belief? What do you mean, I don't understand? " Said the fire order of the devil.

"In my world, my life was born long ago. Do you remember?" Said Nanfeng.

"Remember! I remember that those creatures can also provide you with some strength of belief. " The fire order said, "now, you have the power of God King, and those creatures are coming out. Should you also be able to gain more powerful faith power?"

"It's time, but it's always blocked." Said Nanfeng.

"Hindered by what?" Said the fire order of the devil.

"By this piece of heaven and earth in addition to the invisible will of heaven." Said Nanfeng.

"You said that the way of heaven is not the way of heaven at the beginning, but the will of an independent world in chaos, just like the will of the undead bones forest." Said Nanfeng.

"Therefore, in addition to the way of heaven, heaven and earth have their most primitive will. I can feel that it is the invisible power of this will that hinders the birth of creatures in my body."

"This should not be ah, a lot of emperor's world, also gave birth to life, but have not heard of such obstacles ah?" Mozu Huoling is a little unclear.

"I guess it's because my world is different, but anyway, I have to remove this barrier in order to make those creatures in my world really born." Southwind. "Otherwise, those creatures will always be in the embryonic state, and the power of belief I can obtain will be limited. More importantly, I am afraid that my world will stop growing."