Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2729

"I don't have so much spare time to compete with you. Three competitions have passed. If it's a draw, it's a draw." The God of hundred swords replied coldly.

A draw is acceptable.

"It's time for you to get out of here." Immediately, the God King of hundred swords said again. At the same time, the power of the God King of hundred swords is even stronger, straight to the Yin, ghost and God King.

If you say no, you will do it immediately.

He will only allow the appearance of Yin, GUI and Shen Jun in the competition, and he will not and can not allow other times.

"Baidao, don't you always doubt how I killed him? Now, I tell you, because at that time, besides me, there was another person, two to one, who would naturally die. " At this time, the Yin ghost God King suddenly said so.

"Who else?" Hear the words of the Yin ghost God King, hundred sword God King immediately excited, cold ask a way.

"Want to know, simple, that is the contest must be divided, you win, you take my daughter, and I will tell you the situation, you lose, give your daughter away." Yin GUI Shen Jun said.

The first two defeats, Yin GUI Shen Jun can not let go, he is such a person, revenge, and he for today's battle, quietly solicited too many talents, how can he be willing to end in a draw.

The God King of hundred swords was silent.

He didn't want to gamble with his daughter, but when he thought that he couldn't get revenge completely, he was even more heartbroken.

Seeing the silence of Baidao Shenjun, Yingui Shenjun is sure that Baidao Shenjun will agree. Because he has been an opponent for so many years, he knows Baidao Shenjun's character too well.

Sure enough, after a moment's silence, Baidao Shenjun agreed and said coldly, "you'd better not cheat me, or I will take you to hell with me once I die."

"The conditions for the competition between you and me are all bound by the martial arts oath. If you break the martial arts oath, I don't have that ability." Yin GUI Shen Jun said with a sneer.

"The first three contests, the realm of the contest, come according to your requirements, then this fourth one, it's your turn." Yin ghost God gentleman continues to say.

"Which realm?" The God of hundred swords asked coldly.

"The realm of binary perfect God King!" Yin ghost God King said, kill the vision of the meaning to see to South breeze.

"Ha ha, it seems that the ghost king really wants to kill you, because he's afraid that you will grow up in Baidao God King's side." The fire order of the demon ancestor said with a smile.

"Unfortunately, all his wishful thinking will be extremely fragile in front of my absolute strength." Said Nanfeng.

If you want to fight against Nanfeng, unless you can find a genius who can fight at the third level of the binary perfect God King, even a great genius with three air of heaven and earth is not enough for Nanfeng.

Baidao Shenjun naturally understood the intention of Yingui Shenjun, that is to kill Nanfeng.

However, this is exactly what Baidao Shenjun means, because for him, what he trusts most at this time is the strength of Nanfeng. Baidao Shenjun says again, "what do you mean by Nanfeng?"

"Sect master, no matter what, I'm your dead man. I'll do my best." Nanfeng replied.

"Well, what do you want?" The God of hundred swords said heavily.

The God King of hundred swords is naturally worried. He is worried that the south wind is actually sent by the ghost God King. The warrior who killed the stone body is just for him to see.

But if it is, Nanfeng is directly defeated by Shi Gang's warrior.

Therefore, Baidao Shenjun chose to trust Nanfeng a little more.

Besides, the most important point is that Nanfeng doesn't want to die. With his promise, Nanfeng can also choose to betray the emperor.

"Sect master, I'll wait until after this war for what I want." Said Nanfeng.

"Well, I'll give you my life and fortune." Said the God of hundred swords.

There is no way for Baidao Shenjun. He can't refuse the offer offered by Yingui Shenjun. This is an important reason why he has been alive all the time. However, none of the dead and the genius under Baidao is as good as Nanfeng.

"Well, call your men! On my side, this man will fight for me. " Then the God of hundred swords said.

"It seems that you are really confident in him!" The emperor sneered.

About a long time later, the emperor went out from here and soon brought back a young man in black.

The young man in black looks ordinary, but the charm of his eyes is not ordinary. Looking at the past, he seems to have fallen directly into the darkness and evil, and his eyes have a direct resonance.

"I'm afraid this man has real eyes. It's just my intention." Nanfeng was excited.

This is a battle of life and death, so he won, everything of the enemy is his, since this person has eyes, then he will condense triple eyes.

Nanfeng felt it, and so did the young man. He looked directly at Nanfeng, and there was an invisible excitement in his eyes. Nanfeng wants to get his divine eyes, so he naturally wants to get Nanfeng's divine eyes."My opponent is you!" Landing down, the youth also directly asked the south wind.

"If you are also the king of dualistic perfection, that's it." Nanfeng laughs.

"If it's you, I like it very much!" Said the young man with a sneer.

"The same!" South wind responded.

But at this time, the God of hundred swords didn't look very good, because he knew the youth and the origin of youth.

"Ha ha, how about it?" Seeing the appearance of the God King of the hundred swords, the Yin ghost God King said with a smile.

"If he's dead, I'm afraid you can't account for it." The God King of hundred swords replied.

"You think he's going to lose. He's more talented than the women of the war clan around you." The emperor sneered.

"In this case, then look at it. If you have any moves, you will follow them." Said the God of hundred swords.

On the stage, the young man looked at the south wind and said, "I can feel that your Divine eyes are a little special. They seem to contain two kinds of divine power. What kind of divine eyes will they be? Show them."

"The south wind also has eyes!" Hearing the young man's words, the God of hundred swords was surprised.

The God of hundred swords suddenly felt that the south wind might be more unfathomable.

"To tell you the truth, I really don't need a magic eye, even a magic power, a fist or a finger to kill you." Nanfeng's response to the youth is just like this.

"Just like I killed the warrior of the stone body before."

"Oh, by the way, you were not there at that time, but you can ask the one around you."

Hearing this, the young man's face immediately darkened, and the words of the south wind made his killing intention infinite. "Good! That's interesting! " With a ferocious sound, the young man took the lead. The power of evil blood evolved into a round of blood moon, which was suppressed in an instant.