Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2676

"Break through! This southerly wind is really a challenge of leapfrogging Seeing the south wind breaking through the dark snake youth's change, the warrior outside said with emotion.

"The challenge of leapfrogging is really worthy of its reputation!" Bai Ji said to bingnv.

"So, this time you put your heart in your stomach. With the south wind, the four people over there can't lift any waves." Bingnv replied, "and, to some extent, the south wind is on your side."

"On my side?" Bai Ji doesn't understand.

"You need to ask him about specific things. I can't say it!" "Bingnv said," and I'm just guessing a lot of things! "

Bai Ji did not continue to ask in this regard. She also understood that the core of all this was Nanfeng. Only from the mouth of Nanfeng could she know.

"So, what's your relationship with Nanfeng?" Bai Ji asked.

"Unite with him, I will unite with him to dominate this evil and chaotic area!" Bingnu didn't hide it, she replied.

Hearing this, Bai Ji was really a little surprised.

"Don't be surprised, because it's very difficult for me to dominate this evil and chaotic area alone, or even I can't succeed. But with this south wind, it's different. He can help me deal with the most intractable enemy." Bingnv said.

"Listening to you, I am more curious about the background behind the south wind." Bai Ji said.

At this moment, the most shocking thing is mengteng, the young dark snake fighting with Nanfeng. He knows what his strength is. In the middle of duality, the fighting power is at the peak of this realm.

Before the south wind, the remaining days of Huoxie, huoxuanlang and yinruxue entered the evil volcano, he felt the realm of these four people. Nanfeng did not do anything to hide, so the realm of Nanfeng, magic Teng know.

Seeing that Nanfeng easily broke through the magic power of the dark snake youth, mengteng immediately saw that Nanfeng was fighting in three realms.

"How could it be?" Magic Teng heart shock, unbelievable.

At this moment, magic Teng's self-confidence in this matter was shaken.

This is not his wavering, but an invisible wavering.

… In the world of evil volcano, no matter how heavy the killing is in the young man's heart, and no matter how close his heart is to the killing machine, he is moved and shocked at this moment.

A dull "how can it be" came from the mouth of the young snake.

"Trained to be a killer close to the killing machine, right? But I want to tell you, what shocked you is still behind. " Under the mixed fire, Nanfeng said with a sneer.

"The dark snake is invincible in this evil and chaotic area!" The expression is ferocious, dark snake youth hisses to say.

Boom boom! Between the ferocity, the momentum of the dark snake youth increased wildly. The spirit mark on his face was moving towards the center of his eyebrows. At the same time, the spirit mark that really belonged to him appeared in the center of his eyebrows.

After the coincidence of the marks, the young man of the dark snake had the breath of the power of two spirits.

However, one is true, the other is implicit.

"This guy is a bit powerful. In this way, we can barely say that he has two spirits!" The fire of the demon ancestor made me sigh.

"Unfortunately, he is facing me now, a genius with nine spirits." Said Nanfeng.

The eyebrow is full of spiritual light. Nanfeng's body has been cremated, and the power of the mixed fire spirit has burst out without reservation. Under Nanfeng's feet, the power of hunhuodao flows out and starts to make him enter the primitive self pole.

"Turn into your noumenon, or by virtue of your two spirits, you will not even be qualified to say defeat." Primitive from extremely bottom, south wind looking at dark snake youth light say.

After listening to Nanfeng's words, the young man of dark snake didn't hesitate and directly turned into the body of xueteng snake. He could feel the original and extraordinary nature of the south wind, and also felt all kinds of magical fire breath mixed in the spirit body of the south wind mixed with fire.

"Samadhi is really hot!" Nanfeng no longer wastes a little time, and becomes samadhi's true fire power, like a torrent of flames, sweeping directly towards the dark snake youth.

In front of many warriors, Nanfeng naturally doesn't want to expose the supernatural power of heaven and earth, but the scene of the evil volcano is mapped out after all. The outside eyes can see that it's a supernatural move, but they can't see that it's a supernatural power of heaven and earth.

Although the young man in front of him could see it, he was soon a dead man.

"The serpent roars in the sky!" Feeling the power of samadhi's true fire, the dark snake youth had no time to shock him, but tried his best to unite and resist the magic power.

Led by his own body, he gathered the power of two kinds of spirits in his body, whistling out like a real dragon.

Where it passes, the Teng snake roars, the power of the sky is constant, and the bloody shadow of the sky is also emerging around the Teng snake, strengthening the strength of the dark snake youth every minute.

Boom! The next moment, the two powers collided with each other, but the result was not so fierce. It was just a one-sided situation. Under the flame of samadhi's real fire, all the snake's power was directly burned to ashes.

Bear! Suddenly the flame flowed by, and a burnt snake appeared, and then scattered on the ground.Seeing this scene, there was a dead silence outside the evil volcano.

In their eyes, it should be a fierce battle, but when Nanfeng put out all his strength, everything was too fast.

"What a south wind! What a challenge Soon, the silence was broken by the sound of emotion.

The happy nature is Bai Ji, already a disciple of the evil fire sect.

Bai Ji looks excited, and the corners of her mouth are full of joy. It seems that for a long time, she has not been so happy, because for a long time, the genius of the evil fire sect has not been so strong in suppressing the warriors of the blood snake clan.

Although the south wind is not of the evil fire sect, at this moment, the south wind represents the evil fire sect.

As for the look of mengteng, needless to say, it should be more cloudy, more gloomy, more ferocious, more ferocious.

"Damn it! South wind, right! Those who are against me will never come to a good end! " Devil Teng roars in the heart way, if the vision can kill, south wind already died ten thousand times.

In the world of evil volcano, Nanfeng killed the young dark snake, and had no power to restrain him, because at this moment, he felt the arrival of the other three young dark snake.

It is obvious that the young man of the dark snake passed on the news to the other three as soon as he met Nanfeng.

In other words, the four dark snake warriors are ready to meet.

"Just in time!" Nanfeng's eyes flashed, and he said with a strong sense of killing.

"I said, let's go first. If I feel good before, one of the other three seems to be in the middle of the three Yuan Dynasty!" Hear south wind's words, the evil ancestor fire order says.

"We've got help coming too." Said Nanfeng.

"Did you send a message to that voice like snow?" Asked the fire order.

"Not bad!" South wind nods. Before entering the world of the evil volcano, the south wind and yinruxue left a means of transmitting information between each other.