Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2674

Sound like snow, the name in the whole area of evil chaos is also well-known, how can Nanfeng not know.

In addition to Bai Ji and Bing Nu, some talented women, such as helianyi and yinruxue, are the top women in this region.

"It is said that the relationship between the evil fire sect and the evil sound palace is good. It seems that Bai Ji invited this woman!"

"Like snow, you can come just right!" See sound such as snow, white Ji cold facial expression smile to say.

"Just catch up with this evil volcano!" Sound such as snow spit out tongue, slightly with some little girl mischievous said.

However, if anyone thinks that this sound like snow is mischievous, it's a big mistake. If you look down on her because of her appearance and character, I'm afraid the consequences will only be worse.

"Yinruxue has also come. This time, it's not just a contest between the evil fire sect and the xueteng snake clan!" All around the warrior said with emotion.

Walking to Bai Ji, Yin Ruxue looks at Nanfeng and huoxuanlang. After all, he hasn't seen them. He also asks them mischievously.

"Here comes the blood snake people!" At this time, some voices sounded, which once again aroused the eyes of almost all the warriors.

I saw a huge flying boat like a flying snake coming. The boat carried the power of blood killing by itself. It was like a thick fog. Virtually, there was the sound of snake's tongue, which made the martial people around feel harsh.

"Here it is Ice woman light a, ice cold eyes directly start to kill idea. She and the xueteng snake clan also have grudges and hatred. The other faction of the xueteng snake clan and the Xuebing clan is not less bad for her.

"I've lost several competitions before that. I'm sure I can't lose this time. This is the most important one!" Bai Ji gave a heavy voice.

When the boat landed, a middle-aged man in the fog of blood came out with a kind of arrogance. His eyes were fierce, just like the stings in the dark!

The middle-aged man silk does not hide his strong breath of the half step God King. There is no doubt that the middle-aged man is the head of the blood Teng snake clan now - Magic Teng.

"Morden!" South wind in the heart slightly a sound.

"Morden!" At the end of the words in the heart, Bai Ji is also cold, all the killing intention is contained in the cold.

"Bai Ji!" That magic Teng is also not good, the vision of blood black is to kill intention, reply a.

Boom! All of a sudden, the momentum between the two sides collided with each other, sweeping like two tornadoes and storms, which meant fighting endlessly.

But in the end, they are all convergent. Although they all want to kill each other and prove that they didn't kill their master at the beginning, they are not absolutely sure and don't want to take risks.

"Bai Ji, this time, I will be in charge of the evil fire sect again!" Morden spoke again.

"Master's evil fire sect, will I let you be a master killer?" Bai Ji responded coldly.

"Who betrayed, who killed the teacher, the future has its own public opinion." Magic Teng said.

The next moment, magic Teng no longer speak, just a right hand move, Teng snake boat, four figures directly down, a few steps, to the mouth of the evil volcano, directly jump into.

"The xueteng snake family only sent four people?" Seeing this scene, all around the warrior began to talk.

"This is probably the most correct way to send out the strongest talents. The goal is to be the first. Otherwise, if you add other talents in, it's just a burden or death." Said some of the warriors.

"But those four people don't seem to be familiar with each other. They don't have the genius of the blood snake clan now." Some of the warriors were puzzled.

"What do you know? The true genius of the xueteng snake clan. Among the dark snake forces of the xueteng snake, those four people are, I think, the strong ones in the dark snake forces of the xueteng snake. It's not surprising that we haven't met them." Said an old man who knew something about it.

"People in the dark snake force."

… At this time, Bing Nu's eyes look at Bai Ji and see how Bai Ji decides next. After all, they didn't expect that magic Teng just sent four people in.

If they send other disciples in, the other disciples will meet the four, but they will not win.

Bai Ji doesn't hesitate. She looks at the south wind. The fire evil is still in the sky. Huoxuanlang and yinruxue say, "this time, we'll have four of you here."

"Master, I see!" Fire evil Yu Tian said heavily.

"After you enter, you should be careful. You can't underestimate the genius of the blood leaping snake family in the dark snake. Maybe there will be a genius with air, or not in the dark snake, or the top genius of other forces." At this time, the ice girl whispered the south wind.

"Bingnv, are you worried about me?" Nanfeng responds with some teasing tone.

"You don't have to think too much. I charge you because I don't want you to die in it. After all, to me, you are really a good ally, and you owe me luck." Ice girl light response.

Hearing bingnu's words, Nanfeng no longer spoke, and the other three jumped into the evil volcano.

This evil volcano is really different. Entering it through the entrance is just like the huge and real world of fire. The evil heat surges across the void.The earth below is like magma.

The space here is also invisible. If you enter from the entrance of the evil volcano, you will enter into different levels of space, so although the four people enter at the same time, they are not together.

Outside, Mo Teng said to Bai Ji, "take out your half of the evil fire mirror and let all the Taoist friends around take a look at the situation inside, or let us know in advance who will control the evil fire sect left by master in the future!"

Bai Ji didn't say anything, but her palm turned, and a simple mirror surrounded by evil flames appeared. You can clearly feel that this half mirror has a lot to do with this evil volcano.

"The evil fire mirror of the evil fire sect is said to be a natural artifact obtained by the evil fire god king in the evil volcano, which can reflect everything in the core of the evil volcano." Said some of the warriors.

"But the evil fire mirror is broken in two, half in Bai Ji's hand, half in Mo Teng's hand."

The next moment, the magic Teng also took out the other half of the evil fire mirror.

Under the momentum of the evil fire, the two halves of the evil fire mirror are combined together, but Baiji and mengteng do not control the real combination, just let the power of the two halves of the evil fire mirror merge slightly to reflect the internal situation of the evil volcano.

Buzz, buzz! With the combination of the two evil fire forces, some resonance appeared, and the invisible scene has appeared, which is the evil fire world inside the evil volcano.

Slowly, eight figures appeared in it.

At this time, eight people are in different places. Landing on the hot ground like magma, the south wind had to resist with the power of evil fire. Because if you resist with other forces, you will suffer the strong repulsive force in the evil fire world, which not only repels you out, but also tears your body.