Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2672

"Old friends invite me again, how can I not come." Bingnv said, looking relaxed. Perhaps, only in front of Bai Ji, bingnv's look will really relax naturally.

As for the previous smile in front of the south wind, it is estimated that at that time unintentionally exposed the woman's inner natural little woman mentality.

"If I hadn't been in seclusion, I would have come long ago."

"Let's get on the boat!" Bai Ji said.

Then, bingnv takes Nanfeng to step on Baiji's flying boat, which submerges into the secret place of the evil fire sect. Nanfeng looks at the two young people behind Bai Ji. They are both extraordinary and have a deep feeling. They must be the people Bai Ji attaches importance to.

The two are also looking at the south wind, because they know that the person Bing Nu brings must take part in the contest of the recovery of the evil volcano. Although they are on one side, they are also competitors.

In the eyes of the two young people, Nanfeng soon showed some disdain. Nanfeng didn't have the breath of convergence, and the realm of the God King in the early period of duality was revealed.

And this time, those who took part in the contest of the recovery of the evil volcano were almost all the mid-term king of the realm.

"Bai Ji, do you feel a little upset when you see that I only have one person with me?" On the boat, bingnv asked directly.

"Bingnv, you should know the importance of this competition. This time, I have to choose the next successor in the evil fire sect, and the people under moteng are really qualified to participate in the competition." Bai Ji said heavily.

"In your whole area of Xuebing clan, there is not only one genius who has practiced the evil fire way, is there?"

"Don't worry, master. I'll do my best. Don't let the devil Teng take the next master's place!" At this time, the young man in the black flame suit arched his hand and said firmly.

Look at his eyes of Bai Ji, just endless love.

"This person should be the fire evil remaining days of the evil fire sect." Looking at the youth's admiration for Bai Ji, Nanfeng guessed the identity of the youth.

Now the most powerful genius of the evil fire sect is the fire evil Yutian.

It can even be said that it was the first day to cultivate the evil fire way in the whole evil chaos region.

At first, Huoxie Yutian was not a member of the evil fire sect. He was just a sanxiu of the evil fire sect. He joined the evil fire sect because he admired Bai Ji. He also made no secret of his love for Bai Ji and declared that he would win Bai Ji's favor.

In the whole evil fire sect, if you dare to show your love for Baiji, and baiji is not angry, it's the rest of the fire evil days.

Therefore, seeing the youth's undisguised love for Bai Ji, Nanfeng naturally guessed that this man was Huoxie Yutian.

As for Baiji's attitude towards Huoxie Yutian, I'm afraid it's just appreciation, a pure appreciation, and maybe it also has some meaning of attracting.

After all, Bai Ji's eyes are the same as Bing Nu's, how arrogant!

Another young man said nothing.

Baiji just nodded to Huoxie Yutian.

"There is a strong power of hegemony in the breath of fire evil. If he can't get it at last, I'm afraid he will turn from love to hate." The fire order of the magic ancestor speaks to the south wind.

"It's up to him. This time, I just want to understand some secrets that belong to me from the evil volcano and figure out who is the betrayer of the evil fire god king." Said Nanfeng.

"Bai Ji, you should know a little bit about genius. It's enough to have a real genius. Otherwise, no matter how much you bring, you'll just lose face." Bingnv responded.

"Would you please introduce this brother to bingnv?" Fire evil Yu Tian said.

"It's downwind!" Also don't wait for ice female to open mouth, South breeze says directly.

"South wind!" Immediately, Bai Ji, Huoxie Yutian and another young man were all surprised.

Nanfeng, they have heard the name for a long time, because there are four words for leapfrog challenge.

"Are you the south wind in the near future?" Shocked, Bai Ji asked again.

At this moment, Bai Ji's heart is very excited, because her talent for Xuebing nationality is no doubt the first one is Nanfeng.

"Not bad!" South wind nods.

In shock, the fire evil Yu Tian and the young man's will to fight against the south wind had been aroused.

"Bai Ji, now, you don't think I've brought less people. I think, with those four words - leapfrog challenge, the genius of the whole evil region, no one can compete with him." Bingnv said.

Hearing bingnu's words, Nanfeng scolded directly in her heart, "this woman said it on purpose. Don't you know there is another fire evil remaining day and another person here?"

Sure enough, after hearing bingnv's words, Huoxie Yutian and the young man were not happy immediately. They could not wait to fight against Nanfeng, which was mixed with some jealousy.

That white Ji, also seem to be intentional, slightly nod, "really, the genius of leapfrog challenge, who is competing with?"

Moreover, a pair of beautiful eyes look to the south wind, showing a smile.

In this scene, in the eyes of the fire evil Yu Tian, the invisible hatred of the south wind increased."This woman, isn't she afraid that I will fight with Huoxie Yutian first?" Nanfeng said in his heart.

"Maybe I'm worried, but to tell you the truth, it's more likely to infuriate Huoxie Yutian and let Huoxie Yutian have no spare power in this contest." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Perhaps, in Bai Ji's heart, Huoxie Yutian is not the next leader of the evil fire sect that she wants to cultivate in her heart. It's just her chess piece to deal with mengteng."

"You, too!"

"Also a cruel, not simple woman!" South wind said with emotion.

"Master Baiji, I can guess that he is the first evil fire genius in the area of evil chaos - Fire evil Yutian. What's wrong with him?" In order to alleviate the hatred of Huoxie Yutian to himself to a certain extent, Nanfeng quickly put on a high hat for Huoxie Yutian and said.

After hearing this, Huoxie Yutian responded directly to Nanfeng, "this is the next friend from the double heaven, named huoxuanlang. He is a genius with air."

"It turned out to be a top genius with air. I'm very polite!" South wind is also respectful.

Hear the South breeze respectful language, that fire Xuan Lang is also to be used of tiny nod.

Seeing the south wind like this, bingnu and Baiji didn't look down upon it in their hearts. Instead, they paid more attention to it. They all said in their hearts, "this guy is quite patient!"

Genius really needs to be arrogant, but sometimes, a genius with patience is the real genius.

"Ice girl, thank you very much. I didn't expect you to bring this south wind here!" At this time, Bai Ji sends a message to bingnv, saying thanks from the bottom of her heart. "It's not easy to receive your thanks, but it's not necessary this time, because it's Nanfeng who asked me to bring him here. He wants to get close to you." Bingnu responded.