Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2666

Nanfeng wants to see Helian Yiyi again. There are some things she wants to verify.

"Nanfeng, this is unnecessary. You should know that from now on, the level between you and Yiyi has been different." The elder said with a sneer.

"Take your things and leave!"

Hearing this, Nanfeng's anger was a little unbearable, and he wanted to beat up these dignified guys in front of him.

But he had to bear it first.

"OK, I'll leave!" With a chill, the south wind came out of the hall.

Nanfeng took the utensil for storing things. If he didn't take it, he might not be able to walk out of the hall. What's more, he will take more than that from this family.

If these people trample on his man's dignity, they will pay a price.

The journey of evil chaos and swamp, the condensation of inner evil, makes Nanfeng more ruthless when he needs to be ruthless.

"Should we kill him to prevent future trouble?" After Nanfeng came out of the hall, a senior member of the Helian family said fiercely.

"Look first!" Said the elder.

"It's not very good to kill him now. After all, the news has a bad influence on our family."

"Don't worry. As long as he's not a fool, he won't talk nonsense. Besides, we have plenty of opportunities to control him." Said the head of the herring family.

But Helian Yiyi's father didn't say anything, because in his heart, he was still a little guilty. But it's just that. One of the three geniuses of the family, he can't let go of this road. "It's a blow to me, the herring family. I'm too credulous." Walking out of the Helian family, Nanfeng said to himself, "since I have the primitive self pole, I am willing to rely on the feeling and intuition of primitive self pole to trust people, but I can't feel the inner feelings of living beings as a primitive self pole."

"Take a cut and learn a lesson!" Said the fire order of the devil.

"But fortunately, the Helian family hasn't really killed you, otherwise the evil and chaotic region can't stay any longer."

"After all, they are still worried that I will say the relationship with helianyi in any way. If I can use some cultivation resources to block my mouth, it would be better." Said Nanfeng.

To open the Helian family, Nanfeng goes to the evil gate along the secluded Road, because as soon as he leaves the Helian family, he feels that someone is following him, not others, but Helian Yiyi.

"There should be no one here. Show up!" Make sure there's no one around, said Nanfeng faintly.

South wind's words fall, Helian Yiyi is green and manly, and some immortal air comes out from the void and slowly comes to south wind.

"They mean what you mean?" Nanfeng asked directly.

"Well, after all, people go up and water flows down!" Helanyi responded.

Helianyi didn't feel embarrassed. Maybe, this is what helianyi really looks like. Maybe, helianyi is changeable.

Hearing this, Nanfeng nodded slightly.

Nanfeng wanted to laugh at himself and was cheated by a woman.

"Is the ancestral Scripture that I passed on to you the chance that your father said you had?" Asked Nanfeng.

This is what Nanfeng wants to make sure. If it is true, then the woman in front of her is a little terrible.

"Not bad!" "Here, I also sincerely thank you, so I will let the Helian family continue to help you," he said

"Of course, if you want to, I can introduce you to the head of the hurlian family!"

"I said, are you not afraid that I will become the emperor in the future and take this matter out today?" Nanfeng said with a sneer.

"You really have the possibility of becoming the emperor. I wanted you to be my husband because I valued it." Said helianyi.

"However, I pay more attention to reality. Now, I have a better chance to enter the head of the Helian family and become the core descendant of the head of the Helian family. Do you think I will put one on you?"

"As for you becoming the emperor, it will be a long time. On that day, I will be standing at the peak of casting, even the peak of martial arts."

"So, you may be a real dragon in the future, but now you are only a dragon. Now, I am a real Phoenix. Naturally, I want to find that you are a real dragon now, and you will be a genius of a real dragon in the future."

"That's very reasonable!" South wind whispers.

"This woman really dares to say that you are just a dragon, not a real dragon. What's more, she says that Jiaolong and Zhenfeng can't live together!" Weak water is very angry said.

"In my opinion, this woman is not even a sparrow. Previously, I thought she was pathetic because of her family!"

"Weak water, I was cheated, and even sent out the ancestral utensils without reservation." South wind responds.

"Don't worry, I will keep the oath of what you pass on to me, and I won't tell anyone that you have no harm to kill." Helanyi continued.But is that really what he thinks? I'm afraid not!

The reason why Helian Yiyi didn't kill Nanfeng was that he was afraid that there was a senior member of Helian's family behind Nanfeng.

It's not impossible that Nanfeng could get the complete ancestral hall, which was taught by the high-level people of the Helian family.

There are a lot of hermit old guys in the Helian family. Many times, they like to take other geniuses as their disciples. There are a lot of such things.

"Thank you, Miss Yiyi." To Helian Yiyi, Nanfeng can only say so proud at this time.

"One day you can reach a heavy heaven. If you have any help, please contact me again." He Lianyi said, with some pride in his tone.

"Yes South wind nods.

He naturally went back to find Helian Yiyi, but not to find the woman to help, but to strongly respond to today's words of Helian Yiyi in his ear.

"I'll see you later!" Helian Yiyi whispers.

"Let's go!" Nanfeng said softly.

Helian Yiyi is also ready to leave directly, but at this time, a breath appears in their perception. Soon, the breath turns into a figure and comes out of the void.

He is a dwarf, and he is also a member of the hurien family.

However, to feel this person's breath, it should be the late God King, or even the perfect God King.

Moreover, this person's intention of killing is sweeping towards the south wind, which also indicates that this person will fight against the south wind.

"He liantian peak!" He Lian Yi heavily a, and with the eye signal, just barely stopped this person. "Helian Tianfeng, it's none of your business here. Please leave!" Immediately, helianyi said again.