Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2659

The ninth ancestor can't fall at this time in the mind of the black ancestor axe fragments. If the ninth ancestor falls, he can't leave this time tunnel.

The force of the fragments of heizu axe squeezing out through the seal was not very strong, but it was barely able to resist the attack of the south wind.

However, you can see that the light released by the fragments of heizu axe is much dimmer, and you can feel that the seal power of the fragments of heizu axe is much stronger.

Obviously, after the outbreak of this power, it will be more difficult for the fragments of heizu axe to break through the seal.

In the midst of Nanfeng's retrogression, the ninth generation ancestor, who was badly injured, rushed out from the air below with a ferocious, gloomy and unwilling look. Looking at Nanfeng, he was eager to kill Nanfeng thousands of times.

"Break the seal first!" At this time, black ancestor ax fragments can not ignore his inner worry, directly said to the ninth ancestor.

"Master, it's not so easy to break the seal!" The ninth ancestor responded.

"I remember I told you in the message that only by accumulating the magic power of heaven and earth on some geniuses can I break the seal easily." Said heizu.

"Because the seal power is the air power of heaven and earth!" "Master, I know what you've sent, and I've done it. This time I entered the time tunnel, I invited nearly 30 geniuses with the magic power of heaven and earth, but I didn't expect that when I entered the center of the time tunnel, all of them separated and couldn't get in touch with each other at all." The ninth ancestor Yinyi said.

At this moment, the ninth ancestor hated the time tunnel.

Of course, he can only hate in his heart.

"The original purpose of inviting those demonic geniuses who have the magic power of heaven and earth is to lift the seal here!" Hearing the fragments of heizu axe and the ninth ancestor's words, Nanfeng said clearly.

"We must stop them from breaking the seal. Even though there is not much power in the fragments of the black ancestor axe, once you unite with the ninth ancestor, you may not be able to resist the power." Said the fire order of the devil.

"I understand!" Nanfeng replied, "but at this time, I suddenly have a strong intuition that they should be allowed to break the seal."

"What? Do you still feel that way? " Hear the words of South breeze, the evil ancestor fire make very don't understand of ask a way.

"Young master, what is your intuition?" Asked the weak water.

"I don't understand, but it's just this feeling. I always feel that the seal is broken. It's not a bad thing or even a good thing for me!" Nanfeng himself is also unknown, so he said.

Knowing that Nanfeng believed in his intuition, he asked directly, "what's your decision?"

"I think my decision should be to let them break the seal, and even I will help them break the seal!" In the eyes flashed some resolute, south wind heavily said.

"If you have made a decision, follow your decision, as long as you don't regret it!" Said the fire order of the devil.

The next moment, Nanfeng slightly restrained his strength, and he decided not to fight any more before the seal was broken.

This scene also directly surprised the ninth ancestor, because all fools knew that they had to kill him at this time, which was also the best chance to kill him.

"You don't have to wonder. I'm afraid he has already felt something." To the south wind's stop, the black ancestor axe fragment didn't doubt, just said to the ninth ancestor with a sigh.

"What does he feel?" The ninth ancestor was extremely curious.

"Help me break the seal first, and then you'll know." The black ancestor axe fragment intelligence said, "release the source of heaven and earth demons in your heaven and earth evil Qi with me, this can help me break the seal."

Hearing the words of heizu's fragmentary wisdom, the ninth ancestor's face sank even more.

Release the source of the demons in heaven and earth. If the recovery is not good, his three demons may be scrapped. At that time, he will no longer be linked with top talents.

But at this time, he seems to have no choice. If he chooses not to break the seal, Nanfeng can't wait to kill him first.

Between life and the evil Qi of heaven and earth, he naturally chose to give up the evil Qi of heaven and earth.

In his eyes, the ninth ancestor released the source of the devil in his three air of heaven and earth.

"Yes, the ninth ancestor began to release the source of his evil Qi. He was really willing. In this way, his evil Qi in heaven and earth could not be recovered." Nanfeng said to the fire order of Mozu.

"He has no choice, even though he already knows you are waiting for the seal to be broken, in his heart, once you can't wait, you will still start, so he can only choose such a fight!" Said the fire order of the devil.

"Don't know what my intuition is?" Nanfeng said, looking forward to it.

Absorbed the origin of the ninth generation ancestor's three demons of heaven and earth, the fragments of heizu axe became more powerful, and the light of heizu's power reappeared, impacting the seal.

Dozens of times later, the seal was broken. With the spread of cracks, the seal gradually disappeared.With the south wind more and more strong, the inner seal gradually disappeared!

When the fragments of heizu axe are free, Nanfeng also feels that the fragments of heizu axe have their own seal power, which is the seal power of the fragments of heizu axe.

The intuition of the south wind comes from the power of the seal.

Boom! Along with the strong intuition, the south wind knows the Tianzu axe deep in the sea and has a strong resonance. This resonance has not been seen for a long time.

Nanfeng's pupil suddenly shrank and said, "so it is, so it is!"

"What do you feel?" Fire order and weak water asked immediately.

"It turns out that this fragment of heizu axe was suppressed by a fragment of Tianzu axe, and he himself was suppressed by the power left by Tianzu. Naturally, I can't feel the resonance of Tianzu axe fragment with such double suppression." Nanfeng laughs.

At this moment, Nanfeng is really excited.

If he gets this piece, eight pieces of Tianzu axe, he will get seven pieces. As long as he finds the last piece, the strongest artifact in heaven and earth will come back.

"The seventh piece of Tianzu axe." Mozu fire and weak water are also excited.

Buzz! At this time, the Tianzu axe fragments suppressed by the fragments of heizu axe, under the resonance of the fragments in Nanfeng's body, independently impacted the seal.

The reason why the fragment of Tianzu axe can be suppressed by the fragment of heizu axe is that there is no intelligence in it.

Now, I feel the other five pieces, and the south wind has refined the spirit of Tianzu axe again. Naturally, the power in that piece of Tianzu axe will be transferred invisibly.

"You handed it in yourself? Or should I do it myself? " In his eyes, the intention of killing rose again, and Nanfeng asked about the intelligence of the fragments of the black ancestor axe. "What do you think?" Black ancestor axe fragment intelligence cold response.