Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2638

When he came to the realm of God, except for the corpse ice devil who was a long time ago, Nanfeng never met any other real demons, nor did he fight with them on his own.

Today, I met him, and the fighting spirit in his body was going to explode directly in the face of his natural enemy.

The next moment, in the bright time tunnel, shrouded by the dark magic, a dark and terrible world emerges.

The blood of the black devil can be said to be the purest dark magic. Therefore, the world derived from this power will be the most terrible dark world.

A piece of dark magic world emerged, the south wind also felt a strong suppression at that moment. This also shows that the young people of the dark demons have a deep understanding of his cultivation power, and they are definitely one of the top talents of the dark demons.

The evil spirit is rolling, and the young man really does it.

A giant hand of the black devil emerges and passes through layers of the black devil world. Every time it passes through a layer, its power increases by one point, and the magic breath of the magic power is continuously condensed.

A young man's move is a powerful move.

"The devil's hand in the sky!" The young man drank loudly. Under the sound wave, he poured the black devil's tattoos into the hands of the black devil, which made him feel like the world was falling apart and swept down to the south wind.

"Xumi magic pillar - suppression of demons!" When the south wind blows up, the magic pillar shoots from the center of the eyebrow in an instant, and then becomes bigger in an instant, directly colliding with the fallen hand of the black devil.

In the surging power of time around, two people, two powers were submerged. But soon, the two figures appear again, in the interwoven crazy fight.

As for the magic power of the two people, it is estimated that they collided with each other and offset each other.

In the fierce fight, the south wind directly impels the undead bone. Under the magic, the undead bone is the black of the devil, emitting the light of black and gold. It releases the impure physical strength, and keeps getting tough.

After a few rounds, the young people of the dark devils were directly suppressed by Nanfeng.

"Undead! Who are you? " Crazy back, young ferocious roar.

He can't accept that a white haired demon should make him so embarrassed. And this white haired demon family's self-confidence was even frustrated by his successful practice of immortality.

And at this moment, the youth is 100% sure that the south wind is the half step God King's realm, and the half step God King's realm has such powerful combat power. This is what really shocked the youth, and with some fear.

"Leapfrog challenge?" The youth's heart is full of voices. As one of the most powerful geniuses of the eight demons, he naturally knows about the challenge of crossing the level in the divine realm.

"To your surprise, it's still behind!" South wind sneers.

At the next moment, Nanfeng summoned chaos Jinshen directly, and his fighting spirit burst out. He wanted to let go of the war completely, and he couldn't wait to know how the youth got here.

"Chaos gold body!" Seeing the golden body of chaos, the youth was deeply shocked.

"Take out all your strength. Your understanding of black magic is profound. Your strength will not be just that." Strength surrounds the body, said the south wind.

If he was shocked by Nanfeng, he was doomed to fail again.

"As you wish!" With a cold sound, the black devil lines on the young people bloomed again.

At that moment, he was demonized and his black blood was demonized.

In the process of demonization, Nanfeng can really feel that the blood of the black devil really has the taste of ancestral blood. I'm afraid if heaven and earth didn't limit the number of ancestral demons, the dark demons would have been ancestral demons.

Not only the dark demons, but also other demons.

"The supreme black body!" With a roar, the young man was completely demonized. His huge body was not much smaller than the chaotic gold body of Nanfeng.

The young man perfectly combined the blood of the black devil with the demonization. In this way, under his demonization, he became a strong body - the supreme black devil body.

The south wind also immediately urged the primitive self pole to feel the supreme black body.

He really felt the physical body, the world and the divine power.

"Is it a body with both physical and magical power?" Nanfeng said to himself, "it's rare. Every genius has his own unique martial arts."

Many powerful bodies only focus on the power of the body, or just the power of God. It's really rare that they focus on both the body and the power of God.

Nanfeng's chaotic gold body, Dharma, heaven and earth are all inclined to the physical body, especially the chaotic gold body, which almost has no magical power.

"Magic tears!" Under the body of the supreme black devil, the youth will attack directly.

The strong and ferocious arms of the demonized body develop innumerable arm shadows between waving, directly tearing the space in front of him, and a dark and demonized crack instantly appears.

The crack seems to be real and invisible.

However, no matter it is visible or invisible, Nanfeng feels the threat. If he is really torn through his body, his soul will be damaged.You can see, as the crack continues to fill, the power above is increasing wildly.

His eyes flashed, and the south wind moved the spirit of the ancestral demon God.

The strength of this young man has reached the peak of the God King in the early dualistic period under the supreme black devil body. Nanfeng has to urge the ancestral devil spirit body to enhance his extreme response.

This is also the bad result of leapfrog challenge. Although it can make him understand the martial arts ahead of time and make him perfect, the realm is always a big suppression.

He needs to use various means to eliminate the suppression, so many times, many of his strong cards have to deal with the suppression, and many of his cards are not so strong.

Three flowers gather at the top, the essence and spirit of Nanfeng reach a limit in an instant, and Xumi magic pillar appears again and collides fiercely.

Boom! The next moment, in the storm of collision, Xumi magic pillar was resisted, and the strong anti shock force went straight through the chaotic gold body and immortal bone of Nanfeng.

This scene will show the power of youth's move.

"No matter who you are, no matter whether you are the unique leapfrog challenge genius or not, you must die today, which is doomed from the moment you enter this time tunnel." The youth kills the intention to roar a way.

Between the words, that strong crack, actually evolved into another three, the other three into the invisible, directly toward the south wind head above the three flowers giant top.

Obviously, young people see that a large part of the power of the south wind comes from Sanhua juding. They want to get rid of Sanhua juding. Boom! At that moment, the impact of the waves submerged everything, a figure directly with a mouthful of blood spray and was shaken away, it is the south wind.