Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2548

Nanfeng has become a real demon, not a change caused by the cultivation of evil Qi to a certain extent.

The goddess of heaven can clearly feel the real evil Qi in Nanfeng's body, and their pupils shrink sharply, only unbelievable. If they didn't know the south wind, they would have shot it directly at this moment.

I don't know how long the shock lasted, but it was a little gentle.

"Nanfeng, are you a God or a demon Han Lao shook his head and asked in a heavy voice.

"Han Lao, if I am a demon, do you think I can still enter the gate of heaven?" Nanfeng said with a smile, "I began to practice Moqi in the holy land. My constitution is special, so I can practice Moqi perfectly."

"Plus my own blood, so I can control the heaven prison chain, and also get the heaven prison chain by chance."

Hearing these words from Nanfeng, Han Laosan looked at each other again.

"To be honest, it's like you never know the power of blood." When it comes to blood, the heavenly goddess is also curious and asks.

"Keep this secret for the time being!" Nanfeng grins.

"Mean man!" Hearing Nanfeng's words, the goddess of heaven disdained it. Of course, she joked.

The three did not ask again. They all guessed that Nanfeng never exposed his blood. I'm afraid there was a reason.

"Don't say that. Next, let's shut up for some time. One is to improve our strength, and the other is to wait for those people to kill with the dead for a period of time." Then the south wind said.

"The power of death left by these dead souls is extremely pure. Although you can't absorb the power of death, I can transform it into the same pure power of life."

"What's more, the bodies of death are made from the fall of living beings, so there are many martial arts experiences in these forces of death."

"It's good to follow a genius against heaven, so that the power of death can be transformed into the power of life." Old Han sighed.

Then, four people and one insect entered the closed state again.

Before closing, Nanfeng sent zulei soul to help the forest family.

The forest family is not the enemy, can help or want to help, he Nanfeng is such a person, others give him help, he will do his best to return.

Of course, zulei's soul separation is to change his head and face, which urges the reincarnation of life and death to become middle-aged.

As time went by, the dead appeared in the battlefield of death. Half a year later, many King level dead appeared, and relying on their weak intelligence, they called on the dead to form a large army of dead.

There are about 15 dead army in the whole battlefield.

Those who are half in the power of God can only run away when they meet the army of the dead.

After rescuing the forest family, zuleihun asked the God King of the forest family and him to help them more.

This can be regarded as some responsibilities set by Nanfeng himself.

Among Nanfeng's martial arts, those who are strong or capable should bear some responsibilities. This responsibility can't be thrown away just because the weak and small martial arts are hostile to you.

Just like on the continent, when Yu Ke chengdi broke the shackles of heaven's punishment in the demon Kingdom, Yu Ke made a condition that almost all the creatures wanted to let him enter the demon kingdom in exchange for three thousand years of peace.

So he can hate the life of Zhou and Lu because of this, and no longer care about their life and death.

In a certain space, Nanfeng four people walk out of the space, and their closure is over.

In half a year, in Wanshi world for nearly 20 years, the empress of chaos broke through to the middle of duality and completely consolidated. Nanfeng has achieved the realm of the upper God, and its combat power reaches to the later period of the upper God.

Han Lao, Tianshi goddess and Shiling have also made great progress. Because of aging, Han Lao has not made a breakthrough, but he feels that he has made a breakthrough.

When Ling is a little touch half step of the kingdom of God.

The goddess of heaven arrived at the perfect state of the superior God.

"Your time world alone makes you ahead of all the geniuses!" For the first time, he realized how to practice with the passage of time.

"Nearly 40 times of time is not the limit of my world." Nanfeng laughs.

Immediately, the four of them also focused on the news from zulei's soul separation. In half a year, zulei's soul separation and the forest family were able to save a lot of warriors of the half step God King level.

Those who have no hostility to Nanfeng will be saved if they can.

The dark god son, the wind family, the poisonous God King and so on, basically fly separately in the face of disaster. The alliance between them is no longer there. They just take their own people to avoid.

Even sometimes, it's people who have abandoned themselves.

"Half a year, in front of the dead army, it's time for them to fly separately." Nanfeng grinned, "now, it's time for us to fight back and break them one by one."

"They just come together for the sake of killing you. There is no friendship between them. Needless to say, the army of the dead, I'm afraid any trace of danger is enough to break their alliance!" Han said.This time, Nanfeng went to find the poisonous God King and others.

Nanfeng's target is the early gods. If Nanfeng remembers correctly, it should be seven.

They don't have the south wind to hide.

Only half a year later, all the seven kings fell into the hands of chaos empress.

For these people, Nanfeng will not talk about kindness and responsibility.

Benevolence, responsibility and justice are needed, but the south wind will never overflow.

After seven kings were killed in succession, chaos mother directly engulfed five, and her strength increased again. The remaining two were left to Nanfeng, because Nanfeng needed their divine power when breaking through the realm of gods.

"Gu Du Shen Wang, next, it's you." The south wind said coldly.

Outside, the elder of the Dragon elephant family and others did not receive any more help from the gods who worked for them. They were all excited.

Because this shows a problem, those God kings and the warriors under them have become the belly meal of the army of the dead.

"I didn't expect that the Lord of the house could make the dead appear in the dead world." Three elder excited smile way, "although don't know that South breeze how, but I'm afraid also just become dead under the claw of the soul."

"It's natural that no one can escape under the equal strength of the dead army." Said the elder.

"Ah, it's just a pity that more than a year has passed. The Lord of death in the endless world of death should also feel that there are dead spirits here. He will collect them as soon as possible." What a pity.

"Otherwise, we can use these dead souls to bring trouble to other opponents."