Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2546

It's similar to the undead things of the dead. Nanfeng met them in Zhoulu. Those are the dead bramble creatures. At that time, Nanfeng urged the dead to come back to life, which made the dead bramble creatures have vitality and then cut them off.

Now, although the death power contained in these dead spirits is the death power corroded by heizu, the resurrection of Nanfeng has evolved into the source of life, and he also has the reincarnation of life and death.

He will also be able to bring these dead to life.

However, in order to achieve this, he must urge Tianzu's blood and vitality to a great extent.

Now, he can't break out the blood of Tianzu until he reaches the desperate state of life and death. Who knows if the warrior of the dark family will have a special way to sense the blood of Tianzu.

"Can't urge the blood of Tianzu, so what?" Nanfeng said in his heart, "I can't kill you, nor can I seal you!"

At this moment, Nanfeng understood why those emperors agreed with the emperor of death not to let the dead out of the endless world of death.

There is no good way for such creatures, even for the gods. Once the dead grow up and multiply, the whole divine realm will be in chaos.

"Han Lao, is there no way to eliminate these dead souls?" In the world, the heavenly goddess asked Han Lao again.

"Yes, vitality and strength." Han said, "but it's definitely not a simple force of vitality. Use the force of vitality to contaminate these dead souls, eliminate the power of death in their bodies, and make them have a certain vitality."

"In this way, the dead will be revived to a certain extent, and then killed!"

"However, it is absolutely impossible to count the creatures with such vitality in the whole divine realm."

"This method is the same as non existence!" Shi Ling said heavily.

"Since the spirit of death is so difficult to deal with, why doesn't the emperor of death put the spirit of death into the demon Kingdom and let the spirit of death fight with the spirit of the demon kingdom? Isn't the emperor of death on our side of the demon kingdom?" The goddess suddenly said.

"Han Lao, I also feel like this!" Hearing the words of the heavenly goddess, Nanfeng said with approval.

"Goddess, what you said has a lot to do with the second way to eliminate the dead." Hearing this, Han shook his head and said with a smile.

"Han Daoyou, what do you mean?" Shi Ling asked.

"The gods in our God domain can't effectively eliminate the dead, but not the demons. Tianyu demons, one of the eight demons in the demons, can eliminate the dead very well." Han said.

"In addition, they can use the dead spirit as a resource for cultivation."

Hearing this, Tianshi goddess and Shiling are a little dull.

Nanfeng naturally was puzzled and asked, "Han Lao, can the creatures of Tianyu demon clan get rid of the extreme death power in the body of the dead and avoid being eroded?"

Nanfeng doesn't believe that the magic of Tianyu can suppress heizu's corrosion.

"Although the magic of Tianyu is strong, it can't be compared with the extreme power of death in the body of the dead. The reason why Tianyu demons can eliminate the dead is that they have the fake heaven and earth - the fake Tianyu chain!" Han said.

"False heaven prison chain?" Nanfeng asked, puzzled.

"South wind, 18 layers of hell, heaven prison chain, you should know." Han said.

"This is nature. The souls of all living beings in heaven and earth, after the destruction of the yuan God, will eventually float to the 18th level hell, and the iron chain of heaven and hell is the object of heaven and earth to suppress the 18th level hell." Said Nanfeng.

"Yes, and the old man also said that there is an invisible hell under the 18 levels of hell, which is another birthplace of the dead. There is no such strong guard as the emperor of death, but the dead can't get out there either." Han said.

"So the heaven prison chain is guarding the dead?" Said Nanfeng.

"Yes, the eighteen heaven prison chains are guarding the dead at the same time, so there are two enemies of the dead, one is the ultimate vitality, the other is the heaven prison chain." Han said.

"Tianyu demons are born under the power of Tianyu iron chain, so they can control Tianyu iron chain to a certain extent, so they can restrain the dead spirit and regard the dead spirit as their own cultivation resources."

"Although the 18 layers of hell and the heaven prison chains have disappeared in the divine realm for a long time, there are still many fake heaven prison chains among the heaven prison demons. Although those fake heaven prison chains can not perfectly restrain the dead, they can definitely help the heaven prison demons eliminate the dead."

"I see. That day, the prison demons could restrain the dead!" Shi Ling said heavily.

"Yes, because of this, the emperor of death is absolutely afraid to let the dead into the demon Kingdom, because once the heaven prison demons control the dead, then our gods will suffer greatly." Han said.

"Ah! After all, these two methods are equivalent to nothing for us! " The goddess sighed.

But at this moment, Nanfeng was very excited.

"Ha ha, the heaven prison chain is actually the killer of these dead souls." Nanfeng also said with a straight laugh.Hearing Nanfeng's sudden laughter, Tianshi goddess three were a little surprised. For a moment, they thought Nanfeng was stupid.

"Nanfeng, what are you laughing at?" The goddess of heaven also asked.

"Of course I'm going to laugh!" Nanfeng said, in the laughter, Nanfeng eyebrow has emerged a blood red, with some magic chain.

Seeing this iron chain, the eyes of the three gods were uneasy, and they couldn't believe it quickly.

as like as two peas, they have just talked about the chains of hell. They also know how the iron chain of heaven is in ancient books.

Of course, this is the real heaven prison chain.

On the continent and land, Nanfeng has won four chains of Tianyu.

In the shock of the three people, Nanfeng's arms, chest above the emergence of the other three Heaven prison chain.

"South Nanfeng, is this heaven prison chain? Or is it a fake heaven prison chain Holding back his inner shock and disbelief, Han asked with some stuttering.

"Han Lao, this is the real heaven prison chain, not the fake heaven prison chain!" Nanfeng grinned.

Hearing Nanfeng's words, Tianshi goddess three people were really at a loss.

How can it be? How can a divine creature get the real heaven prison chain? As we all know, only the creatures of heaven prison demon clan, or heizu descendants, are qualified to control the heaven prison chain.

Other creatures, even those ancestors, are impossible.

However, in addition to Nanfeng himself, there are weak water and magic manluo. Who can know that Nanfeng cultivates magic Qi and has heizu blood in his body.

Nanfeng is qualified to control the heaven prison chain, and in the divine realm, Nanfeng does it.

"It seems that these dead spirits are the cultivation resources of death power for Nanfeng." Nanfeng grinned.