Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2531

The current south wind is the middle God's later stage, and it's not far from the peak. It can fight the warrior who is at the peak of the upper God's early stage, but it's hard to say whether he will win or lose.

"I hope that the essence of the mineral resources can greatly improve my combat power and experience in a short time." Once again feel the essence of mineral energy and power, Nanfeng heart heavily said.

Driven by the power of swallowing the world, Nanfeng directly began to refine and engulf the energy in the essence of the mineral resources. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

Phagocytosis power absorption is not happy, the body's pores also absorb not happy, south wind directly open mouth huff and puff.

Of course, the south wind is also engulfing the power of the vein of the king level mineral source. The vein of the king level mineral source contains the power and martial arts of the God King, which is absolutely unimaginable power for the martial arts under the God King.

Under the double forces, Nanfeng really felt that her strength and realm were rapidly improving.

After all, at this stage, the breakthrough of south wind is a little fast, and some consolidation is not in place.

However, Nanfeng can't manage these. Now he is in urgent need of strength. He believes that he can eliminate all these vanity in the future.

"The purpose of this closure is the perfection of the middle God!" The south wind said heavily.

… When the south wind closed, the whole dragon and elephant region did set off another storm. The source of the storm was the vein of the king level mineral source, and the dragon and elephant families were all involved.

For a moment, the king of God gathered again in the mining source county of Tianshi kingdom. The blood devil king and the three elders of the Dragon elephant family all arrived. In this way, the king of evil fire and chaos mother also went, which ensured the safety of Shiling and others.

When almost all the warriors focused on the vein of the king level ore source, the fall of the great Qin God son was not even mentioned by the warriors.

The king of the Qin Dynasty and the people of the Qin family are very angry, but what can they do? If the king of the blood devil doesn't really fight against the king of the evil fire, the king of the Qin Dynasty and the people of the Qin family can resist it.

At this moment, the king of Qin and the Qin family naturally regret to listen to the instigation of the blood devil God King and harass the Shi family. It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world, and no one can make time go back completely. Even the dead are resurrected.

Naturally, the search of many gods and kings was fruitless. They also heard that Nanfeng had arrived here and guessed that Nanfeng had taken it.

But guess is just guess. Who dares to go to Shijia to look for Nanfeng? The dragon and elephant family dares not either. The Tianmen strongmen attack them, and the dark family has no reason to control them.

After the failure, with the retreat of the Dragon elephant family, the major forces also left this mining source county. Of course, they all secretly left people to continue to explore.

At this time, the fall of Daqin Shenzi was thoroughly mentioned.

"Do you think the vein of the king level ore source will be taken by the south wind? Did the great Qin God fall into the hands of the south wind?" In every region, there are such voices.

"It's very possible!"

"If it's really Nanfeng's killing, will Nanfeng's strength really grow to the upper God level? That's too fast! "

"Perhaps, the genius of leapfrog challenge, the speed of progress is so terrible!"

"With the growth of the south wind, I'm afraid that our dragon and elephant region is really in an era of constant fighting. Once the achievements are made, we hope they won't affect the weak."

"Let's just leave both sides alone."

… Because of the fall of Daqin Shenzi, Daqin Shenwang went to the palace of the capital of the dark kingdom, that is, the former palace of Tianlan Shenguo, to look for the blood devil.

The king of Qin brought something bad.

"Master blood devil, I beg you to really resist the evil fire god king and the beast for me. After the success, everything in the kingdom of heaven and earth will be yours." The king of Qin said in a servile manner.

No way, he must be servile, at any time, is the strength to speak, not to mention now is to others.

The whole hall is also the king of blood devil and the king of Qin, so with the fall of the king's words, the whole hall fell into a kind of silence.

It seems that after a long time, the king of blood devil said, "I've always been a man who keeps my promise. This time, the king of blood devil and the empress of chaos will resist for you. As for the others, it depends on your ability."

"Also remember, Nanfeng is the one who I care about most!"

Hearing this, the king of Qin was moved to cry and said, "thank you, master blood devil. Please rest assured that I will come to you with a thoroughly suppressed south wind."

Of course, only the king himself knows whether he is really grateful and about to cry.

As for the blood devil God King, he absolutely doesn't care about these. In his eyes, the great Qin God King is always a chess piece, even no one is not his chess piece. The reason why he agrees is that he really decides to fight against the evil fire God King now.Because the blood demon king really believed that the vein of the king level mineral source was obtained by the south wind.

To a large extent, the blood devil king determined that the original strength of the evil fire God King exceeded him. If a vein of King level mineral source was added, the recovery of the evil fire god king would be ahead of him, then it would be too late to say anything.

"Now with that evil fire, I may fall down again, but I have to say that the chance is greater now!" Flash in the eye fierce, blood demon God King says heavily in the heart.

"You go back and prepare. In half a month, who is the real controller in the Dragon elephant region, the result will come out!" Immediately, the king of blood demon also told the king of Qin.

"Master blood devil, I'll leave. Go back and prepare!" The king of the Qin Dynasty arched his hand and prepared to retreat.

At this time, a dark blood demon's superior God came in, his look was not so good.

"What happened?" Feeling something wrong, the king of blood devil asked directly.

"The God King, a member of the Dragon elephant family, sent someone to send the order of the Dragon elephant!" Said the God.

"The order of the dragon and elephant, what do the people of the dragon and elephant family want to do?" The God King of the Qin Dynasty first let out a voice.

The order of dragon and elephant is the symbol of the whole dragon and elephant family. It is similar to the order of darkness of the dark family. However, the two orders can't be compared. The order of dark god is that any divine power has to give a certain face. The order of dragon and elephant can only be used in the region of dragon and elephant. In the region of dragon and elephant, it means that the king of blood devil must accept the order of dragon and elephant.