Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2472

"Master!" Immediately, puppet 37 saluted Nanfeng.

"Not bad!" Nanfeng nods excitedly.

This blue phosphor army puppet is not comparable to other puppets at all. It is a puppet forged by Mingzu stone. Nanfeng has really seen its power, and its combat power is comparable to that of top talents.

"You are thirty-seven puppets, that is to say, there are thirty-six who are stronger than you. Is that right?" Then Nanfeng asked.

"Master, yes, there are thirty-six stronger than me. Before they fall asleep, the weakest of them is the Middle Kingdom of the middle God!" The puppet nodded and said, "the rest is not as strong as me."

"Next, let's look for the blue phosphorus Corps whose strength is not as good as ours. Can you feel their position?" Asked Nanfeng.

"Before, we could, but now we can't. before we fell asleep, the last master broke our connection. Only when we gather together again can we rebuild our connection." Said the puppet.

"It seems that we have to look for the blue fire space one by one!" Said Nanfeng.

Then the south wind took the puppet 37 and continued to search. When they meet the strong, they flee. When they meet the weak, they suppress.

Soon, they found two more blue phosphorus puppets. They were the 38th and 39th of the 72 puppets. Their strength was just inferior to Nanfeng and puppet 37. After a battle, Nanfeng had three blue phosphorus puppets.

Let the three blue phosphorus puppets recognize the master, then you can get a set of relatively low-level battle array of the first kind from the three puppets' divine consciousness. This is the battle array of blue phosphorus Hades, which is very suitable for the joint strength between the blue phosphorus puppets.

"Three, merge your mind, let me see the battle array in your body!" Blue fire space, south wind said.

The puppet nodded and released a huge message of war, and then the three characters appeared together.

Boom! A breath of power directly into the south wind sea, the heart of the battle immediately know by the south wind sense. Immediately, Nanfeng sat down and began to feel.

The south wind also directly impels the passage of time and blesses itself.

... at a certain moment, there was a spatial fluctuation in this blue fire space, and two figures appeared. Two young people, dressed in strong black clothes and filled with the power of toxin, feel from the breath that one is the initial state of the median God and the other is the middle state of the median God.

"It seems that our fortune has changed. We have met three blue phosphorus puppets all at once." Seeing the three puppets, one of them said excitedly.

Then, their eyes were on Nanfeng. At that moment, their faces changed directly, and their killing intention was crazy. They all said in one voice, "Nanfeng, this guy is Nanfeng!"

After the shock, the two youths only had the intention to kill. Leng Bing said, "the son of God has already given orders. If you see him, kill him."

"If you mess with the people of our poisonous family, even if there is a heavenly gate behind him, you have to pay the price of bleeding." Between the words, the killing intention of the two youths poured directly into the south wind.

There is no doubt that these two people are the people of the poisonous God.

The three blue phosphorus puppets immediately helped Nanfeng resist the attack of their killing intention, but they just barely resisted, because one of them was the Middle Kingdom of the middle God.

"Three puppets dare to turn the world around!" The middle God, with a cold voice, directly killed the three blue phosphorus puppets with the strongest power.

His power increased rapidly, and his left hand was a powerful magic power that enveloped the three puppets.

At this moment, the poison released from the youth is the poison under the strange poison of the black. The youth should suppress the three blue phosphorus puppets with the poison and control them with their own mind.

However, Nanfeng will not give the young man this opportunity. If the young man is allowed to control his three blue phosphorus puppets, he can only choose to run away at this time. After all, he is not the opponent of the middle God.

"Battle of three spirits!" Nanfeng suddenly opens his eyes and drinks.

At that moment, a strong sense of war gushed from the south wind, and together with the surrounding space, a lot of heaven and earth forces were transformed into a strong sense of war. The buzzing sound was even more loud, just like the roar of a battle dragon.

Now Nanfeng doesn't have such a strong sense of war, but it is under the Sanling battle.

Sanling battle array is the first type of battle array formed by three blue phosphorus puppets in the sea of knowledge.

The three spirits battle array is a bit similar to the Nanfeng heaven and earth Dharma array, but it is mainly the condensed battle spirit, which is derived from the battle spirit, to enhance the puppet's power, and to play the puppet's power beyond the limit.

If it's any other puppet, beyond the limit of play, the puppet will surely collapse, but the blue phosphorus army puppet won't, because their bodies contain the power of Pluto stone, and their bodies are as hard as the powerful battle body under the relative state.

With the combination of array pattern and battle spirit, the three spirits battle array appeared completely, directly covering the three blue phosphorus puppets. In a flash, the three blue phosphorus puppets merged into the array.The array evolved again, and a shadow came down.

"Array! War spirit! This is the battle line Seeing the instant change, the two said at the same time, "how can it be? Even if you find the blue phosphorus puppet as soon as you come in, it's only a few days now, how can you understand the battle array! "

"You two mediocre people, how can you understand how terrible Nanfeng's understanding of array is?" South wind disdains a, fusion array center, direct urge that descend of dark Qi spirit shadow!

Under the gathering of the spirit of war and the spirit of the dark, the spirit of the dark changes like a blue phosphorus puppet. At the moment when his eyes open, he blows his fist directly at the youth of the middle God!

"It's just three puppets. Can they really challenge at a higher level in this battle?" Hearing Nanfeng's disdainful words, the young man responded angrily, and the poisonous magic power reappeared, shaking with Mingqi's fist.

Boom! Under the collision between the two sides, the manic air waves instantly submerged this blue fire space.

Brother Qi Lang, two deep traces also appear, which are the traces of the youth and the spirit of Ming Qi.

"Good! It's really good. The puppets in the battle can really challenge at a higher level! " Seeing this scene, Nanfeng was very excited. Although it was still downwind, it really resisted the young man's magic power.

"Just three puppets can barely challenge, so how powerful a real Legion will be!" Nanfeng is the feeling of incomparable expectation in the heart!

"It's no wonder that the position of the battle array division is higher than those of the top casting division!"

Compared with the excitement of the south wind, the two youths were naturally gloomy.

However, under their shadow, they are also looking forward to and greedy for the blue phosphorus puppets and battle lines. However, at this moment, Nanfeng felt dizzy!