Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2470

Then, the south wind continued to deepen, and 3000 weak waters gave birth to real intelligence. Naturally, he was excited. As for what the future of heaven asked him to do, let's talk about it in the future. It's no use thinking about it now.

"Weak water, can you shape your own body?" On the way, Nanfeng suddenly asked.

"Master, do you want to share the Spring Festival with weak water when you let weak water shape your body?" Hearing the south wind's inquiry, the weak water asked in reverse.

Hearing this, Nanfeng was helpless again. At this moment, Nanfeng found that weak water was not the kind of coquettish at first, but the woman he felt tender. She must have followed the character of mamlo.

"Cluck ~" see south wind helpless appearance, weak water is a burst of giggle.

... a few days later, the south wind passes through the strange poison area of the black and arrives at the invisible underworld area in the undead bone forest. This is a world full of dark Qi. Except that dark Qi dominates, it is no different from the regional environment of the divine realm.

However, as soon as he stepped on it, he felt a strong rejection, which was normal, because he was a living creature in the divine realm, and this was the underworld world. After some adjustment, the south wind moved towards the center. There is no danger outside the underworld. Nanfeng moves forward quickly. In the process of moving forward, he also feels the Qi of the underworld. The Qi of the underworld is really a kind of Qi between the spirit Qi and the evil Qi. It has the masculine power of the essence of the spirit Qi and the bloody killing power of the essence of the evil Qi.

There is another essence in the dark Qi, that is, the essence of life and death, which makes the living beings feel that life and death are derived from the dark Qi.

In addition, Mingqi doesn't exclude Nanfeng's body. It's true that any living creature in the divine realm can be cultivated, but being cultivated doesn't mean that they can be cultivated perfectly. Otherwise, it's impossible to count the living creatures who really cultivate Mingqi in the divine realm and the demon realm.

On the way, Nanfeng also sensed the residual breath of many warriors. There is no doubt that those who came in were already the center of the underworld.

It took a few days for Nanfeng to see a region filled with blue flames. Here, that is the center of the underworld region, countless blue flames connected with each other like a blue dragon.

Inside, there are countless crisscross blue spaces, which are derived from those clusters of blue flames.

Buzz! When Nanfeng gets closer, his mixed fire world resonates, which is the resonance of divine fire and magic fire. It is so strong that Nanfeng immediately realizes that the blue flame is not simple.

"It's not divine fire or magic fire, so it's the fire of the underworld!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

From the outside, you can't feel it. You can only enter the blue flame space. Nanfeng doesn't hesitate. He jumps into the blue flame space directly by intuition, and the blue flame doesn't attack him.

In the blue flame space, it's very common. It's just the blue space. There's nothing else. It's like their usual battle space arena!

"Is it necessary to fight in pairs, and then decide the final winner, in order to know everything here and get everything here?" Looking at such a space, Nanfeng said in his heart. Nanfeng's look was a little dignified, because if he fought in pairs like this, he would have no hope.

Even if he can defeat a large number of middle gods, he will never defeat those middle gods in the later stage of perfection.

Bear! At this time, a flame suddenly burns from the space and shoots directly towards the south wind. The south wind doesn't stop it and allows the flame to enter.

Because he can really feel that this flame has no intention of attack, and there is not much power in it. It should be a flame carrying information.

As a matter of fact, the flame fell into Nanfeng's brow, and Nanfeng immediately received a huge message. Soon, Nanfeng understood everything here and murmured, "blue phosphor Hades, blue phosphor fire, the way of battle!"

The master here is a strong man of the underworld God King level, the blue phosphorus God King!

Blue phosphor Pluto, who wanders through chaos to seek a stronger path of martial arts, unfortunately falls under the attack of chaos like creatures. He releases his own small world and leaves it behind.

One of the inheritance, nature is the blue flame - Blue phosphorous fire! Blue phosphorus fire is the same level of fire as magic fire and magic fire. Although it is not the top fire, it is absolutely attractive to the gods and demons!

"Blue phosphorus fire, this fire, I want it!" Nanfeng said in his heart. Nanfeng got the magic fire grave, got 108 Zhongmo fire, and also had many magic fire, but there was no dark fire!

On the continent, he only knew the divine realm and the demon realm, but he didn't know that there was the underworld. When he came to the divine realm, he also knew that there were 108 kinds of underworld fire. How could he not want to obtain them.

"The blue phosphor fire is the beginning of my obtaining many fire Nanfeng said the same thing in his heart.

In addition to the inheritance of the blue phosphorus fire, it is the true inheritance of the martial arts of the blue phosphorus Pluto - the way of battle.

The way of battle array is the combination of the way of array and the way of puppet.

The puppet under the battle of blue phosphorus underworld is not an ordinary puppet. It is made of the thing of heaven and earth, the stone of the underworld.Then every puppet, under the control of the master, can practice by himself and have his own wisdom!

The blue phosphorus underworld once obtained a Mingzu stone. The Mingzu stone was the stone where the Mingzu reached the peak of martial arts. It contained the martial arts of the Mingzu, so the Mingzu stone became a thing of heaven and earth.

The blue phosphor underworld made it with the Pluto stone. It condensed 72 puppets and was called the blue phosphor Legion. Under the battle, the blue phosphor Legion can leap to challenge.

It's a huge temptation!

Normally, any one of the blue phosphorus Corps can act alone.

Blue phosphorus legion, the leader of blue phosphorus legion, and the battle inheritance of blue phosphorus Pluto are hidden here.

In every space here, there may be one or more blue phosphorus legions. The warrior who enters here is to accept all the blue phosphorus legions. Only by accepting all the blue phosphorus legions will the leader of the blue phosphorus Legion wake up and tell the new owner where the inheritance is.

Of course, the warrior can also go directly to the leader of the blue phosphorus Legion and accept the leader of the Legion.

But if you think about it, it's impossible. The strength of the leader of the blue phosphorus Legion should not be able to resist them, and the leader of the blue phosphorus Legion will be able to mobilize the strength of the blue phosphorus God King to stay here.

"The way of battle, the blue phosphorous army, I'm going to set the south wind!" There was a heavy sound in Nanfeng's heart.

At the next moment, nanfengjin's spiritual eyes have been stimulated, and they can see everything in this blue fire space, looking for whether there are puppets in the blue phosphorus army here! But it seems that there is no south wind jumping into another blue fire space.