Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2468

Although the two women don't practice their physical body, if they can unite the real immortality, how can they refuse.

In the process of the two women's condensation, Nanfeng also heard some news, such as the battle between Tianshi Kingdom and Fengshen kingdom. The two great kingdom warriors made great efforts in various places of opportunity.

The name of Fengyi is gradually emerging.

What Nanfeng didn't expect is that with the highlight of Fengyi, the strongest three talents in this area have become five talents, and he and Fengyi have been added.

And he directly ranked first, followed by Fengyi.

"It's not a good omen to be ranked among the top five talents!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

In the case that many divine emperors already know that there are descendants of Tianzu in the divine realm, the more famous Nanfeng is, the more unfavorable it will be to his cultivation of martial arts. However, there is no way to deal with it. With a fight, he has to expose his cards.

"Come and cover up the water and the earth The south wind murmured.

Another thing is that many warriors have found that some warriors of the Dragon elephant family have come to the undead bones forest.

It is also said that the opening of the immortal bone forest this time has attracted some warriors of the Dragon elephant family to experience.

However, the real reason is probably known by Nanfeng and the Dragon elephant family.

"I hope you are lucky to find out as soon as possible that I killed the Dragon elephant Feiyang." Nanfeng said to himself. In the short term, Nanfeng doesn't need to worry about exposing himself, because even the emperor can't deduce him, let alone the emperor.

Regardless of other things, Nanfeng just waits for the two women to finish their condensation and leaves the immortal forest. There is nothing worthy of his experience in the immortal bones forest of the kingdom of God.

However, some things were unexpected again. A piece of news quickly spread throughout the undead bone forest. In the region where the black poison of the undead bone forest exists, a huge underworld appeared.

What is the underworld? It is the underworld region.

Where is the underworld? It is also a region under heaven, corresponding to the continent, the world of the great emperor and the realm of God. The underworld is very big, and it is the living area of the underworld.

After Tianzu and heizu, a strong man was born. He was called Mingzu. According to legend, the strength of this Mingzu was not much weaker than Tianzu and heizu.

However, this Pluto didn't like fighting. He directly opened up the underworld with his great powers. Under his power, the other opposite world under heaven was born and lived in the underworld.

After that, the underworld and the living beings of the underworld never appeared again. It's just that some regions sometimes have small worlds of the underworld. These small worlds of the underworld are called the underworld.

Generally, there are no underworld creatures in the underworld, but there will be the inheritance of the strong in the underworld.

As for the inheritance of the strong in the underworld, the gods and the demons are very much wanted.

Because the spirit of the underworld is very special. It is a kind of power between spirit and evil. It can be either evil or spirit.

Therefore, if there are many creatures in the realm of God who can cultivate the spirit of the underworld, they can definitely sneak into the realm of the demons, and if there are creatures in the realm of the demons who can cultivate the spirit of the underworld, they can also sneak into the realm of the gods.

Now, the news between the divine realm and the demon realm is actually transmitted by these creatures who can cultivate the spirit of the nether world.

Of course, for the creatures of Nanfeng level, the main thing is curiosity and the inheritance of the powerful of the underworld.

Some gods are really suitable for cultivating the spirit of the underworld. Maybe they can fly to the sky with the help of the inheritance of the underworld.

"The underworld! The spirit of the dark Nanfeng looked forward and murmured.

Nanfeng is not curious about the spirit of the underworld and the inheritance of the strong of the underworld.

"It seems that it will take me some time to leave this undead forest. I can't resist the temptation of Hades!" South breeze again language a, also direct toward the underworld appearance but go.

As for the two women, he moved to the world where the mixed fire soul was separated.

At this moment, as long as the warriors in the undead bones forest go to the area where the strange black poison is located, the ones with the lowest strength naturally don't want to go deep into the underworld, because the strange black poison can't be resisted by the weak warriors, they just want to see the underworld area.

Even the middle God, without the means to resist the strange poison of the black, can not enter.

This time, Nanfeng changed his appearance. He blessed himself with the power of reincarnation of life and death, turning himself into a middle-aged man.

This is not an ordinary appearance change, but a change from the state of life and death, so such a change, almost no one can recognize the south wind.

Nanfeng has no way. He doesn't want to be beheaded by greedy assassins and those who want to kill him before he enters the underworld.

Along the way, no warrior recognized him. Nanfeng couldn't help but sigh, "I can't imagine that reincarnation of life and death has such a role, such a means of change, I have another means of escape and life-saving!"

Under the cover of countless bone trees, the whole area of undead bone forest is basically gray, but this area is dark, because it is filled with the strange poison of black."Maybe the reason for the strange black poison here is that there is underworld here. Otherwise, in the whole undead bone forest area, only here has the strange black poison." Some of them said.

"After all, it's the poison of baizhilin."

"Hateful, we can't resist the strange poison of the black. Otherwise, if we go deep and experience the underworld region, maybe we can get the inheritance of the underworld!"

"Don't daydream. Those of us who can't do it in the backstage are only pathfinders of those God King level forces. How can we get a chance?"

... in the discussion, the eyes of these warriors are all looking at the invisible world in the depth, which is a gray world, surrounded by some dark shadows of rules, which are colliding with the shadow of rules in the forest of undead bones.

In a slightly different world, there will be some friction in the rules, but it doesn't matter.

The darkness that pervades the underworld is more solemn and dignified, because darkness and the underworld force are mutual sources. The purest darkness comes from the underworld, and the purest underworld force also comes from the darkness.

By this time, many of the powerful warriors had gone deep into each other.

It can be seen that some of them resist the strange poison of the black with their natural materials and local treasures, while others resist it with their powerful artifact and armor. Soon, the outside of the strange poison of the black is just those who can't enter.

At this moment, Nanfeng moves, his speed suddenly increases, and he quickly submerges into the black strange poison area. Some of the Warriors also noticed Nanfeng, and many of them even sneered, "that man is looking for death. He can't reach the middle divine realm, so he dares to go deep alone. I'm afraid he can't go deep enough even a kilometer, so he turns into a skeleton!"