Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2466

Boom boom! Under the five gold body inscriptions, Nanfeng's whole body tattoo power is also strong, like flowing water, surging across. Under the background of purple gold light and chaotic atmosphere, Nanfeng's power gradually increases.

"The inscriptions on the gold body are broken for me!" With a roar, Nanfeng and the five inscriptions on the body of gold burst up.

Boom! Under the impact of strong waves, the dragon image seal and the gold Body Inscription were shaken together.

The whole fantasy space is directly filled with impact ripples and occupied.

Then, the manic power does not know how long it has been whirling and pounding in the dreamland space.

This collision was interrupted again by the roar of the Dragon chanting elephant. I don't know when a huge shadow appeared in the space and quickly solidified. It was a fierce beast with elephant body, elephant legs, dragon head and dragon tail.

The flying dragon and elephant became the noumenon, the dragon and elephant.

Click! The Golden Dragon and elephant bones are spreading, growing and growing.

At the same time, a sound also appeared. Facing the dragon, elephant and beast, it was the south wind. The chaotic golden body stood up, and the five golden bodies floated around.

"Dragon, elephant, beast, blood from the real dragon, also from the ancient beast - Mammoth!" Nanfeng murmured.

Between the words, Nanfeng's eyes flashed, because at this moment, the dragon's tail swept over. Above the dragon's tail, the Golden Dragon's bone was still evolving, releasing its powerful physical strength.

The blow of dragon and elephant flying, there is no magic power, there is only unparalleled power, mammoth god elephant's blood, his power let the south wind feel trembling from the heart.

Mammoth is the pronoun of power.

The south wind did not resist, but retreated in an instant.

"It's a pity that you are too slow in front of heaven and earth." The south wind gave a sneer.

"So what? Even if you have chaos gold body, you can't break the little dragon elephant body! " The dragon and elephant fly and respond coldly.

"Is it?" South wind responds.

"If you don't agree, try attacking again?" The dragon and elephant fly and disdain to say.

The Dragon elephant flying can't catch up with Nanfeng. With the same strength, his speed can't match Nanfeng's. If Nanfeng takes advantage of the instant steps of heaven and earth to constantly evade, he really can't help it. Their battle can't be finished.

Therefore, the dragon flying in the temptation of Nanfeng, his calm at this time is just pretending, in fact, his heart has been extremely ferocious.

"Yes, because the skeleton of your dragon elephant body is also what I need." Said Nanfeng.

At the next moment, the inscriptions on the golden body of Nanfeng fuse and fly directly towards the dragon and elephant.

Nanfeng has so much experience in fighting that he naturally understands the temptation of dragons and elephants flying. But he has no plan to delay this battle.

"The hand of heaven and earth!"

Under the fusion, Nanfeng directly derived the world hand of heaven and earth. Under his world power, all his powers are perfectly gathered together, including his physical strength.

Feel the power of the south wind in the world, the dragon and elephant flying naturally shock, but he has no time to shock.

The south wind and heaven and earth world hand's suppression speed is so fast.

"The source of dragon and elephant - the way of power!" The dragon and elephant roared.

At once, the huge and bulky body of the Dragon elephant soared up like a real dragon, forming a circular power map. Under the power map, a power bone appeared, straight to the south wind.

Behind the bone of power, the shadow of the dragon and the elephant filled again.

But soon, the virtual shadow of the giant dragon and the giant elephant was locked by three invisible regular chains. The universe directly cracked the bone of power, and five gold body inscriptions shot out, running through the source map of the broken dragon elephant.

With a scream, the Dragon elephant flew and fell heavily.

Nanfeng's whole body turned into a chop, and then went down.

"I'm the genius of the Dragon elephant family. I'm the lineage of the ancestor of the Dragon elephant. You can't kill me. Even if there is a heavenly gate behind you, you can't bear it!" Feeling the death, the dragon and elephant fly and roar with fear.

"Your family and your friends will be destroyed by the deduction of Shenjun and Laozu."

"Deduction? You can only say that you have threatened the wrong person. I, Nanfeng, killed you. Don't say that the God King, even the God King, can't deduce. There is only one result to deduce my Nanfeng, that is, being eaten back. " Hearing the roar of the dragon and elephant, Nanfeng disdains to respond.

Shua! As the light passed, the Dragon elephant flew, and its huge body was cut in half.

As for the soul and spirit of dragon and elephant flying, they have been completely destroyed by samadhi fire and jiuxiao thunder attached to this station.

After cutting the dragon and elephant flying, Nanfeng's eyes were also filled with a trace of helplessness. He said in a light voice, "after that, there will be another big enemy, the dragon and elephant family, and the power of God King!"

However, Nanfeng also has such a feeling that he won't care much. When the people of the Dragon elephant family know about it, he may not be able to be slaughtered by the Dragon elephant family.

The next moment, Nanfeng's eyes looked at the undead bone tree and the two undead bone fruits on it.As for the flying corpse of the dragon and elephant, Nanfeng collected it. The bone of the dragon and elephant was what he needed, and the flesh and blood of the dragon and elephant was what the queen of chaos needed.

"Undead bone fruit, finally got it." The south wind also can't suppress the inner excitement.

But he didn't take it directly, because he had to agree with undead bone tree, otherwise he didn't know how to die.

"Master, can you really show up now?" Calm down, south wind respectfully.

"I didn't expect that you would be able to challenge. Fortunately, you can challenge. Otherwise, I can only use the skeleton of dragon elephant body. The skeleton of dragon elephant body is far inferior to that of chaos gold body." The sound of the vicissitudes of the bone tree rings.

I saw the immortal tree out of a white fog shadow.

"I don't understand what you mean." Hearing this, Nanfeng doubts.

At this moment, Nanfeng is also on guard. He is afraid of the undead tree to take over, because he guesses that what the undead tree wants to do is to shape the body.

When it comes to using bones, the undead bone tree also illustrates this.

"Ha ha, younger generation of human beings, don't worry. I won't take you away. Although I'm not a good man, I still follow the rules of heaven and earth. I won't do anything harmful to nature." Seeing the worry of the south wind, the immortal tree said with a smile.

Hearing this, Nanfeng relaxed a little.

"What do you want me to do?" Nanfeng asked softly.

"I've been in the undead bones forest for too long, so I want to go out, but I have to obey the will of heaven in the undead bones forest." Said the undead tree.

"I communicated with the will of heaven in the immortal bone forest, and he allowed it."

"But it takes conditions!"

"One of the conditions is to pass the three bone bridge test?" Said Nanfeng. "Yes, the most important thing is to pass the test on the three bone bridges!" The immortal tree nodded.