Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 246

"Thank you, Mr. Xuan." Feel the changes in your body, Tang you said excitedly.

"You girl, don't thank me. I'm only able to slow down the sequelae of your blindness. As for the life span, the master of the mansion has nothing to do!" Hearing Tang you's thanks, old Xuan you sighed.

Then he asked, "is this the last guard you are looking for?"

"Mr. Xuan, yes!" Tieshan nodded.

"Since it's the choice of the two of you, I won't ask you any more." Xuanlao nodded and looked at the south wind a little, but the old man's eyes were full of doubts.

I don't know whether I doubt the realm of Nanfeng or I am aware of the human skin mask on Nanfeng's face.

At this time, it's hard to tell whether it's because I'm worried, but I'm still calm and respectful.

In response to Nanfeng's response, xuanlao didn't put on the airs of the first heavenly spirit king. He nodded slightly and said, "since you have joined Yingtian guard, please do well!"

"Mr. Xuan, why are you here?" Then Tang you asked.

"after you left for a few days, we should receive the intelligence of Tianfu's eyeliner, saying that those forces in the black swamp area concealed an important intelligence, that is, the help of the hamster Gang is an animal master." Xuanlao said.

"The master of the mansion can't rest assured, so he quickly sends the old man to chase you. It's a pity that you have already arrived here. I'm afraid that the reason why you used the power of Heiyan is because of the animal master of the gopher Gang!"

"Xuanlao, that's right, so this time you sister was injured because those guys in the black swamp area cheated us." Tieshan said fiercely.

"Don't worry, the governor has punished them severely." Xuanlao said.

At this time, seeing that xuanlao's attention was no longer on him, Nanfeng was relieved, which showed that the lower King's eyesight could not see the human skin mask on his face.

"It seems that the mask of human skin given by the patriarch is not so simple."

"The main purpose of this visit is to bring you something, which will help you gain a firm foothold and develop here." Xuanlao continued.

"First of all, ten thousand gold coins, including six thousand gold coins for the three of you to complete the task, and the remaining four thousand gold coins for your development expenses!"

Said, this Xuan old took out a storage bag from the storage ring on his hand, and gave it to Tieshan.

"There is also something for you to sign up for, congenital spirit ball!"

Then, xuanlao turned his hand, and three small white balls appeared in the palm of his hand and handed them to Nanfeng.

"Mr. Xuan, what's the matter with the master of the mansion? He sent us such good things!" Pick up congenital spirit ball, iron mountain a little unbelievable said.

And the south wind, is also a fine feeling, found that this so-called congenital spirit ball, contains a strong congenital force.

"Is this a means of attack?" Nanfeng wondered. After all, he had never heard of any congenital spirit ball.

Seeing Nanfeng's puzzled expression, Tieshan explained, "Fengnan, the congenital spirit ball is condensed from the spirit in the body of xiantianling king after death. It has strong offensive and defensive power."

"Every inborn spirit ball can attack or defend three times. Once it is activated, it is a half step inborn warrior. If one is careless, he will be seriously injured or even die!"

"What! It's such a precious thing South wind sighed.

"Of course, otherwise I would not be so excited. This thing, in yingtianfu, should not be more than ten!" Tieshan said, looking at xuanlao again.

"Although it's precious, it's even more precious for you to seize the chance to become the congenital spirit king. So, you three understand the painstaking efforts of the master of the mansion." Xuanlao said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xuan. We won't disappoint the master of the mansion. In this chaotic area, the opportunity of the first heavenly spirit king must be ours." Iron mountain heavily agrees a way.

"Tieshan, you misunderstood the meaning of the master of the mansion!" Hearing Tieshan's words, xuanlao said.

"Xuanlao, I don't understand that."

"Listen, you three. The master of the mansion means that the chance of the congenital spirit king is fleeting. As long as any one of you has a chance to get it, don't hesitate to let you bring it back." Xuanlao said.

"Because, you get, that is, we should Tianfu get!"

"Mr. Xuan, we understand!" Hear this words, South breeze three people are heavily say.

"I didn't expect that the Lord of yingtianfu should have such a mind!" Nanfeng sighed in his heart, "he is willing to give us the chance to be the first God King, and give us great help!"

"Perhaps, this should be a respectable man like the Lord of heaven and the patriarch."

At this time, Nanfeng had a little more admiration for the Lord of yingtianfu.

"Well, the next thing is up to you. If you can't, don't try your best, because if you lose your life, there will be nothing." Xuanlao asked again."We know, Mr. Xuan." The three nodded.

"Well, it's time for me to leave. Although I was the first heavenly spirit king, after staying here for a long time, the eight and a half steps would be aware of it. This would have a bad effect. After all, there is an invisible rule that the heavenly spirit king can't interfere in things in the chaotic area!"

With that, xuanlao's body was filled with blue ice and disappeared here.

"Ha ha, congenital spirit ball, with this thing, the three of us will not be able to dominate this chaotic area." After xuanlao left, Tieshan said excitedly.

"Tieshan, what are you excited about? You know, when we have to use the congenital spirit ball, the most likely time is when we fail!" See iron mountain is very excited, south wind cold Ding said.

"That's right. The most important purpose of the God's gift to us is to protect our lives! Because we can only use the congenital spirit ball in the case of failure Tang you also said.

"Well I'm a bit out of line! " Hear the words of South breeze and Tang you, iron mountain is also reaction come over, slightly take heavy to say.

"Now, the black leopard Gang is no longer a threat to us. From tomorrow on, start casting vessels and continue to annex the gangs in this area!" Eyes flashed cold, south wind solemnly said.

"Well, in two months at the most, we will dominate this area!" Tang you also said solemnly.

Later, the three were also the remaining members of the government gang. After the uproar, there were less than 15 members left.

However, the three did not care about this, because they believed that it would not take long for many warriors to join their government gang.

Then Nanfeng handed out some gold coins to each of them, asking them to start collecting casting materials tomorrow.