Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2452

This is the real power of Fengyi, and this is the power of Tianyin wind and ice. Tianyin is the power of the darkest heaven and earth, from which the wind and ice will be born, and the power of ice will be stronger.

"The power of wind and ice under Tianyin, and the breath of Tianyin has reached the seventh palace of Tianyin." South wind said with emotion.

On the other side, the green Lin armor of Gu Du Shen Zi has retreated, and his whole body turns black again. However, he is even more terrible. In the power of dark and black light, strong poison power emerges.

As soon as the power of his poison came out, the white strange poison all around resonated. It was a strong resonance under equality!

The poison God son is becoming dark and demonic. The poison God son is the living creature who comes out of the dark!

"It's really the strange poison of the black!" Nanfeng said with emotion.

"The strange poison of black!" In the world, the two brothers and sisters are also heavy.

"Maybe if I kill you, I'll get the secret of leapfrog challenge!" At this time, Fengyi is also a little greedy, looking at Nanfeng grinning.

Fengyi directly moves, which is a powerful magic power. A force of wind and ice in the sky sweeps quickly, turns into a whirlpool of wind and ice in a moment, and expands rapidly. Nanfeng also directly feels the strong power of sinking!

At this moment, Nanfeng felt a little more unable to resist!

"It's a good power of wind and ice, and it's a good power of Fengyi!" But at this time, Nanfeng was only excited. The stronger the enemy was, the more excited he was. He said in his heart!

The south wind did not stop the landing of the cyclone, but let the cyclone cover itself!

Seeing his own whirlwind enveloping the south wind, Fengyi is not careless, but more infused with his own strength. On the whirlwind, there is a magic power, which is dominated by the power of ice.

The black ice sweeps and forms a small ice sea, which seems to be the source of ice. A dark shadow emerges from behind the wind. It is the shadow of wind, ice and sky.

"To Ben Shaoning!" Feng Yi roared, his hands sealed, and all his strength turned to solidify. He Fengyi wants to use his own strength to completely suppress this talent who leaps over the level to challenge!

But Fengyi thinks too much!

At the moment when all his strength was about to solidify, there was a smell of destruction in the bones and white strange poison around him. The smell of destruction shocked both Fengyi and Gu Du Shenzi!

"The strange poison of black, the net of virulence!" Immediately, Gu Du Shen Zi is no longer indifferent, the power of supernatural power urges, and suppresses together with Feng Yi's supernatural power.

However, it was futile, because in the breath of destruction, there was manic. Soon, their magical powers were suppressed and split by two different sharp blades!

One of the sharp blades is ziheizulei, the light of which pours endlessly and emits the power of invincible destruction. The other is the torrent sharp blade of flame, which burns everything wildly.

On the two sharp blades, the talismans of each blade diffuse, and the spirit power of each god flows!

Yes, at this moment, the south wind moved the two spirits!

No way, these two people's strength is too strong, the south wind has to urge the spirit body.

Feng Yi and Gu Du Shen Zi naturally felt the existence of the two spiritual forces. They were all shocked and said with one voice, "is there any other strong in his world?"

But at the next moment, they were dumbfounded, because there was only one figure coming out of the two sharp blades, that is, Nanfeng, and they could no longer feel the breath of other warriors!

Immediately, they also noticed that the two kinds of spirits were all southerly!

"How could it be?" Gu Du Shen Zi can't believe it.

In the world, the two brothers and sisters are naturally shocked to think that they are dreaming!

At this moment, they seem to understand why Nanfeng can leap the challenge. They know better that what they see is a monster, so they should not be surprised!

In the shock, Feng Yi and Gu Du Shen Zi look at each other. They can't help looking at each other. They also understand that next, they must fight together with all their strength and without reservation. Otherwise, the consequences are not what they want.

Regardless of the shock of Fengyi and gudu Shenzi, Nanfeng entered the primitive self pole under the two spirits. Infinite primitive power converged, and he directly derived samadhi's true fire power!

The power of all kinds of divine fire has also been integrated into this samadhi's true power!

"Go With a violent drink, samadhi was on fire. It seemed that he was going to burn the core area of bone source.

"Seven palaces of Tianyin - Tianyin, Fengbing!" Fengyi immediately resists!

The dark ice-shaped mark on the brow appears, the dark power overflows here, and a wind appears. At first sight, it's just an ordinary wind, but only the gifted and strong can clearly feel the power contained in it!

At this moment, it's like the most powerful force of heaven and earth, the wind of heaven and earth submerges him!

For a moment, the wind and fire are surging here, everything seems to be destroyed, and the power of surging seems to be constantly improving, giving people a sense of breaking through the limit!"Elder sister, this kind of feeling, is like the God King is fighting, this kind of strength prestige, lets me feel frightened!" In the world, Shi Jingjie said with emotion.

"This is the fight between real geniuses!" Shi Jinglu said, "there is a big difference between us and them in essence."

Under the fury, fire finally got the upper hand. No matter it was the supernatural power or the essence of power, the south wind surpassed Fengyi, so under the same strength, Samadhi zhenhuo won!

However, there is another poisonous God, who wins who loses is hard to say.

What Gu Du Shen Zi is waiting for is this opportunity. He is waiting for the moment when Nanfeng and Fengyi are in a stalemate!

Now, that's the moment!

Gu Du Shen Zi has made a move!

He entered his own spirit state, which is the evil spirit of the black. Under this power, he seems to fall into the real darkness. Behind him, there is a huge door!

Behind the gate, there is an endless world of black strange poison. A real giant worm comes out!

"Black bug, fight for me!" With a heavy sound, the poisonous God son directly fused with the giant insect, opened up a channel with the strange black poison, and went straight to the south wind under the force of the wind!

At this moment, the white strange poison in the bones around was engulfed by the giant worm.

The strange black poison contained in the body of Gu Du Shen Zi is much stronger than the strange white poison here, and his spirit is also very high, so to a certain extent, he can absorb the strange white poison here for his own use!

"Next, let me see what strange poison you have in your body!" At this moment, Gu Du Shen Zi is also roaring, ready to end the battle! Boom! Momentum surging down, the giant insect engulfed the south wind!