Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2439

The forest of undead bones, such a chance and dangerous place, seems to be another world different from the divine realm. Except that the largest forest of undead bones always exists in a specific place with the divine realm, other forests of undead bones always disappear in the region and appear once after a long time.

There is a poison fog swamp in the kingdom of heaven, which is vast and infinite. There are only toxins and chaotic creatures of poisons, but there are no natural materials and treasures.

So, except for those martial arts creatures who practice poison to come here to collect poison, there are basically no martial arts people coming here.

However, it was different at this time. Around this poisonous fog swamp, many warriors appeared, hiding in the void they occupied, waiting for something.

At this time, the fog swamp area is also changing.

This is a dark dreamland filled with darkness and fog. It begins to change to gray. Above the swamp, an invisible space begins to appear, which is very large.

The emergence of this space is like a mirage. Of course, this invisible space is real, and to feel it is like a huge world.

The gray force on the poisonous fog swamp is coming from inside. The gray force is not another force, but the bone force. You can see that with the flow of the bone force, it has changed into a huge bone shape.

"Immortal bone forest!" Seeing this scene, all the martial arts people around were eagerly looking forward to it and said heavily.

Soon countless huge bones solidified and became real bones, which spread all over the whole poisonous fog swamp, and the invisible world also began to solidify and suspend on the poisonous fog swamp.

"Undead bone forest, show up!" Many of the warriors get excited, jump up, take a bone from above, and then fall into the invisible and solid world, which is the world of undead bones.

The land of chance like undead bone forest is different from other places of chance and experience. It is also a little different from the world of God. Therefore, it can be regarded as another world out of God. Therefore, undead bone forest has its own will.

That is the will of heaven in the forest of immortal bones.

It is true that the will of heaven is far less than that of God, continent, land and the world of the great emperor. However, there is also a certain intelligence and strength. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain their consent to enter the immortal bones forest.

These bones are the keys. It's the key to entry and the key to exit.

Fortunately, there are countless skeletons gathering. Otherwise, for the sake of these skeletons, they will fight here first.

Another point is that there is a reason for the emergence of the undead bone forest. The reason why this land of opportunity is called the undead bone forest is that the will of heaven in this land of opportunity needs to be constantly maintained by bones.

So where do the bones come from? It's from these warriors who have entered the forest for training. After these warriors fall, the bones will naturally be in the forest of undead bones.

This is also one of the reasons why the undead bones forest is dangerous. It's good that one third of the warriors here can enter and come out.

But even so, as long as they are ambitious, they will not be afraid of life and death.

Because there are so many opportunities in the undead forest.

From ancient times to the present, in any undead bone forest area, there are too many warriors entering it. Among them, there are strong and talented.

After the fall of the strong, all they leave behind is inheritance, while the inheritance of the genius is not one or two, which is enough to make many warriors take risks.

And then there is the real chance in the undead bone forest - Undead bone marrow!

A living creature, naturally, is the most important spirit and soul, which is the basis of the life of a living creature, but there is another basis for a living creature, which is the skeleton of the whole body.

The soul, spirit, flesh and blood, strength and consciousness of living beings are all carried by bones. Bones are the carrier of living beings' life, and bones are also the basis of the strength of the body. If the body wants to be strong, it is natural that the bones must be hard first.

Yuanshen, the last and most important guardian of the soul, is also the skeleton and the power contained in it.

Undead bone marrow is a kind of liquid of heaven and earth born in the undead bone forest. By absorbing and refining the undead bone marrow, the living beings can obtain the undead power. The undead power is aimed at the bones of living beings, which can make the bones of living beings possess the undead characteristics.

When this undead characteristic accumulates to a certain extent, the bones of living beings become the real undead bones.

What is an undead bone is a bone that can regenerate rapidly.

A living creature is destroyed by powerful forces. If he has undead bones, his bones will agglomerate again, his consciousness will be stained on it, and his soul and spirit will recover slowly.

In the realm of God, there are some strong people who have undead bones. After they become undead bones, although their talent is mediocre, they finally set foot on the peak of martial arts with the strength of undead bones.

Of course, the power of rebirth is limited.

This limit comes from the level of immortality.

Undead bones are classified into grey, yellow, gold and purple gold.In general, there are one or two chances of death and rebirth for the grey level, three or four for the Yellow level, five or six for the gold level, and nine or even ten for the purple gold level.

This rebirth from the dead is a real rebirth from the dead. For example, a God Emperor destroys a great emperor. With the power of the God King, everything of the great emperor, including his soul, absolutely disappears in this world.

But if the great emperor has a real undead bone, then in the place where he fell, after some time, there will be a bone re condensation, which belongs to the great emperor's bone, and he will slowly revive.

It's just that it's too difficult to cultivate immortality, even if it's only gray.

In the realm of God, the creatures with undead bones can be counted absolutely, and among them, at most three or four undead bones have reached the gold level.

As for the purple gold level, I haven't heard of living beings practicing.

The body of a living creature is the framework for any physical supernatural power. To cultivate any physical supernatural power is definitely to get twice the result with half the effort, and has a perfect fit with any physical supernatural power.

So, how can such an immortal bone not be expected and wanted by any living creature.

Therefore, the beginning of the undead bone forest area is not only the warrior of the kingdom of heaven, but also many warrior of the kingdom of God in the surrounding area.

This time, it's definitely a big battle among many regional warriors in the kingdom of God.

"Immortality, it's really something to look forward to!" In the void, the south wind said slightly, and his eyes were extremely eager. "Nature makes people look forward to it. It's like a key to the road to a strong warrior. Who doesn't want it?" Mingzhuo said, "if it wasn't for this undead bone forest, only the middle gods could be allowed to enter, and the superior gods of the warriors around would also come!"