Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2422

This warrior is a warrior of the Tianlan family, and the power that swept him is the power of God King level. The God King here is only Tianlan God King and the ancient. There is no doubt that this is the ancient power.

All eyes can clearly see that this force is pouring into the warrior's body, which can make the warrior disappear at any time!

"Daoyou, what are you doing..." seeing this scene, the God King of Tianlan looked even worse. He asked repeatedly, and his God King's world power came out immediately to save the warrior!

However, before he finished, the warrior died.

"It turns out that the old people have long been suicidal!" Nanfeng said in his heart, "I'm afraid that the reason why he chose Tianlan God King to search Tianmen temple and his world is not to give the dark emperor face, but to kill people!"

"It's more to prove to the martial arts here that what's the power of Tianmen? Can it be shaken by a token?"

This scene naturally shocked and silenced those around.

"Step down, you have killed the people of my Tianlan family!" Tianlan God King also Leng, Leng for a moment, angry roar instantly.

The voice, the anger, with momentum, rolled like thunder, pouring all around.

At this moment, the warriors all around quickly retreat. They don't want to be swept by the momentum of the two great gods. That's not what they can bear at all.

The warriors of Tianmen quickly retreated into Tianmen temple.

Only ancient, still in the powerful momentum of Tianlan God King, the silver hair, not floating at all.

"A piece of dark imperial edict really can't frighten the heavenly Gate God King. You know, in terms of strength, the heavenly gate is not inferior to the dark family. We, the God King, underestimate the heavenly Gate God King!" During the retreat, the warriors talked to each other.

"Yes, we, the God King, really underestimate the Tianmen people. Tianmen has never been a troublemaker, but we will never be afraid of anything!"

... at this moment, the God King of Tianlan really has unlimited intention to kill, but he doesn't dare to move at all, because the God son of Tianlan and other superior gods of Tianlan family are still in the Tianmen temple, so he can kill everything at any time.

At this moment, the God King of Tianlan also understood that to let him search Tianmen temple is to let them fall into the trap!

The God King of Tianlan really thinks too much this time. He thinks that with the dark emperor's order, he can make the ancient give up the south wind. After all, the general gate of Tianmen is not here, and the God King of Tianmen will not fight for the face of the dark family for a disciple of the kingdom of God.

If the God King of Tianlan had a little understanding of the age-old things, and had a real understanding of the adverse weather of the south wind, he would not have come today.

"Tianmen is reasonable and can be searched, but if we destroy the things in Tianmen during the search, we need to pay a price!" Old light answer.

"This man, who has destroyed a door of our fifth floor temple, will naturally repay with his life!"

When they heard this, many of them could not help rolling their eyes and destroying a door would cost them their lives. They could not think of the truth of Tianmen.

But they all know this for the Tianlan family!

For the old saying, the God King of Tianlan was angry and was about to vomit blood!

"Daoyou, you are provoking me again!" But the sky orchid God King again can how, can only say with this kind of angry tone.

He was afraid, afraid of killing the God son of Tianlan directly. At that time, even if there were more dark emperor orders, it would not help!

"This is the rule of our heavenly gate. If people respect me, I respect them. If people offend me, they will pay back ten million times!" Old light answer!

Shua Shua!

At this moment, some of the warriors of Tianlan family were swept out by the divine power.

"He destroyed the table and chair, he destroyed a casting platform for refining utensils..." the old man opened his mouth gently. And every time you say a word, a warrior of Tianlan family dies.

Soon, the warriors of the Tianlan family were wiped out!

"The God King of Tianlan completely angered the God King of Tianmen!" All around, the warriors are talking again!

Immediately, these warriors retreated quickly, because they felt the real killing power.

At this moment, the God King of Tianlan didn't bear it any more. Under the power of the world, the intention of killing swept out, divided into two groups, and went away from the two sides!

In the impact, one turned into divine earth, the other into divine water.

"Hum!" Seeing the attack of Tianlan God King, the old man gave a cold hum with disdain. His old eyes suddenly became extremely busy. The light of the two flames shot out, directly breaking the Holy Land and the holy water!

It's like that!

And the two flame light instant unity, directly into a flame hammer, toward the sky blue God King fall!

Seeing the flame hammer, the God King of Tianlan suddenly felt endless heat and pressure. His pupils enlarged involuntarily. At this moment, the God King of Tianlan suddenly found that he couldn't see through the ancient power!

At this moment, the God King of Tianlan did not dare to have a trace of reservation. His body became bigger in an instant. The power of the world was completely connected with heaven and earth, and the power of God urged him to the extreme!The combination of divine earth and divine water turns into a defense shield!

"Tianlan shield!" With a roar, the God King of Tianlan directly hammered the ancient flame!

However, it was the result of destruction. The shield of Tianlan God King was directly broken. Under the heavy hammer of fire, Tianlan God King was severely shaken away, and the blood of God King was spilled down, which made deep pits appear directly below!

"How could it be?" This scene is a little unacceptable to those around!

The gap between Tianlan God King and ancient is too big!

"Tianlan God King is the middle God King. This ancient god king is so powerful, I'm afraid it's the later God King, or even the peak God King!" Some of them speculated.

In the ancient world, Nanfeng murmured to himself, "it's really not easy to be old. As for the late God King and the peak God King, I'm afraid it won't be."

"God King..." south wind is also such a word.

Under the ancient strike, the God King of Tianlan didn't know how much invisible space he crushed to stabilize his body. At this moment, Tianlan God King has that kind of God King's posture, some are just scared!

As a God King, he can feel the ancient fear more!

At this moment, Tianlan God King's heart and Nanfeng's guess are the same: ancient god king!

Roar! In the ferocity, Tianlan God King roared like a fierce beast, and his power broke out to the extreme again. But this time, he did not gather his magic power to attack the ancient, but poured all his power into the dark emperor's order in his hands.

Buzz, buzz!

Immediately, the dark emperor order broke away from the sky god king, suspended in the air, and bloomed the purest dark light. Under the dark light, the whole area seemed to fall into the darkness directly!

In that darkness, a dark shadow slowly emerged! A force like the sky also came down out of thin air!