Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2420

When Nanfeng was gazing at himself, Tianlan Shenzi was also gazing at himself in the water and soil painting world. Tianlan Shenzi's gazing at himself also had some disdain and sneer.

"South wind of Tianmen, you really surprised the demigod son. None of the middle and upper gods sent by the demigod son to kill you was left to the demigod son."

"But so what? You're just cleaning up some internal waste for the son of God! "

"Because of this, you will have no way out, even the gate of heaven can't protect you!"

"The son of God also guessed that now you must be looking forward to the strong of other gods to intervene again because of the dark blood demons. Unfortunately, you can never wait for them to come again!"

"In the kingdom of Tianlan, no one has ever won the game with his own son!"

… A month later, Nanfeng did not expect any other powerful people in the kingdom of God to come, or even any news that they would come to Tianlan.

The south wind naturally felt unusual.

"Tianlan Shenzi, has he stopped the strong of other gods by means?" Nanfeng guessed in his heart, "but what means can he have, natural resources and local treasures? Supreme power? How to practice the skill

"It's just a Heavenly Kingdom. It can't satisfy the appetites of the Heavenly Kingdom around us."

Nanfeng's heart is also full of bad expectations and bad intuition.

"Tianlan Shenzi, this guy seems to have thought of everything that is going to happen, and he also thought of the way to deal with it, the exposure of the dark blood demon clan, or it's really his intention." Nanfeng guessed the same way.

"I can't wait to die like this!" The south wind is heavy.

Just as he was about to leave Tianmen and continue to ask for more information, Tianlan Mingyu came, very eager.

"What happened?" Nanfeng asked directly.

"Nanfeng, please let the Tianmen strongman take you away from Tianlan kingdom. According to reliable information, the grandfather of the God King and the Shenzi of Tianlan will come to Tianmen to question you in a few days!" Tianlan Mingyu said.

"You're coming." Said the south wind.

"But I'm afraid they can't take me away from the gate of heaven!" And then, the south wind was confident.

"Nanfeng, I guess Tianlan Shenzi has a card, so you'd better avoid it! Really Hearing Nanfeng's words, Tianlan Mingyu was very serious in persuading him.

Hearing the words of Tianlan Mingyu, Nanfeng was a little silent.

What Tianlan Mingyu said is right. Tianlan Shenzi may have a trump card. Didn't they all prevent other powerful gods from coming back?

"Brother Mingyu, thank you for telling me. I see!" Then the south wind nodded.

"Well, you escape as soon as possible. I'll go first. This time, the grandfather of the God King also appeared. I can't stay here any longer." Tianlan Mingyu said.

"Good!" South wind nods.

Nanfeng did not hesitate to find the old one again.

If Tianlan Shenzi and Tianlan Shenwang really have the cards not to be afraid of Tianmen, then now is not the time for Nanfeng to be a hero.

"It seems that some things are not so simple in this kingdom of God." Hearing Nanfeng's narration, Guwei said, "Laojiu is also very curious. What's the trump card of Tianlan God King? He dares to come to our Tianmen to ask a question openly!"

Things are just like what Tianlan Mingyu said. Two days later, Tianlan God King, Tianlan God son, with a strong member of Tianlan family, came to Tianmen in a mighty way.

This naturally attracted the attention of all those who saw it.

"What's the matter? Lord God and Lord God, where are you going? It seems to be still fierce! "

"Look at this direction, it's like going to the gate of heaven."

"Is it true that the God son of Tianlan really wants to blame Nanfeng for killing those martial men of Tianlan family?"

"Very likely!"

"But why does the Tianlan family fight against Tianmen?"

"It's true that Tianmen's strength in Tianlan kingdom is not good, but don't forget what kind of power Tianmen is, and there are Tianmen among other gods around!"

"That's not clear!"

"No matter what, how can we miss this good play? Follow up and have a look!"

… Before the Tianmen temple, I don't know when it was already a sea of people. The mighty momentum was led by the Tianlan family. The Tianlan God King and the Tianlan God son stood in the front.

The God of Tianmen, teacher Yang and others also came out one after another.

At last, an old man stepped down from the top of the temple. It was just ancient.

"Tianlan God King, this is not the place where you should come. Even if this is your kingdom of God, I said it when I first met you!" The mighty momentum of Tianlan family doesn't care at all. It just looks at the king of Tianlan.

"The gate of heaven is ancient. In the area of Tianlan Kingdom, there is no place that our God can't reach!" Tianlan God King is very hard to answer, "but today I'm not here to talk to you about where I can go.""What God wants to say is that you Tianmen Nanfeng have committed a complete crime against our Tianlan family. He must pay for his life."

"Oh? Nanfeng has committed a crime against your Tianlan family. I've never heard of it. " Ancient or subtle response.

"The book of God reminds me that the land of Godhead..." The sky orchid God King says.

"Oh, that's right, but who can I blame? I can only blame the martial arts of your Tianlan family for not being proficient in learning skills and not being strong enough." Gu Gu said, "it seems that the confrontation between disciples should not be brought to the power."

"If it's a confrontation between disciples, our Tianlan family naturally has nothing to say, but Nanfeng of Tianmen used improper means to attack our Tianlan family warriors by using the power of demons!" The sky orchid God King says coldly.

Between the words, the God King of Tianlan waved slightly.

Soon, some martial artists who were not in the Tianlan family appeared and said with one voice, "we can testify that Tianmen Nanfeng really used improper means, and we have reason to suspect that Tianmen Nanfeng colluded with the demons!"

Soon, these people also put the Ji imperial concubine city's matter, reversed the right and wrong to say again!

Tiexiao and other Tianmen disciples, as well as those who have already united with Tianmen, naturally stand up to speak for Nanfeng.

A battle of words began.

Finally, it is the end under the sign of Tianlan God King and ancient times.

"Let the south wind of Tianmen come out to confront you!" Tianlan God King spoke again.

"Old, let me go out and confront them!" Said Nanfeng.

At this time, the south wind, in the ancient world.

"You don't have to come out in this matter!" But the old man said, "I want to see how powerful a king of God is."

"The south wind is not there. After returning to the divine place, he just goes back to the gate of heaven and disappears." Old light answer. At this time, the young master wanted to stand up and say that the south wind was still in Tianmen a few hours ago, but when Yu Guang saw that it was ancient, he swallowed it.