Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2418

After the completion of the cemetery, the magic man Luo with the king of God into the depths of the ancestral world, the depth of closure, the magic man Luo want to use this king of God to carry out a great strength improvement.

Xianteng continued to repair the city.

Hua Yu takes Nanfeng to a well arranged palace and takes out the angel wing that Hua Jifei gave her. The inheritance of Hua Jifei is also in this wing.

"Hua Yu, what do you don't understand about this inheritance? You should ask xianteng. I don't know anything about the martial arts of immortals." Seeing Hua Yu take out this wing, Nan Feng shakes his head and laughs.

"Young master, I'm not asking you about the martial arts of immortals, but I have a big gift to give you!" Hua Yu said with a smile.

"Oh? What is it? " Hearing Hua Yu's words, Nan Feng asked curiously.

With a mysterious smile and a wave of his slender hand, the shadow of two spirit bodies appeared on the feather, both of which were sitting. Feel carefully, these two spirit bodies are condensed by the purest immortal power.

When Nanfeng takes a breath, he immediately feels comfortable and light, as if he has just experienced a perfect body hardening.

"This is..." Seeing these two spirits, Nanfeng said with shock.

"Childe, this is the angel fairy!" Hua Yu said.

"Angels, fairies? What is this? " Nanfeng doesn't understand and says that this thing doesn't exist in Nanfeng's memory. "Childe, the angel spirit is a kind of body of spirit born in the ancestral land of our angel family. It is a kind of thing of heaven and earth. Every fusion of the living beings is like a flawless body hardening, not only from the flesh and blood, bones, but also from the talent and the power of understanding." Hua

said Yu.

"Such a precious thing." Nanfeng said with emotion, a trace of eagerness flashed in his eyes. How could Nanfeng not expect such things of heaven and earth.

Then Nanfeng also asked, "Huayu, since it was born from the ancestral land of the angel clan, then the ancestral land of the angel clan?"

"Lost, I don't know where." Hua Yu was very sad and said, "now the reason why I have this angel is because it was left by the master!"

"In that case, I can't accept that!" Nanfeng said, "besides, now you are the most lack of strength, the most lack of heaven and earth."

"What's more, your fast growth is the greatest help to me!"

"Don't worry, young master. I have left five angels. That's why I dare to give you two!" Hua Yu said with a smile.

"I see!" Nanfeng said, "then I'm not polite!"

… In the world of ten thousand years, the south wind impels the power of time, and the speed of time increases to the extreme. In front of the south wind, it is the two angels.

"I hope these two angels and spirits can help me to consolidate the realm of the lower God in the middle of my life!" South wind confidence, directly began to merge the two angels.

At this time, some fragments also appeared around Nanfeng, which were the fragments of the lower God and the power Avenue.

With the passage of time, five years passed in a flash.

Two angels were melted by the south wind. At this time, I can clearly feel that Nanfeng's body seems to be lighter, and there is a deep sense of not leaking.

In addition to refining the two pieces of lower deities, as well as other pieces of power Avenue, in the past five years, Nanfeng not only thoroughly consolidated the middle level of lower deities, but also promoted its own realm to the peak of the middle level of lower deities.

The power and the sense of martial arts contained in the angels and spirits are beyond Nanfeng's expectation.

Hum! At this moment, the south wind summoned the chaotic golden body. The power of the golden body was solidified. All the three inscriptions on the golden body in the middle of the eyebrows were solidified, and the shadow of the fourth inscription on the golden body had already appeared.

"It's a pity that I just managed to cultivate the fourth way. If there is another angel, I'm afraid my fourth gold Body Inscription will be solid." Nanfeng said with a slight pity.

After getting familiar with it, Nanfeng walked out of Wanshi world.

Hua Yu did not rush to accept the inheritance and melting of the angels, but just had a feeling first.

"Young master, you finally shut up and come out. If you don't come out, I'm afraid we'll miss the time to leave the divine land." Hua Yu said.

"Why, the land of Godhead is closing?" Said Nanfeng.

"Naturally, it has been two to three years since the opening of the land of Godhead. This time, it has been almost three years, and the exit of the land of Godhead is also beginning to be unstable. It will be closed in a period of time!" Hua Yu said.

"Let's leave too. Our harvest is perfect in this divine land!" Nanfeng laughs.

Then, Nanfeng also contacted the flesh and blood who left in the space mirror, and learned that the fat guy had left long ago.

"This guy!" Nanfeng said helplessly, "did you leave directly again?"

"The fat man may be afraid that you ask him for something again, or that you ask him for help, so he must have left alone." Hua Yu said with a smile.

"He can't run away!" Nanfeng grinned.

Later, Nanfeng also contacted huoyerong, Tianlan, Mingyu, tiexiao and others, and learned that they were also ready to leave."Let's go!" Said Nanfeng.

This is the end of a struggle for the land of the divine.

But the fight of the divine land is over, and the fight of the Heavenly Kingdom is far from over.

Because the warrior who survived from the divine land quickly spread two things, one is that Nanfeng killed Tianlan Shenzi, the other is the dark blood demon clan. Many warriors saw the trace of the dark blood demon clan in the divine land.

Two storms quickly swept across Tianlan kingdom again.

"Is the dark blood demon thing happening again? This is what I didn't expect. It seems that the warriors of the dark blood demon clan are very excited in the land of Godhead! " Hearing the news, Nanfeng said.

"Young master, they shouldn't be so careless!" Hua Yu was a little confused.

"Maybe, but now it's a good thing for me. After all, those martial artists who killed Tianlan Shenzi have been spread out." Said Nanfeng.

"Tianlan Shenzi, Tianlan Shenwang will definitely take the opportunity to cause trouble and kill me!"

"And if the warrior of the dark blood demon clan is spread out like this, Tianlan Shenzi and Tianlan Shenwang will be more busy!"

"It seems to be!" Hua Yu said with a smile.

At this time, a trace of worry flashed in Nanfeng's eyes, that is, the fleeing blood devil king.

"Maybe you can ask the old man to come forward in this matter!" Nanfeng thought.

After saying goodbye to huoyerong, Tianlan and Mingyu, Nanfeng and tiexiao return to Tianmen.

On arriving at the Tianmen gate, Nanfeng went to the 16th floor of the temple to visit the ancient. Nanfeng didn't need to pass through the Tianmen gate to visit anyone else. "Brother Nanfeng!" On the 16th floor, wearing two braids, Gu Qing, who was very lovely, came from the sky and exclaimed excitedly.