Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2415

In the words of killing, the shadows of the south wind are disappearing.

Bear! The sound of the flame burning madly sounded. It was very far away from here. It was a group of angry and killing anger. It was a group of anger containing the power of heaven and earth.

There is no doubt that this is the magic power of the south wind - the anger of the Dharma prime minister.

I don't know when the south wind under the instant step of heaven and earth has reached that distance and burst out the anger of FA Xiang.

The reason why Nanfeng is so far away is to enhance the power of Dharma prime minister's anger. We can see that the speed of Dharma prime minister's anger is faster and faster in the impact, and the impact of the anger is stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Nanfeng also appeared, behind the anger of the Dharma prime minister.

At this moment, the south wind pushed his chaotic spirit to the limit, and the chain of mixed fire rules was even more entangled and released on his body, and the original self pole entered the third level state.

There are two kinds of flames burning on him, one is the rudiment of chaos fire, the other is the flame under his own samadhi fire power.

"How can you have the rudiment of chaos fire, and even break out samadhi's true fire magic power?" Feeling the strong restraint of the two kinds of flames on the magic of his cold ancient corpse, the corpse ice devil was shocked again and couldn't believe it.

"Since it's a corpse, let's go back to the earth under my flaming flame." Nanfeng said again.

When he stepped on the earth, his words immediately fell into the earth.

In the form of chaos fire, samadhi's true fire also merges with the anger of Dharma. Under the rule of mixed fire, the power of flame really reaches the extreme and can burn everything.

Boom! The momentum is more and more big, straight to the corpse ice devil's eyebrow shot.

At this moment, the corpse ice demons blood, the whole body is suddenly covered by cold blood, the dark cold ice is also attached to it, like a body of war armor.

Behind him, the corpse God reappears.

The huge corpse God kowtowed three times in a moment.

God of corpse - God of corpse three kowtow! Three huge blood skeletons all fall down, and fuse with each other on the corpse ice devil. At this moment, the breath of corpse ice devil is approaching the later stage of the lower God.

"After all, his soul is a real corpse ice devil. It's likely to break through. If you let him break through, it's not good!" Said mamello worriedly.

When they break through to their previous highest state, they don't need to fight against the way of heaven again, because they break through once and know that when they accumulate, it will come naturally.

In particular, the loss of soul is more natural.

After hearing the words of moomanro, Nanfeng no longer has any reservation. The shadow of the power of the other two rules also appears and merges into the anger of the Dharma phase.

"This kind of rule makes us feel different from the rules under heaven and earth. What's the matter?" Feel that kind of other world's rule momentum, corpse ice devil is very unclear, so said.

All of a sudden, the corpse ice devil's eyes were shocked, and he said, "you don't have a hidden realm at all. This is your real strength. You broke the rules and stepped up to challenge!"

"The God King is the God King. He can see everything clearly!" Nanfeng responded.

Boom! In a flash, Nanfeng, the strongest anger of Dharma prime minister, collided with the corpse God's three kowtows, and the manic waves poured out all around again, surging infinitely.

An angry anti shock force rushed out, and a bloody Magic also came out.

Blood spilled down, the two fought a close match.

"With every minute and every second of fighting, he is familiar with his body. If it goes on like this, it will only take a few hours for him to really break through to the later stage of the lower God." The south wind said heavily.

"This time, my south wind has become someone else's grindstone."

You can also see that although the corpse ice devil looks very gloomy, it is self-confidence under the shadow. Nanfeng is really regarded as a grindstone by him.

How about the genius of leapfrog challenge? He will be killed by ice devil in the end.

Of course, the corpse ice devil was also shocked. How could such a character appear in the divine realm. In his memory, there are only two such figures since the birth of heaven and earth, and those two are incomparable to any living creature.

"No matter how strong your power essence is, no matter how high your understanding is, there is a limit to it!" The corpse ice devil said coldly, "at this moment, the god suddenly wants to play with you to see where the limit of your leapfrog challenge genius is."

In addition, the corpse ice devil well led away Huayu, chaos empress and xianteng.

So the corpse ice devil is not worried.

"It seems that you are going to make full use of me as your grindstone!" The south wind said coldly.

"See that," the ice devil sneered.

"Corpse ice devil, or that sentence, you take away, is the most wrong decision you make." South wind cold response, the momentum of the body once again burst.

How can Nanfeng make himself the grindstone of others, especially a demon.In this burst of momentum, the south wind directly erupted his world power, surrounded by eight talismans, eight kinds of world power gathered together, forming a big hand shadow behind him.

The corpse ice devil's eyes seemed to be staring to fall out.

"How is that possible?" The corpse ice devil shook his head heavily.

"The people who want me to be a grindstone have not come out yet!" The south wind is killing and roaring.

Towards the power of the world, the power of the world without ice.

Boom! The strong dust and air waves rose instantly, and the whole ground directly appeared the pit of giant hands. The palaces and ancient castles within a few miles turned into ashes in an instant.

The power of the south wind is infinite.

Click! But at the next moment, the hand of heaven and earth world that fell on the ground began to break. With the spread of cracks, the power of the hand of heaven and earth world began to collapse.

Soon, a hard shell of black blood came out from the hands of heaven and earth.

Nanfeng's face was startled for a moment, and he couldn't believe it and said, "what's the matter? What's the defense power? I can't crush this extreme power!"

"This is the strongest defense magic power of the corpse blood demon clan - corpse God corpse shell!" "Magic man Luo said," I have such a magic power in the memory of the demons, which is also the strongest magic power of the corpse blood demons, above the three kowtows of the corpse God! "

"Corpse God, corpse shell!" The south wind said heavily.

"But even the most powerful defense power of the corpse blood demon clan can't take over my world hand. My power, I know, now in the middle stage of the lower God, only those talents with the best blood and the strongest talent can really defeat me!" "Besides, it's the power of the world plus the power of my own rules!"