Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2410

He can't afford the power of this level.

Bear! At this moment, the flame on the back of chaos mother has been burning, which is the flame of the prototype of chaos fire.

Since the mother and Empress of chaos followed the south wind, the south wind separated the fire rudiment of chaos. It was perfect for the mother and Empress of chaos to cultivate the fire rudiment of chaos.

Under the gray green flame, the cold-blooded water was instantly covered, and the ice blades turned into blood and retreated.

The empress of chaos roars like a Kun in the water. In an instant, she swims into the dark square and devours all the blood. The empress of chaos swallows everything.

"The rudiment of the fire of chaos!" That corpse ice devil shakes.

He immediately blows a blow, the cold ice merges with the dark death evil spirit, a cold glacier forms, blocking the flow and pouring of the chaos fire rudiment.

WOW! At this time, the fairy vine also attacked, and the vines surrounding the pure Fairy Spirit grew larger and thicker, just like the giant trees extending from the sky, pounding fiercely towards the cold glacier.

Boom! The fury of the waves increased rapidly, and all the powers of the three sides burst.

Under the shock of anti shock, three figures retreated at the same time, marking three traces on the dark palace. These three traces soon turned into cracks, and the dark palace fell apart in an instant.

In the faltering, chaos mother, fairy vine, and corpse ice devil also fell down.

This collision, the three sides are equal.

"Corpse ice devil, in these countless years, you are recovering, and you are also improving!" Fairy rattan spirit shadow emerge, coldly say.

"God saw it, but what about it?" Corpse ice devil coldly says.


The next moment, the corpse ice devil roared, and his feet instantly evolved into a world of cold-blooded water, which swept up like a tornado storm.

All the pieces of the dark palace will be swept up.

A mummy also came out from the debris. From the appearance, they were all Angel corpses. These Angel corpses soon merged into the blood, and only a skull was left.

Then the skulls were inlaid into the corpse ice devil's body.

Boom boom! In this way, the momentum of the corpse ice devil has been enhanced, and the limit of the upper God's initial state has increased again.

"This guy still has a back hand!" Nanfeng said with emotion.

"Master, enter the world first!" At this time, the empress of chaos communicated with Nanfeng and said that protecting Nanfeng would naturally make the empress of chaos give some strength.

"I understand!" Nanfeng responded and went directly into Tianjin world.

"Xianteng, see, your progress is worthless in front of our God!" Feel the power to increase again, corpse ice devil sneer to say. His eyes flashed, and his power was gathering rapidly. A bloody skull was moving towards the shadow of the immortal vine.

After the bloody skull, the bloody and cold glacier emerged.

Countless immortal vines surged to form vine barriers to resist, but in the end, they were not so good. Blood skull through the vine barrier, but also through the power shield of the shadow of the immortal vine spirit, hard bombardment in the chest of the shadow of the immortal vine spirit.

A big mouthful of immortal Qi, essence and blood spurted out, and the shadow of immortal vine fell heavily.

At this moment, the empress of chaos is also limited, and can't help xianteng Lingying at all.

Every drop of cold-blooded water floats around the chaotic mother, extending countless lights among them. These lights are connected to form an invisible net.

The mother of chaos broke out the fire rudiment of chaos again, and integrated her own essence and blood power, but it couldn't break the invisible net at all.

Click! This invisible big net also constantly emerge cold ice, want to slowly ice the chaotic mother.

The corpse ice devil wants to ice the chaotic queen. He really wants the blood and flesh of the chaotic queen. He doesn't want any destruction of the blood and flesh of the chaotic queen.

"This guy, it's really tough!" In the world, the south wind is very strong.

"I hope there's something else in that fairy vine." The magic man Luo is also dignified to say.

The empress of chaos will not wait to die, waiting for the cold ice to be frozen, so in the rudiment of the raging fire of chaos, the devouring ritual once again broke out.

And it's the ultimate sacrifice.

In this devouring sacrifice, the empress of chaos devours the invisible net.

But after that, the mother of chaos was hit hard again, and the cold ice after being swallowed by him was still eating back, trying to ice out of his body.

At this moment, the empress of chaos and xianteng are in a desperate situation.

"Don't think too much of yourself!" Corpse ice devil disdains to say.

"It's impossible to beat us like this!" Xianteng will not give up.

However, the wound, roaring, endless pure immortal force poured to the ground again, those broken immortal vine instantly alive, and rapid growth.

"The magic power of immortals -- the coming of immortals tree!"

Among the innumerable immortal vines, the shadow of a white mist immortal tree condenses. The noble light seems to illuminate the whole dark city, and the judgment of the dark seems to fall.In an instant, the ground for several miles is growing out of the thick ivy.

At this time, xianteng Lingying seems to be a little weak in the follow-up, and the chaotic mother does not care about the trauma, so she bursts out of strength and pours into xianteng Lingying.

"The corpse kowtows!" Looking at the fairy vine surging around, the corpse ice devil also moved, his hands sealed, and countless bloody skeletons shot up from his body, forming a shadow of corpse God above him.

I saw the shadow of the corpse God kneel down.

Boom! At that moment, the sky seemed to collapse, a huge crack came out of thin air, and a huge blood skull appeared and suppressed.

As long as those immortal vines lean into the huge blood skull, they will directly turn into nothingness or be fused by blood and water.

At a certain moment, a blood light bloomed on the huge skull. The blood light cut all the vines, and also directly bombarded the immortal vine spirit shadow and the body of chaos mother.

Deep bloodstains came directly to them.

And this is not the real trauma, the real trauma is in this scar, there is constant cold-blooded water invasion.

Under this invasion, the chaotic empress and the immortal shadow only feel their own strength, and their blood is slowly frozen.

At this moment, their strength can not stop the ice.

"Xianteng, since so many times have passed, we have only this ability. Then don't blame our God for sending you to see your master!" Corpse ice devil sneers to say.

"Young master, what should we do?" Hua Yu asked eagerly.

"What else can we do? Run away, take them with you Said Nanfeng.

"Fortunately, I left the flesh and blood division beside Tianlan Mingyu. Now it's time to send a message that the flesh and blood Division will take all the warriors here into the world!"

At this moment, Nanfeng is really powerless.

If he can step over to challenge, in front of the superior God, it is also a mole ant.

"Corpse ice devil, the old master will kill you again!" Xianteng Lingying said indignantly. "Ha ha ~" hearing this, the corpse ice devil laughed directly.