Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 240

With a crash, the plaque of Ronghu gang was directly broken, and the fragments scattered on the gate of the castle, causing a huge noise. Seeing this scene, the young man was a little silly.

Living in a chaotic area, how could he not know what the Nanfeng three were going to do.

"Who dares to come to our Ronghu Gang to make trouble?" The sound immediately alarmed the people in the castle, and the roar came.

What's more, it startled the warriors who came and went around. Soon, the fortress of the Ronghu gang was surrounded by water.

"Did someone challenge the Ronghu Gang? Let me have a look!" Some powerful martial arts, very arrogant said.

"It's such a beautiful girl. I really want to go to bed at once." After seeing Tang you, a lot of martial arts people said it with lewd words.

"Ha ha, don't worry. Let's see how this girl and her two followers provoked the Ronghu gang." Some voices of schadenfreude were also heard.

"After the result, it's not too late for us to do it again!"


Soon, a large group of members came out of Ronghu castle and surrounded Nanfeng three directly. Then the leader came out, a one eyed middle-aged man.

There is no doubt that this man is the leader of the Ronghu Gang, Ronghu, the strong man at the top of the four grades of kugu.

The plaque of his own gang was smashed. Naturally, he wanted to help himself. Originally, the Ronghu was also aggressive, but when he saw Tang you, the aggressive immediately turned into obscene.

"Hey, you elder sister, sure enough, you are the focus everywhere you go Tieshan whispered in Tang you's ear, "there are hundreds of people around now who want to eat you!"

"Don't be garrulous. Pay a little attention. I feel that there are no less than five kungfu masters around here Hearing Tieshan's words, Tang you said a little seriously.

"Don't worry, you elder sister, as long as those martial arts men at the top of four sudden bones dare to intervene, they will die first!" Iron mountain responded.

"Hey, one eyed dragon, where are you looking? It's me who broke your plaque!" The sound of the south wind broke the sound of the discussion.

"The dead man!" Hearing Nanfeng's words, Ronghu was furious, "kill me!"

As the words fall, the two Kungfu men around them attack the south wind.

"Do it yourself!"

The soles of the feet suddenly kick on the ground, and the speed of the south wind increases to the fastest. It goes directly through the two Sudoku sanpinwu, and instantly appears in front of the Ronghu. A tiger fire fist blows out.

Nanfeng's speed is very fast, but after all, Ronghu is the best warrior in the four grades of Sudoku. He reacted at the first time, clapped his hand and hit Nanfeng's fist hard.


The dull sound was loud and the storm broke out. Both of them retreated heavily, with ten steps of Ronghu and ten steps of Nanfeng. They were indistinctly tied.

"How can it be that you have such strength? The momentum of your body is just the peak of a sudden bone!" The velvet tiger can't believe of say, in the eyes, dignified meaning is to pan up.

The people around them are the same, because they, like the Ronghu, feel that the south wind is just a sudden state.

"A group of frogs at the bottom of the well, haven't they heard of the elixir of hiding realm?" Nanfeng grinned.

"The elixir of hidden realm, you have such elixir. Take it out and leave your whole body!" The tiger said greedily at once.

He had no doubt about Nanfeng's words, because they didn't think that kugu Yipin could really challenge kugu Sipin except what Nanfeng said.

Of course, at the same time, the greed of those around us is also on the rise, and they are ready to move. But because Nanfeng was fighting with Ronghu, they didn't do it immediately. They wanted to take advantage of it.

"You hand over this castle and I'll keep your whole body!" South wind light response.

"Kill Hearing Nanfeng's words, Ronghu could only respond with one killing word.

The momentum of the top of the four products of sudden bone gushes out directly, condenses a tiger claw, and grabs and cracks directly toward the south wind.

"Today, I'll take you to see if my combat power has reached the peak of the four grades of sudden bones." In the heart light language, south wind blows a fist, similarly erupts but goes.

The next moment, the whole market town in front of the castle directly became the fighting place for the two.

This battle, two people are fists, paws, body collision, at this time here, the next moment is to appear on another piece of ground, a moment, the whole ground is a mess, the pit is several.

"Fengnan has really achieved the third level challenge. The whole third level. Has there ever been such a genius on this continent?" Although he has known the fighting power of Nanfeng, Tieshan still has a feeling in his heart.

It's really because the third level challenge is too shocking.

"The third level challenge, the West wasteland has the power, has such genius." Tang you is also in the heart of doubt, "recently, just heard of a called Nanfeng, with more two levels of challenge ability..."

"No? Fengnan! "South wind?" Think of here, Tang you seems to have found something extraordinary.Boom!

At this moment, after dozens of rounds of collision, they finally separated again, leaving heavy traces on the ground.

"If the combat power of the top four sudden bones has really reached its peak, then it's time to end and establish my three gangs in this chaotic area!" Feel the majestic fighting spirit in his body, Nanfeng said in his heart.

Immediately, the method of mixing fire has been activated.

"Next move, I want you to die!" At this time, the tiger is roaring.

He understood that today he met a tough problem, and he had to work hard to keep his gang and castle.

"One eyed dragon, try it, next move, decide whether this castle is yours or mine!" South wind responded.

"Crack the tiger claw!"

His eyes are full of evil spirit, and the tiger's body is full of strong tiger power. The spirit behind him is condensed into a giant tiger's virtual shadow. Then he pats it hard, and a strong tiger's claw cracks toward the south wind.

"Huoyun boxing, the next step is to see your power. I hope you're a mysterious and middle-class skill and won't let me down." Looking at the powerful claw, Nanfeng said in his heart.

At the next moment, Nanfeng's whole body has been wrapped by the flames. After Nanfeng's body, the flame aura instantly condenses a fire cloud, which is not very big, only half a person.

However, the momentum burst out from above is extremely strong, which makes people around feel like they fall into the sea of fire in an instant.

"Fire cloud boxing!"

With a roar, the fire cloud behind Nanfeng directly merges with Nanfeng's right fist, turns into a real fire cloud fist, and goes towards the split sky tiger claw.


Two strong offensive collision, the first out of nature is a strong collision waves.