Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 235

Along the way, the gang leader was honest and didn't play with them. He just led the way as soon as possible, and then left their sight as soon as possible.

As for the fierce beasts here, after the previous battle, it is estimated that they will hibernate for a short time because of fear. As for the fierce beasts with high-quality sudden bones, they usually appear in deeper places.

So a few people along the way but did not meet any threat, about three hours, came to a small mountain area.

This mountain area is very dark and gloomy. If you come here alone, you may have a kind of fear in your heart.

"You two, this is it. In the small entrance, there is a wide cave. Over the past few months, we have put all our resources in it!" The vice leader said.

"Is there any danger here, or any mechanism?" Asked Nanfeng.

"No, but before I helped you, I had ten black poison crocodiles here. I don't know what they are now..."

Roar! Before the words of the gang leader were finished, several roars had already sounded, and then two black poisonous crocodiles rushed from both sides of the mountain, and immediately came to the south wind four people!

"It seems that with the death of the rat, there are still four black poisonous crocodiles left here!" Tieshan said, "leave it to me!"

"I can't do without you! After all, I'm going to die! " Nanfeng said with a smile!

"Ha ha!" Tieshan laughed and killed him directly.

"It can be seen from the previous battle that iron mountain can barely collide with the fierce beast of six sudden bones. So according to the fire robe, iron mountain should be a second-class genius, but the lowest second-class genius!" Looking at the battle of iron mountain, Nanfeng said in his heart.

"However, in the four wastelands, it's already very top. Find a chance to pull this guy and Youjie into the Nanwu Gang!"

Soon, four black poisonous crocodiles were killed by iron mountain. They let the gang leader lead the way and take hot you into the cave!

Outside the cave, it was very dark and humid, but inside there was a lot of hay, which seemed a little dry. On the hay, they saw dozens of cultivation resources like hills!

Not to mention the pile of golden gold coins and silver coins, all kinds of herbs, elixirs, a large number of natural materials and local treasures, as well as some jade bottles, which are naturally pills!

And all kinds of tools!

"Granny, these things are enough to compare with the two and a half steps of congenital forces. No wonder many forces around the black swamp area have paid a lot of money to ask us to do it!" Hard swallow a mouthful of saliva, iron mountain is very greedy said.

"Don't say one tenth, that's one twentieth. The three of us are also rich!"

On one side, the gang leader has a pain. After all, they are all from the hamster gang. Now they have to make wedding clothes for the two in front of them. But he had no choice but to sigh. Now his only thought was that Nanfeng and Tieshan would let him go as soon as possible!

"All by the fact that the Rattus is the animal master!" Nanfeng said, "otherwise, five more hamster gangs would not be able to snatch so many things in a few months!"

"By the way, when it comes to the fact that the hamster is a beast master, those forces didn't provide us with this clue. They must have done it on purpose. When they go back, they must sue them and let them lose more!" Iron mountain a little uncomfortable said.

"It's normal. After all, once we succeed, all these things belong to us. They definitely want us to pay a price!" Nanfeng said, and did not feel uncomfortable.

From Nanjia, he has been used to this kind of intrigue!

"Gentlemen! Can we put the small one now? " At this time, the gang leader was worried and trembled.

"Well, you can go. It's a waste of time to kill you!" Iron mountain impatiently waved his hand.

"Thank you! Thank you Hearing this, the gang leader knelt down and yelled again. Then he rolled out of the cave and disappeared in the cave.

"If you don't want to break your promise, you really want to slap the bastard to death!" Tieshan said unhappily.

"I don't want to. If I dare to show my face again, I'll kill you!" Nanfeng said, "let's collect these things first and get out of here." Said Nanfeng.

"With the rumor of the members of the gopher gang who fled, it is estimated that the forces around will soon know what's going on here. If they wait for their people to come, it will be another battle, and now we are not suitable to fight again!"

"Well, yes!" Tieshan nods!

"When you two left Ying Tianfu, didn't you get some big storage bags?" Then Nanfeng asked. After all, it's not easy for him to expose the storage ring and two spaces. The two storage bags on his body can hold at most one fifth of these things!

"There is no storage bag, but the master gave me a storage ring!" Tieshan said with a smile, and then he took out a gold ring in his arms. It was the storage ring!

Looking at this storage ring, iron mountain eyes that is a incomparable envy!"Storage ring, it's really a big deal. Our master is so generous!" Nanfeng also said with emotion.

"You think too much. The Lord of the mansion only gave it to me temporarily. I'm supposed to pretend that the hamster gang robbed these resources. After I go back, I still want to return them to the Lord of the mansion!" Said Tieshan.

"After all, the value of this storage ring is comparable to the resources here!"

"I think so much!" South wind whispers!

Immediately, two people no longer hesitated, directly put all the things here into the storage ring, and then along the original road, quickly left the black swamp!

Sure enough, less than two hours after the three left, several forces had entered the black swamp. Unfortunately, everything was empty, leaving only a bunch of silly poisonous beasts!

At this time, Nanfeng three people have opened a cave in a remote place far away from the black swamp, waiting for Tang you to wake up!

During this period, Nanfeng and Tieshan are also the resources in the liquidation storage ring, and then see how much they can take!

Even though they already know that they can get a lot of money, the final result still surprised them. It can be converted into gold coins. This tenth of the resources can be converted into 30000 gold coins!

Once again, with the reward of two thousand gold coins for completing the task, this time alone, none of them can get twelve thousand gold coins!

Twelve thousand gold coins is really a lot for them, because even the half step innate warrior will only be greedy when he sees the twelve thousand gold coins.

"This mission is really worth it. Twelve thousand gold coins. With this wealth, I think I will soon be able to break through the six grades of kugu and step into the seven grades of kugu." Iron mountain is very excited to say.