Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 225

"Sister, brother Fengnan has left. Can I see him again?" The back of Nanfeng comes to mind. Gu Yan's eyes are full of tears and says.

"I don't know, maybe, maybe not!" Gu Qing also hard swallow said, that figure, estimated to be in her heart, permanent occupy a position!

"Qing'er, Yan'er, forget him. He is too talented. You are just in a hurry in his life. Maybe, occasionally, he will think of you. Similarly, he is just a passer-by in your heart, a passer-by we can't catch up with!" Looking at his two daughters, Gu Cheng sighed.

"Just a passer-by who can't catch up!" Gu Qing murmured.

Dawn, the south wind has been far away from the city of water and fire.

The goal of Nanfeng's trip is to be in Tianfu, an area called chaos zone!

Of course, this place is known by Nanfeng from guchengkou.

The name of this chaotic area tells us that it is a very chaotic place where there are eight half step congenital forces. The half step congenital strong among the eight half step congenital forces are constantly fighting there.

Because rumor has it that there is a good fortune in the chaos area to achieve the congenital king of spirit. Which half step congenital strong person wins there, it is possible to achieve the congenital king of spirit!

Although some ideas are false, they can't stop the half step inborn strong from coming. So the chaotic area is just a small area, but there are eight half step inborn warriors.

Here, Nanfeng thinks it's very suitable for her own experience!

First of all, there is no God King here, and he will not be recognized as wearing a human skin mask!

Secondly, it's chaotic here. Although it's dangerous to kill, it's more conducive to his progress and rise.

3、 The strongest one here is half step inborn, which is the target he wants to catch up with at this stage!

"Chaos zone, if I can achieve half step innate combat power there, it would be the best!" Nanfeng murmured, and then he quickened his pace and went to the direction of chaos.

However, at this time, he felt two strong breath, fast towards here, just a moment, caught up with him, and stopped in front of him!

Two people, a man and a woman, a tall man, the body is like an iron tower, standing in front of the south wind, the south wind only felt that a huge mountain blocked the way.

"This young man is definitely a master of physical training!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

Women, dressed in black dress, wrapped up the perfect body, dark hair, plus the angel's face, flaming red lips, is very tempting.

However, this woman gives Nanfeng a more dangerous smell. Nanfeng has a feeling. Now, he can't walk on this woman's hand!

"You two, I don't know what's up with you? Or... " Nanfeng first asked.

"Are you Fengnan?" The young man spoke.

"I am. I know you two..." Nanfeng nodded in doubt.

However, without waiting for him to say, the young man of the iron tower made a direct attack, just a simple blow, directly bombarding the face of the south wind.

However, it was just this plain blow that Nanfeng felt. What is the meaning of "powerful force sinking" and "force like violent ape"!

At once, Nanfeng's eyes were strong and dignified, and his momentum burst in an instant. He clenched his right hand and gathered all his strength to meet the Tower Youth!

At the moment of collision, Nanfeng really understood that he shouldn't take the punch.

Because, at the moment of the collision, he just felt that a strong force like flash floods and tsunami surged into his arms, even more impacted his meridians and flesh, and the strong pain permeated his body!

This kind of feeling, in the past only he imposed on others, never others imposed on him, but now

So, at the next moment, there was no sign at all. Nanfeng vomited blood directly, and his body passed a deep mark on the ground. Nanfeng's whole right arm was shaking.

In this way, the south wind has a strong feeling that the youth has exerted half of his strength at most.

"It's so powerful, it's absolutely reached the peak of the five grades of kugu, even the six grades of kugu!" The south wind vibrates in his heart.

However, Nanfeng didn't have any fear, because he didn't feel the slightest intention to kill them. Moreover, in the punch just now, the iron tower man also restrained his strength in the end.

Compared with the vibration of the south wind, the tower man and the beautiful woman are also more shocked. They look at each other and see the incredible color in each other's eyes.

And this scene really puzzled Nanfeng.

However, as soon as his eyes turned, Nanfeng understood that these two people should have come from Shuihuo city and knew themselves. This time, he was supposed to test the truth of his third level challenge!

The next moment, two people looking at the south wind, the eyes is a deep admiration.

"Brother Fengnan, I'm going down the iron mountain. I've been impolite just now!" Immediately, the man apologized.The woman nodded and whispered, "I'm in Tangyou!"

They have already shown their friendship, and Nanfeng will not pursue the blow just now. Besides, he has no strength to pursue it. He also replied with courtesy, "in xiafengnan, a small force from the West wasteland, this time just wants to experience in Tianlin!"

"It's just a small place in the western wilderness." Hearing the introduction of Nanfeng, Tang you said to himself.

"Ha ha, brother Fengnan, you must have known how I came here." The iron mountain didn't think much, retreated the shock in his eyes and said with a smile.

"It's exactly what we reported in Shuihuo city that a genius who can challenge others has appeared in Shuihuo city. We have just come here. But after just a try, the Fengnan brothers are not only the genius of leapfrog challenge, they can even be said to be the strongest genius in the forest on this day

With that, the excitement of Tieshan came out again.

"Brother Tieshan, if you were a genius, you would not have been able to take half of your fist just now!" Hearing Tieshan's words, Nanfeng said with a smile.

from the words of Tieshan, the south wind has guessed that these two people are estimated to come from a big force, otherwise it is impossible to have eyeliner in such a city as the city of fire and water.

"Brother Fengnan, don't forget that you're just the level of kugu Yipin, and Tieshan's fist just now is enough to defeat most of kugu Sipin warriors!" One side of Tang you said with a smile.

"Yes, brother Fengnan, if you are more modest, I will try again!" Said Tieshan.

"Ha ha, let's not talk about it. Let's talk about the purpose of the two of you. It's not just a trial!" Immediately, South breeze laughs a way, but is tone serious ask a way two people.

Hearing Nanfeng's words, they looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and said seriously, "we are from Yingtian guard!"