Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 210

Even in the snow sky, it was also a moment of stupefaction. The eyes were filled with admiration. It was a kind of space artifact that could accommodate living people. At least, it was a medium quality artifact, which was enough to make any spirit king crazy!

"With the space to accommodate the living and the spirit weapon in his body, he can't be the enemy of the four wasters." The snow sky is filled with emotion!

However, the snow sky can't afford to slack off, because even if it is a medium quality space spirit tool, it's impossible to enter directly in front of the spirit king, because the spirit king has locked this breath!

"Qingqiu goat, wuqin, what you should pay attention to is here!" At this moment, the snow sky didn't care any more, and the powerful power of the middle spirit king burst out. He pointed out in a moment, and directly defeated the Qingmu immortal palm of Qingqiu goat just now.

Then, the endless momentum of ice instantly formed a cage, which directly enveloped the Qingqiu goat and wuqin!

"Nanfeng, I'll try my best to help you to stop this wuqin. How far you can run next depends on yourself!" Feel the south wind that the rapid escape of space spirit, snow sky said in the heart.

In this ice cage, the snow sky released the unique power of the pre heavenly spirit king.

"Damn it, xuetianqiong, you dare to stop me now. Qingqiu family will never die with you Seeing the snow sky's full exertion, the green hill goat roared angrily.

Because, he also knows, under the snow sky full hand, he no longer has the possibility to pursue the south wind!

"Ha ha, never die? We Xuezong and your Qingqiu family are almost immortal. You Qingqiu goat use this to threaten our family. You are really good at intelligence! " Hearing the words of Qingqiu goat, snow sky laughs.

Then, xuetianqiong launched an attack again. In his ice cage, he gathered the king's finger of ice and snow and attacked Qingqiu goat and wuqin!

"Qingqiu goat, you help wuqin King escape from the ice cage and resist the snow sky. Then wuqin king goes after the little bastard. We have half of what he has!" At this time, Wu Qin said.

Although she is also the spirit king, she can't see the snow sky in front of the middle spirit king. If Qingqiu goat doesn't help, she can't even get out of the ice cage.

The king of spirit, that is a congenital state, has been out of the ordinary state. The gap between each state is a huge gap. The gap between the lower king of spirit and the middle king of spirit is just like the gap between the first product of kugu and the top warrior of kugu. It can definitely be a second kill!

Of course, snow sky can't kill wuqin, just hold her!

After hearing Wu Qin's words, Qingqiu goat didn't answer. He just scolded each other and fought against Xue Tianqiong!

As for the ice cage in the snow sky, the goat has the ability to break it, but it doesn't break it!

This scene, let Wu Qin gnash his teeth, heart ruthless. But wuqin still keeps persuading Qingqiu goat!

"Ha ha, I see. It seems that Nanfeng can avoid this crisis today!" Seeing that Qingqiu goat didn't break his own ice cage, Xuetian was also puzzled, but he soon understood the truth!

There is absolutely no friendship between Qingqiu goat and wuqin.

If Nanfeng is within the range of Qingqiu goat's vision, Qingqiu goat will definitely break the ice cage and drag the snow sky regardless of everything. However, as soon as Nanfeng leaves his vision range, he will help wuqin, so Nanfeng's space spirit will only fall on wuqin.

Although wuqin promises at the moment, there is no promise between them. Once the spirit space falls into the hands of wuqin, he will never get it from wuqin, because the Qingqiu family is not as strong as the casting guild!

On the contrary, Nanfeng runs away. There is still a chance for him!

So at the moment, Qingqiu goat will never help wuqin!

In this way, the three great spirit kings had a stalemate for a whole day. Of course, to be exact, the snow dome is in a standoff. He must make sure that the south wind escapes completely!

After that, the snow sky regained all its strength and left the mountain range. Before leaving, Qingqiu goat and wuqin naturally have a threat to the snow sky!

"Qingqiu goat, what do you think, let that little bastard run away again!" After the snow sky left, wuqin said to Qingqiu goat in a cruel voice.

"Wuqin, why, you know better than me, so you don't need to be told by Wang Ming!" For Wu Qin's cruel voice, Qingqiu goat just lightly responds, and then goes towards the direction of the south wind.

The space artifact that can hold the living creatures is enough for him to pursue.

After a whole day's escape, Nanfeng stopped and breathed a sigh of relief!

"Huopao, it's strange that the patriarch can't block Qingqiu goat and wuqin at the same time. Why do I feel that no one is chasing me all the way?" Out of the melting God tower, Nanfeng asked curiously.

"Master, that Qingqiu goat won't let wuqin chase you alone!" Said the fire robe.

"I seem to understand a little bit!" Hearing the words of huopao, Nanfeng nodded slightly!"Huopao, I'll take a breath to recover, and I'll go to Tianlin. With this human skin mask given by the patriarch, I believe it will be very safe in Tianlin!"

Immediately, Nanfeng took out a Yuanyang pill and began to adjust his breath!


However, before he sat down, a strong sense of killing suddenly poured into his heart! In an instant, Nanfeng felt that he was trapped in the endless dark ice cellar!

"Master, enter the melting God Tower!" Huopao said eagerly!

Fortunately, Nanfeng was not frightened by the strong intention of killing. Before he finished his fire robe, he entered the molten God Tower!

And at the moment he entered, a black figure stepped out of the space above him!

"The Immortal King of ghosts!" Seeing the dress of the man in black, Nanfeng immediately recognized the identity of the man in black!

"Master, this time it's my carelessness. I didn't find out that there was a spirit king following me!" The fire robe sinks a voice to say, the tone changes of have never had of dignified!

"Huopao, what's the chance?" Asked Nanfeng.

"Less than ten percent!" Huopao said reluctantly, "because this man is not only a hermit with superb Kung Fu, but also far more powerful than xuetianqiong and Qingqiu goat. He is definitely a superior spirit king!"

"The superior spirit king is the one who never stops ghosts. It seems that this person is the spirit Master who never stops ghosts!" Nanfeng a little decadent, said, "I'm really ironic, I really think I completely escaped."

"The younger generation in the iron tower, hand over everything on you, the Spirit Lord can keep your whole body!"