Blood Moon Hunters

Chapter 307 - Marquis Wu, Zhuge Liang


In the frozen time, Wang Bugui’s primordial spirit was desperately resorting to martial arts. Within a short time, the time constraint was broken.


But when he broke the law of time, he found that he had been hit by the four array images, then fell on the ground like a bullet.


At the same time, the others who were rebelling had also broken the time constraint. But they had also been hit by countless attacks, especially the inexplicable meteorite and water column in the sky.

All the people were smashed heavily, falling down one after another and leaving huge craters in the ground.


“Cough, cough! Er…”


Everyone slowly jumped out of the craters with different degrees of injuries. Wang Bugui suffered the most. The four array images left terrible holes and scars all over his body. He was healing himself with the Supplementary Method.

“Are you okay, boss?” Zhao Changge asked weakly. He propped himself up with his long spear so he would not fall to the ground.

“O… kay!” Wang Bugui wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth. His injury had almost recovered.

He looked up at the sky, seeing Zhuge Liang slowly descending. Dressed in white, with a feather fan in his hand and the prime minister’s crown on his head, Zhuge Liang looked very tall and amiable.

His beard and gray hair made him very gentle and elegant, just like a celestial being.

Moreover, he had a special temperament that people couldn’t describe accurately. Looking at him, they felt that he had a kind of unique heroic spirit.

In one glance, people would believe that this person was a thoughtful person who had made great achievements and was very trustworthy.

“Prime Minister.” Zhao Yun immediately withdrew his spear and then made a military salute.

“General Zhao, you don’t have to be like this. Your primordial spirit has not been seriously damaged, has it?” Zhuge Liang asked slowly.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry, Prime Minister,” Zhao Yun replied with a smile.

Zhuge Liang turned to the others. Due to the Greater Power energy, their injuries had almost recovered. Then, they all showed a smile.

“Prime Minister, did you just use the power to interfere with time?” Wang Bugui asked, frowning, covering his chest with his hand.

“Yes, I spent 500 years exploring it, so that I could jam you for a moment.”

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan gently, studied Wang Bugui, and smiled. “But Bugui really surprised me. The time Tao Law that I tried my best to form didn’t trap you for very long.

“It took you only three breaths to break it. It seems that your attainment on primordial spirit is quite deep. I admire you very much.”

Hearing that, Wang Bugui made a holding fist salute and replied, “Don’t overpraise me, Prime Minister. You possess the power to master time. It is not as good as the younger generation to wait for the power to master time that I don’t have.”

He had been studying the way of reincarnation for a long time, but could only turn back the time of a thing. He was unable to use the method to turn back time on people. He could only make time go faster.

And the time he could control was very short, far from playing an absolutely powerful role. He once had also wanted to stop time, but no matter how he studied and deduced the law of reincarnation, he still couldn’t see the law of time.

He was in the Greater Power Realm, far from being able to see the secret of such laws.

Zhuge Liang was also a Greater Power with only a small part of his primordial spirit left. He lived in the world by relying on a wisp of obsession.

But he spent 500 years on not only perfecting the Eight Diagram Tactics to its peak, but also grasping the law of pausing time and carving it in the big array. What a talented cultivator!

Thinking of this, Wang Bugui felt a little bit sorry. It had been said that if Marquis Wu hadn’t left the mountain, but rather stayed in Longzhong and cultivated, he would have likely become immortal!

However, Marquis Wu was in love with the world. In order to follow a wise monarch and assist him by his side, he even quit becoming immortal, which was the dream of all cultivators.

In order to unify the troubled times so that the people could live happily and peacefully without suffering from the perennial war any longer, he resolutely abandoned the way of cultivation.

He followed Liu Bei. He didn’t hesitate at all, even if he knew that cultivators would be punished by heaven if they interfered with the law of the mortal world. He just wanted to fulfill his wish before being punished by heaven.

But fate fooled him. He failed to wait for that time. He spied too many heavenly secrets and attracted the discontentment of heaven. He used the Tao Law to help the Kingdom of Shu many times and changed its life against the sky.

In the end, he got a strong punishment from heaven. With a curse beyond a human’s ability, he died in Wuzhang Plains. He had devoted his whole life to the Kingdom of Shu.

He also struggled for the common people all his life. But his end was still tragic. However, because he calculated before his death that there would be a crisis a thousand years later, he forced his primordial spirit to coexist with the Eight Diagram Tactics.

He did that so he could reappear today in order to make another effort for Hua Xia to overcome its difficulties.

“Are you thinking about me?” Zhuge Liang smiled and said slowly.

How clever he was! He could see the sadness in Wang Bugui’s eyes in one glance and figured out what Wang Bugui was thinking with a little bit of calculation.

“Excuse me, Prime Minister…” Wang Bugui gathered his wits and smiled in embarrassment.

“You’re so smart, Prime Minister! You can even grasp the law of time! My master regards you as the strongest warlock after Founder Master Gui Guzi. He doesn’t judge you incorrectly!” Yu Wude sighed inwardly.

At the moment, his eyes were shining. And he almost knelt down to kowtow.

Zhuge Liang shook his head slowly, and then shook his feather fan, saying, “Don’t be over-modest, Wude. Your qualification is absolutely not inferior to mine, and even better.”

“With only the message from General Zhao, you can make timely countermeasures, and almost break my improved Eight Diagram Tactics. If the center of the cloud array didn’t change, I’m afraid I would’ve lost.”


Yu Wude shouted excitedly, touched his head, and then grinned, “Hehe. Actually, I also think I am a genius in this respect. Thank you for your praise, Prime Minister…”

All the people around turned to look at him with a look of shame. They really admired his confidence.

“Prime Minister, we haven’t seen each other in a thousand years. How are you these days?” Zhao Yun asked with a frown.

“Oh, General Zhao.”

Zhuge Liang gave a short sigh, beginning to look Zhao Yun up and down. Still young, handsome, elegant, and unconventional, Zhao Yun was in a white robe and a silver helmet, which made him look very heroic.

But when he didn’t take the gun, he was like a civil official, gentle and elegant, with a similar temperament to Zhuge Liang.

Such a tall, gentle, and powerful man, if placed in today’s world, would be the perfect man who could charm thousands of women.

Zhuge Liang’s thoughts went back to the time when they were all young talents with high spirits. They each had great ideals and came together because of different beliefs.

They walked in Jiangdong side by side in those days, which attracted so many people’s attention. They enjoyed that kind of free and easy state.

“Alas!” Thinking of all that, Zhuge Liang could not help sighing.

He then put away his sadness and said with a smile, “I’m not bad, General Zhao, and you? Nice to see you today. You’re still as heroic as before.”

“I deeply admire that! You and I need time to talk about the past, but not now.”

Zhao Yun nodded and replied, “I know you must have something important to tell us. I’m ready.”


Zhuge Liang also nodded, looking at Yu Wude and Shangguan Yiyi, and said, “I figured out a thousand years ago that I would have a relationship with you two. I’m glad to meet you today.”

“You, too, Prime Minister.”

Yu Wude and Shangguan Yiyi replied with a holding fist salute. Marquis Wu was one of their most admired targets after they learned different kinds of arrays. How could they not be glad?

“I can’t live forever. But the Eight Diagram Tactics is my whole life’s work. I can’t let it be ruined. So, I have a kind request. I hope you can inherit it.”

Zhuge Liang spoke slowly, and also made a holding fist salute. There was a seriousness in his eyes, which indicated that what he said couldn’t be a joke. The crowd was surprised.

“Prime… Minister, are you kidding me? You want Yiyi and me to inherit the Eight Diagram Tactics?” Yu Wude stammered.

“Yes, Prime Minister, we’re just seeing each other for the first time and you’re going to give us this peerless heritage?” Shangguan Yiyi was also surprised.

“I’ve said that there is a fate between us. And I’ve seen the scene a thousand years ago. Taoism is for predestined people. Why can’t I pass the Eight Diagram Tactics to you? Or, you are unwilling to accept it?”

Zhuge Liang spoke slowly with a frown. But the smile on his face didn’t disappear. He was looking forward to their reply.

“Fatty, are you confused?! Kneel down and thank the prime minister!” Zhao Changge kicked Yu Wude’s leg.

Then, he stepped forward and pressed Yu Wude to the ground, saying, “The prime minister would like to pass on the Eight Diagram Tactics to you. Isn’t that enough? Don’t you always say that you like studying arrays?”

“Could it be that you turn your back on the improved Eight Diagram Tactics?!”

“How dare I! That’s what I have prayed for. But this is happening all of a sudden. I’m still in great shock,” Yu Wude immediately retorted.

He looked at Zhuge Liang, who was still smiling at him. Zhuge Liang was the No. 2 idol in his heart! Today, not only did he see Zhuge Liang, but he also felt his smile, which really made him blush and his heartbeat quicken.

Yu Wude shook his head violently to wake himself up, pulled Shangguan Yiyi beside him, and knelt at the same time, saying, “Thank you, Prime Minister!”

“We will never forget your kindness to pass the array onto us! And there’s nothing we can do to repay it! But I can swear to heaven that I will use this array to protect Hua Xia from foreign invasion!”

“The inheritance of the Eight Diagram Tactics will not be broken in my hands, and it will be inherited forever to protect our Hua Xia!!”