Blood Moon Hunters

Chapter 226 - To Reincarnate to Rekindle the Relationship

That was the end of the story of Fan Kong and Yu Zhu’s previous life.


“Why, why is their ending so miserable?!”

Catherine and Edward began to weep after watching all this. And not just them, the others all shook their heads and sighed after watching all this.

“Hey, fake monk, how can you be stupider than boss?! You didn’t cherish her when she was alive, and only repented for thirty thousand years after losing her!” Zhao Changge said with a pair of moist and red eyes.

“Yes, you men know how to cherish only after losing.” Meiqing made a short sigh, looking sad.

“Brother Ningzhe, you did fail Yueyan in the last life. Why haven’t you changed in this life?” Chu He was also puzzled.

Everyone set their sights on the two, and they really didn’t know what to say. They didn’t know how to persuade the two.

After all, the two were no longer the Yu Zhu and Fan Kong of the last life.

They didn’t know if Leng Yueyan would forgive Ning Zhe. And Ning Zhe made people feel even more speechless. He had waited thirty thousand years in the last life, and everyone could see his remorse. But he still refused to express his love this life!

“You said you would give me the answer, and I’ve waited so long. Now, they’ve expressed their opinions. Haven’t you figured it out yet?” Leng Yueyan squinted.

“I…” Ning Zhe put his hands together with a slight frown. He didn’t know how to reply.

Seeing that, Wang Bugui walked to the center of the two and said to Leng Yueyan, “Little Taoist nun, calm down. Since you’ve called me brother, I won’t let you be bullied.”

“I’ll help you enlighten the fake monk!”

Then, he turned to Ning Zhe, saying, “Fake monk, listen to my analysis carefully, okay?”

Ning Zhe nodded slowly without a word.

With a smile, Wang Bugui added, “Well, listen to me. First of all, you and Yueyan fell in love with each other in the last life, and she has paid so much for you. Therefore, you should pay back anyway, right?”

“Yes.” Ning Zhe had no reason to refute that.

After all, he couldn’t become an immortal if Yu Zhu didn’t protect him by blocking that machete with her own body in the last life.

“Secondly, you’ve already been regretful in your previous life, right? The reasons why you have knelt down under the bo-tree for thirty thousand years and then killed yourself to reincarnate are to rekindle your relationship and to repay her debt, aren’t they?” Wang Bugui asked.

“In the last life, Fan Kong did think so. But at that time, he had already been a demon, and that might not be his real will.”

Wang Bugui shook his head and continued, “Then have you ever thought that Fan Kong became a demon for whom? It was for Yu Zhu. He did everything for her even before he turned into a demon.”

“To be precise, he was willing to become a demon for Yu Zhu, and he was awakened at that time. Therefore, he has later repented for thirty thousand years, only to calculate the date of Yu Zhu’s reincarnation and then to pursue her.”

Ning Zhe frowned as he heard the words, saying, “Maybe you’re right. Fan Kong was willing to be a demon for Yu Zhu in his last life. But in this life, she and I are no longer the same.”

“I can try my best to atone my crime of the previous life, but in this life, I still can’t abandon the Buddhism. How could I remember the previous life if it wasn’t for the udumbara?”

“Stupid! Fan Kong has also said that love is the base of the three realms and the six paths, which is also a proverb of Buddhism. The Buddhism didn’t teach you to forget love. How can one be called a human being if he doesn’t have love?!” Wang Bugui yelled.

“But how can we mortals see though it? Only by forgetting the seven emotions and six desires under rules and regulations, can we become immortals and see the Buddhas.” Ning Zhe replied.

“Yu Zhu has also that to forget love is not to abandon love and we get love and try to forget it just for being free and easy. If you fail to live up to even the one you love, how can you be free and easy?” Wang Bugui asked.

“If I can pay off my debts in this life, Yueyan and I won’t interfere with each other, and we two are not trapped by love, it’s also a kind of being free and easy.” Ning Zhe recited the Buddhas and answered.

“Is it so easy to pay back the debts? The Buddha once said: looking back five hundred times in the previous life led to passing by in this life. Even if you owed her so much in the last life, you can still meet her in this life, so you must cherish her.”

“And you must pay the debt with a lifetime!” Wang Bugui retorted.

Ning Zhe shook his head again, replying, “The Buddhas once said that love leads to grief and love horror. Therefore, one without love won’t be grieved and horrified.”

“The Buddhas once said: a flower, a world, and a Buddha. All this is a state of mind, and love is also a state of mind. If you get love, you will get the whole world!” Wang Bugui said again.

“I’ll recite the Buddhas a hundred thousand times a day. If love can’t see through love, I can’t get rid of the shackles of bad karma in the past and get a new life.” Ning Zhe sighed.

“The Buddhas once said: cause and effect take place by turn. There is cause and effect in everything and you can’t escape.” Wang Bugui said.

Hearing that, Ning Zhe frowned and said, “Everything is illusory, including the beautiful love and touching love!”

“The sincerity between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is just a legend, and the loyalty between Romeo and Juliet is just a novel. Love must be put down.”

However, Wang Bugui made a snort, saying, “Even if love is illusory, it is also the most beautiful! It makes you fall in a dream. It is so close to your eyes, but you can’t touch it. The distant is always the most beautiful.”

“It is out of reach, full of imagination, but difficult to understand. The most beautiful thing is the illusion created by human’s heart.”

“This beauty is worthy of us mortals to keep pursuing. Even if it takes our whole life and we finally get a heartbreaking ending, we’re still looking forward to it. Not to mention that there are still many touching true love stories in the world.”

Ning Zhe slowly shook his head and replied, “The Buddhas once said: Life in the world is like being in thorns. Don’t love and we won’t be hurt.”

“If we love, we’ll be hurt deeply to our bones, and experience all kinds of pains of the world. The so-called love can only make us suffer.”

Hearing that, Wang Bugui made a disdainful smile, “It is not easy for a person who has no feeling of suffering to sympathize with others. If you want to learn the spirit of saving, you must suffer first.”

“If you can’t get through the suffering of your own love, how can you save the world?”

“The higan bana blooms for a thousand years and its leaves also wither for a thousand years. The two never see each other. Love is not a cause and effect, and fate is doomed to life and death. Our relationship in the last life has been a failure. Why should we continue to suffer?”

Ning Zhe couldn’t bear it and made a short sigh.

“The Buddhas once said: love is the same as doing things. There is no failure, but only giving up. The so-called suffering is what you ask for. If you are bold to pursue love, how can it be suffering?” Wang Bugui replied.

“But the Buddha has also said: stubbornness on love is the cause of distress. Only when you let go of it, can you be free and easy. If she and I can both let go of the love, we’ll both be easy and free, won’t we?”

Hearing that, Wang Bugui shook his head, saying, “If there is a fate, neither the time nor space will separate us. If there is no fate, even if you see each other every day, you can’t fall in love. And your meeting in this life has proved that there is a fate between you two.”

“The Buddha once said: to make a lot of fates is just not to hurt anyone. Do you still want to go against the Buddha’s words and hurt her?”

Those words had shaken Ning Zhe’s heart. For a time, he didn’t know what he should do to live up to the Buddhism.

After a while, he said again, “But I don’t know how to love. If I love her, I’m afraid I’ll lose my Buddhism. If I don’t love her, I’ll hurt her.”

Wang Bugui shook his head and said painstakingly, “You’ve been seeing pure things seriously so that you’ll be very painful! Did you feel happy to lose her for Buddhism in the last life? No, you even kill yourself for her in the end.”

“So this time, you should not let her down. As for whether you’ll lose the Buddhism or not, time and love will eventually give you the true answer. In this life, go bravely to the matter of love.”

“Only by facing reality can you transcend it! Love is the same.”

Hearing that, Ning Zhe made no response. He only put his eyes at Leng Yueyan beside him. But she only said coldly, “I won’t force you. I’m just waiting for your answer.”


Ning Zhe turned around and knelt down, asking to the sky, “Buddha, what should I do?!”

“The Buddha once said that there are eight hardships in life: birth, getting old, illness, death, love and leave, long grievance, inability to gain, and inability to let go. Your reincarnation in this life proves that you can’t let go of it.”

Wang Bugui, beside Ning Zhe, continued to use Ning Zhe’s familiar words of Buddhism to persuade him.

“But Buddhism and Taoism are not connected. Are our being together really right?” Ning Zhe turned back and asked.

“Why are Buddhism and Taoism not connected? In my point of view, Buddha is Taoism!” Wang Bugui clenched his fists.



As his voice just faded away, a thunder suddenly dropped down from the sky, hitting him by surprise.

But he didn’t complain at all, instead, he smiled, “Look, I blurt out the truth! That’s why the Taoism turned dissatisfied. Now you should know that there is no difference between Buddhism and Taoism, shouldn’t you?”

“There are three thousand different ways to Taoism, but the ultimate supreme way is always the one. So, just recognize that you have no reason to let Yueyan down.”

At this moment, in this scene, Ning Zhe’s heart was finally shaken completely. He set his sights on Leng Yueyan again, as if he had returned to the previous life.

He was Fan Kong, and she was Yu Zhu. But in a short while, he was back to reality; they were Ning Zhe and Leng Yueyan. After a reincarnation, the similar flowers bloomed again. But, they were not the same people.

“Please, give me a little more time to think about it.” Ning Zhe pleaded earnestly to Leng Yueyan.

When she heard that, she frowned slightly. She seemed impatient. But Wang Bugui stepped forward and stopped her, saying, “Give him a little time. Believe me, he’ll understand.”

“I hope so!” Leng Yueyan said angrily, gave a flick of her sleeve, and then turned away.

Wang Bugui glanced at Ning Zhe again, making a long sigh and saying, “Let me finally give you a Buddhist proverb. Face it with a smile and don’t complain.”

“Leisure, following heart, following nature and following fate. Only the time when the flower blooms after a hundred years is destined to change a life.”

Finishing speaking, he turned and left with everyone. The rest of the time was left to Ning Zhe to continue to think hard at the cliff.