Blind Prince Meets His Pretty Princess


Returning to the Fourth Prince Palace, Xiao Sui rushed into the kitchen with a pale face. As expected, the cook was still the best. She left a plate of braised chicken wings for him. Xin Fu gnawed on his chicken wings and paid his respects to Shi Jinchen and his family once again in his heart. If we fail to win her heart, then we will instead be misunderstood, and let us mourn for His Highness Fourth Prince for a second.

Xiao Sui came out of the kitchen with satisfaction, "Eh? It's still fine in the morning, why does the weather change so easily? " The dark clouds pressed down on the sky, making it seem as if they were going to fall down at any moment. The wind brought moisture with it, "Oh no! My clothes are still hanging out there!" He hurriedly ran to retrieve his clothes. Luckily, if he was to get wet, he would have to run around naked for the next few days.

He raised his head to look at the dark and gloomy sky and felt that the dark clouds seemed to bring with it the aura of a storm about to come. There were maids constantly walking back and forth in the Fourth Prince Palace, adding a sense of nervousness to the calm and tranquil weather.

He had too many questions in his heart, so he took advantage of this thunderstorm night, perhaps he could ask Yue Hua. After lurking for so many days, Xiao Yue had a feeling that it was time to have a good talk with her about the Fourth Prince, and more.

Because of the thunderstorm, the sky had darkened early, and the manor was already lit. After waiting for Shi Jinchen to fall asleep, Xiao Sui was about to return to his room to rest. Little did she know that someone familiar was waiting for her in the room.

"Wuwuwu ~ ~" Just as Xiao Sui was about to close the door, a large hand stopped him from turning around.

"Shh, it's me, Xiao Yue, don't be scared."

Who are you?" "Who is Xiao Yue, I beg of you, please have a debt with me, I did not commit murder or arson in my life, and you can tell from my maid attire that I am as poor as a pauper, please do not kill me, wuu." The little tassel was scared to the point of tears.

"You, you're crying?" This was the second time he had seen Yue Hua crying ever since he was young. The last time, Yue Hua had secretly raised a kitten and her master found out about it, Master said that the killer's greatest taboo was to pity these weak creatures, and then, he threw the kitten to death right in front of Xiao Yue.

That was the last time Yue Hua cried. After that, it was as if she had put on a mask; one could no longer tell whether she was happy or angry. And now, under his palms, Xiao Yue was actually crying!

He was shocked but also concerned, he did not understand why Xiao Yue was crying, could it be that she was injured?

Gently releasing her hand, the girl in front of him started crying happily, her tears running down her face, "Go away, go away, please, please don't kill me, wuu. I'm not only ugly, but I can also eat. Let me go if you don't want to eat until you're poor!

"Pfft, Xiao Yue, do you know who I am?" Even someone as cold and indifferent as Jian Qiuying couldn't help but laugh after hearing such a tearful complaint.

His gaze was cold and sharp, and his eyebrows curved in a mess. Different from the handsome and evil place he was in, his face was cold and masculine. Even though he was wearing a set of black clothes, it was not difficult to see that he was a practitioner who had been practicing martial arts for many years.

"You, who are you?" The handsome guy in front of him was indeed pleasing to the eye, but even Xiao Sui were racking their brains but they still could not remember who he was. Xiao Sui asked while carefully moving toward the door.

However, because of the shock, Jian Qiuying did not notice his actions, "Yuehua, what happened? Ever since you failed the last mission, you have become a completely different person. "

"You said that I've changed. Could it be that you know the previous me?" The Xiao Sui seemed to be dealing with it on the surface, although he was indeed a little curious in his heart.

"Of course I know you. Yuehua, there's only the two of us here, can you stop pretending?" There was a trace of warmth in the cold eyes of the Jian Qiuying, causing the Xiao Sui to sway a little.

"So you're the one who's been watching me from the shadows for the past few days?" Thus, his intuition was not wrong.

"Yes, after you failed that mission, your whereabouts have always been unknown." Jian Qiuying said.

Quest? What quest? Why did I not have any impression of it? Although this was what Xiao Sui was thinking, on the surface, it was not obvious. She wiped her tears away, and looked at Jian Qiuying with a pair of eyes that were swollen like walnuts.

"My master and I were very worried about you, so we asked me to come and find you on purpose. I was afraid that I might ruin your plan, so I didn't show up."

"Plan, what plan?" Xiao Sui looked dazed.

"Yuehua, this isn't like you. What's wrong with you?" The Jian Qiuying hesitated.

"I am me, it has always been like this. I am the Xiao Sui, not that whatever moonlight!" Then, without waiting for Jian Qiuying's reaction, he opened the door behind him and started shouting.

"Murder! Fire! Help!" For a moment, the entire Fourth Prince Palace was in a mess, and even the Shi Jinchen s had run out in disarray.

Very quickly, the trained soldiers surrounded Xiao Sui's house.

"Xiao Sui? where is your Xiao Sui? " On the other hand, Fourth Prince was burning with anxiety. That girl only had a little bit of kung fu, if she was caught … He didn't dare to think about it anymore. Fortunately, he finally saw the Xiao Sui that was running randomly in the crowd.

He pulled the restless woman away, and only regained some of her consciousness after she was reported by the Shi Jinchen. After confirming that the girl in his embrace was unharmed, Shi Jinchen finally calmed down.

"Don't run around here, I'm going to meet that little thief." As he spoke, he drew out the soft whip from his waist and moved to meet the whip.

This black-clothed man had guts to actually dare to take note of his own person, to not give him the chance to see, did he really think that the Fourth Prince Palace could come as he pleased, and leave as he pleased?

"Speaking of which, that black-clothed man didn't hurt me, he only scared me a little. Furthermore, he doesn't look like a bad guy at all, isn't this too much for him?"

For a moment, the sound of thunder and rain filled the air. In the midst of the thunder and lightning, only the blurry shadows of the two people on the roof could be seen.

"Damn it, let him escape." Shi Jinchen jumped down the roof unwillingly. However, the Xiao Sui not far away was unexpectedly quiet.

"What's the matter with you?" Shi Jinchen looked nervously at the Xiao Sui. In the pouring rain, Xiao Sui stared straight at the soft whip in Shi Jinchen's hands that was stained with blood, his gaze unfocused. Then, under the shocked and furious shouts of the Shi Jinchen, he fainted on the ground.